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How do I decompress .Res files?


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Not being able to read Russian; I didn't know that there was a res extractor- if you can get it working please share. I have been loading up textures in the SS editor and then doing a windows screen to clipboard and then pasting it in Photoshop and editing it to the right size... Having all that stuff unpacked would be a huge time saver.

Good luck, sorry I can't be of any help.


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If I don't remember wrong it works like drag'n'drop .RES-files to extracter-file. It extract lots of MMP-files to that folder (but not all... I have had some error messages).


And same with MMP->TGA, 1-20 MMP-files at time (my cpu goes mad if I try more than that). k

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where did you guys get the .res extractor? It's not on the file section here. (are you there slaughter?)- Having the MMP2TGA File Converter v1.2 hosted here too would not be a bad idea either-




Ok- got the res extractor and extracted the textures no problem.


about how the res extractor works; open up a command window (run:cmd) and put the rextract.exe in the ss/res directory... in the cmd window go to the res directory and just type 'rextract FILE_TO_EXSTRACT.res'. It puts them all right in that directory so I'd move them and keep that dir clean...

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So... to those of you who are extracting textures already: I'm confused about what the numbering system that is used for these files, are they absolute database entry numbers or something- because I can't find a correlation between texture Ids and the # the files use


Any guidance?


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Hey you guys NEED to check out 16786449 ->16786449 from the texture res(from SSS)--- I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it looks like a lot more sci-fi elements were going to be in SS/SSS take a look
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where did you guys get the .res extractor? It’s not on the file section here. (are you there slaughter?)-  Having the MMP2TGA File Converter v1.2 hosted here too would not be a bad idea either-




Ok- got the res extractor and extracted the textures no problem.


about how the res extractor works; open up a command window (run:cmd) and put the rextract.exe in the ss/res directory… in the cmd window go to the res directory and just type ‘rextract FILE_TO_EXSTRACT.res’. It puts them all right in that directory so I’d move them and keep that dir clean…

Well, do we have it hosted here? Where is it if so? And where do I get it if not? :P

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Hey you guys NEED to check out 16786449 ->16786449 from the texture res(from SSS)--- I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it looks like a lot more sci-fi elements were going to be in SS/SSS take a look

I'm not sure what you mean but when I checked TGAs (5months ago) I found a ALIEN texture... it was red and looked pretty much like a X-COM style alien.


I just wonder what was NIVAL-ss-crew plan to that texture: Are they actually planning and making (right now) some kind of Silent Space Storm game? I sure hope so. Future objects/mobs would be great (I have became pretty bored to those WW2 stuffs). Or maybe it was just a one man 'test-texture' (or is there a model and animations to it? :P ). k


@Slaughter: I think you got it. :D

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yes- I was looking around and found both a green and red alien texture, pretty weird. There are lots of sci-fi textures in that res- I'm not sure if there are models that go with them or not, but some of them 16786382, for example, actually fit other models in the game- that one is a more hi-tek looking switch. Some of the unused textures are very nice and I plan to find uses for them in my mod-


maybe those alien textures were going to be used in the UFO/PK encounter from the first SS? If I had maya I'd go un-pack the model's res and see if they made them- The textures defiantly being u/v maps it seems very likely that there are models that go with them.


@Slaughter: maybe it is here somewhere, but not in the ss or sss tools or mod file areas. I got mine from the link that duanem gave.




(any one know how the res file's numbering is organized? I realize that many of the IDs do correspond to the file names, but there is a large number of files that do not correspond to IDs and vice versa. there is also the large number of 16000000 files and there are no IDs that high.

edit:Ok- so for the files that are over 16000000 you need to subtract 16777216, this works for most of them, there are still some images that I can't find however: like the body for a terror elite, and some others.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
any one know how the res file's numbering is organized?

About Textures.res. Some textures (8888 and ather format) has ONE file. Some (dxt) - TWO.

First file = ID of texture (used for low resolution) , second = ID+0x1000000 (used for high resolution). In second case you can convert with MMP2TGA second file only.

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  • 2 months later...

So, I'm a little confused here. I ran the reXtract.exe on the textures.res file in the ss/res folder from the cmd line. But the files that it spewed out had no *.mmp extensions, and I can't view them. Is there something I'm missing.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 years later...
Okay, hopefully someone is around who can help me out here. I have been trying to get these textures extracted for a while now, but I have had no luck. I've followed the instructions in this thread to the best of my ability, but I still don't seem to have any textures to show for it. I've tried both dragging and dropping as described, and I've tried using the command line method. The former does something, listing off file names in a command window, but when it closes, there are no textures in the res directory, or anywhere else I can find. The command line didn't seem to do much. It gave me some info about the res extractor, then said Usage: reXtract Resfilename [wildcard]. Can anyone give me a hand?
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I tried dragging the .res files into the .exe, and that didn't seem to work for me. The other way did however. Here's what you do:


- Extract reXtract.exe in the Silent Storm res folder

- Open Command (Start->Run... cmd in Windows XP)

- Navigate to your Silent Storm res folder (in my case; e:, cd games, cd silent storm, cd res)

- To extract the contents of Buildings.res, type "reXtract.exe Buildings.res" (without the ")


With that command, the tool will extract all the files inside that res file. They are named 999 etc. with no surname. Hope that helps.

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MMP2TGA v1.2

Usage: mmp2tga texture.mmp -r filename.tga


mmp2tga texture1.mmp texture2.mmp ...



-r - rename a file, cannot be used with multiple files

-v - version

Use the command above in COMMAND. Isn't it working?

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Okay, I've had time to test this now, and it is not working for me after all. If I enter the texture name 2542.mmp, then the command line tells me it is unable to open the file. If I rename the file into an mmp (as all the numbered files generated by the resextractor are just "file" designated), or if I just call the number itself without the .mmp suffix, the command line gets stuck in an endless loop telling me it is truncated. I've tried it with a dozen different textures, no luck on any of them. Did the resextractor spit out the right kinds of files? Am I doing something wrong here?


:EDIT: I've also got another question, and I'm hoping that you might be able to help me, Slaughter. You seem to know where a lot of info is around here. Have you come across any tutorials about modding the actual campaign of the game? It seems to me that the easiest way to create my own campaign would be to simply alter the vanilla maps and their mixes of enemies and scripts. I've just started poking around with this, but the campaign structure is much less intuitive than other games I've worked on. I've searched these forums, and I've found some information about creating custom maps, but none about actually creating campaigns. Any info you could point me to would be quite helpful.


:EDIT: And a third question, is there any way to modify the portraits of your mercs? I'd like to replace them with scans of the JOEs from the comics.

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1: I tried playing a little with the tools, but didn't get any longer than you did. I suggest you PM Novik (creator of the extraction tool and Hammer & Sickle) or one of the modders in this topic (like KoMik).


2: KoMik is the only modder that's gone far in this that I know (along with vs322), so I suggest PMing one of them to ask (see KoMik's mod here).


3: Sorry, I'm no modder, so again KoMik or Novik is your best bet.

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