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Crashes When I Save, Help ME Before I Go Loco!


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Hi there, new to forum due to my problem, seems someone here might be able to help.


Okay, let me break it down for you


Have been playing the game for about a week now on and off, maybe 10hours or so into it and have 15 guys of which about 8 I love to pieces and don't want dead. Just a game sure, but it wouldn't be the same if Malc and Brian bit the big one.


So the problem. Up to this point everything was running smooth but now when I go to save the game a window appears with the following message


ver: UFO:AM RELEASE 1.4 file:C:\workdir2\UFO\UFO\SaveInfoList.cpp line:272 Unable to create save description for: Profiles/Default/Saves/strat_00000000.vfs


you click ok and the game shuts down and I am staring at Windows trying not to get angry.


Specs - I am running an up to date Nvidia Geoforce 128mb graphics card, 2ghz processor, cpu has 512mb ram, more storage space than a warehouse and all the other jazz, there is no performance related problem here I doubt.

The version I have of the game I believe is up to date as before finding this forum I found a site with the fix patches on. I downloaded patch 1.4 which included 1.2 and 1.3 in it, when I tried installing it a window came up saying these patches were already installed, so they must have come on the game discs I have.


Other info - I did use the hireunit cheat to get full squad asap, my excuse being I don't have a lot of time to play games so wanted to get into it quick without ruining the experience too much. Wanted to do all the base capturing and research stuff off my own back.

So, hireunit cheat was used.

Upon finding the problem the first thing I did was make a copy of the profile folder (with save games in) and put it in a seperate folder. Uninstalled, re-installed, transfered save games and started it up. Game loaded back to my last save point no problem, but when I tried to save the same window error popped up.

Uninstalled, re-installed, removed all my save game details and started a brand new game. Immediately tried to save, .......Noooooooooooo, same problem again.


This is slowly eating away at my soul as this is the closest experience I have come to playing a similar game to UFO Enemy Unknown and I really want it fixed.


So, anyone out there know how I can fix this problem?


Hope someone can help, but if not then I will have to get a new copy or something.

Could someone tell me if the rumours about re-starting your game but with your old crew with their experience is true, because if so I could always start the game again with my soldiers who I have become attached to, not the best solution but it is a solution none the less.


Apologies if anything I have asked can be found on this forum, but I have been on here 2 hours now reading all sorts and I thought it would be a hell of a lot easier if I just asked my questions.


Thanks to anyone who reads, and anyone who manages to help me will be added to my will ;o)



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With a little luck you can add me to your will soon :blush:


There are strat_0000000x.vfs files in your savegame folder (x being a number). Delete it for the savegame that doesn't work, and see if it helps. Make sure you have a backup of the file though.

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With a little luck you can add me to your will soon :blush:


There are strat_0000000x.vfs files in your savegame folder (x being a number). Delete it for the savegame that doesn't work, and see if it helps. Make sure you have a backup of the file though.



Thanks Slaughter, the ink is ready to pen the will but can you clear something up first. My save folder has more than one strat_0000000 file


"Saves" folder contains strat_0000000.vfs





tigrepojke.desc (presume part of my saved game)

tigrepojke.vfs (presume part of my saved game)


Do I just delete one of the strat_0 files and then the game should hopefully work?

Or do I need to replace/rename one of the strat_0 files?


Thanks for initial quick response, hope you can clarify just as quickly


Kind rgds



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I need to check with my own version of Aftermath. I'll take a look after work today. But as long as you have backups, try deleting all the strat files.



The one word to sum you up Slaughter is,.............GENIUS


Backed up my saves, deleted strat files, job done. My soldiers are once again running around like little happy campers and I don't need to worry about losing any progress through save crashes.


Their capacity levels are sweet now and I can load them out with a one shot missile, a long distant automatic or sniper and a high powered shotty for those base missions. Belt full of nades as well. Groovy!


Of course now I save fast and frequent, one save for the globe and one for the tactical missions. Still tense up as soon as I press the save button though expecting a crash, but no trouble yet.


Thanks Slaughter, you resurrected my alien destruction experience. The ink is still drying on my will buddy.



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