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sgt caedes

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Ok, so sue me. I did some testing to see if encumbrance-modified TU is the number used for determining if a weapon can be fired. In short, it is not. The game uses the soldier's original (unmodified) TU to determine shot feasibility.


I modified a soldier to have 1 TU, and then sent him on a mission carrying a loaded Heavy Plasma. Can you say infinite shots? Well, 35 shots per round anyhow. Only problem was I wanted to reload the weapon after he used up all his shots. Nope. With only one TU to spend, he didn't have enough to reload it (which always takes a constant 15 TU).


Ha! I'll fix that. (Here Mr. Soji, take this Laser Rifle with unlimited ammo). He pretty much leveled the battlescape completely in one round. Unfortunately, since he only had 1 TU, he was unable to move anywhere to shoot at different areas/aliens. Bummer.


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Isnt it possible to move him around using another soldier to stun him, pick him up and revive him somewhere else?

It sure is possible to stun the soldier and revive him, but then what? How do you get the Laser Rifle back into his hands?


See, even if you placed a Laser Rifle on top of that soldier's body and revived him, the weapon would remain on the ground. Since he only has 1 TU, he can't pick it up. Nice thought though. ;)

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How about 4 TUs and use the laser pistol's snapshot (20%)?


4 * 0.2 = 0.8


You'd be able to turn on some turns and move on others, but you'd be able to move. Oh, right, you can only move into tiles that cost 4 TUs, so it might cause some problems for slopes and any terrain (like grass and flowers) that add to the move cost - unless you get someone to blow the obstacles away.


The pistol is even less at 18%, but it needs ammo. Hmm. What can you do with a soldier given a max of 8 TUs? The 8 TU would be used to pick up a weapon that was reloaded by someone else - but I don't think you'd be able to get any infinite attacks out of 8 TUs.



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How about 4 TUs and use the laser pistol's snapshot (20%)?


4 * 0.2 = 0.8


You'd be able to turn on some turns and move on others, but you'd be able to move. Oh, right, you can only move into tiles that cost 4 TUs, so it might cause some problems for slopes and any terrain (like grass and flowers) that add to the move cost - unless you get someone to blow the obstacles away.

If your soldier were wearing a Flying Suit, all forward and backward (or L/R) movements would simply be 4 TU and diagonals 6. Soldiers on a craft start out on Level 1, so they are considered "flying" when they step off the craft. If your soldier only had 4 TU but wasn't wearing a Flying Suit, he wouldn't be able to step on to (or off of) the landing ramp since that movement takes more than 4. (I was going to mention using the soldier with the laser pistol to blast away tiles which require more TU to traverse, but if he couldn't get off the ramp anyway then what's the sense)? ;)


The pistol is even less at 18%, but it needs ammo. Hmm. What can you do with a soldier given a max of 8 TUs? The 8 TU would be used to pick up a weapon that was reloaded by someone else - but I don't think you'd be able to get any infinite attacks out of 8 TUs.

Nope, no infinate attacks with the regular pistol and 8 TU. 5 would work though. :)

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Speaking of moving, that's another unit stat for me to look up. Each tile has a movement cost, but it has a different cost for units which slide... (Snakemen, for eg).


I wonder if it's a boolean value that controls that. If not, who knows? You may be able to create a unit with an undefined movement mode, and then... Well, I'm just making theories based on theories now. ;)

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Flying armour is 8 TUs to go up or down one level, standard 4 TUs per square when flying or 6 TUs if you move diagonally, exactly as if you were walking on clear ground.

Gravlifts are also 8 TUs per level, I believe.

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