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I -think- the timeline you've got up here was written mostly, or at least in part, by a fellow generally known as, 'Shaun Green', but I suspect that this is a pseudonym, since it may be taken to imply that he is a little green man.


Just a heads up if you're ever going to attach a 'who did what' section. :huh:

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Got it off Pete, who took the first and second Alien War sections from the Interceptor manual (written by Dave Ellis) and wrote bits three and four himself.

Is Pete Shaun Green? Is Dave Ellis Pete? Is Shaun Green Pete? Is Pete green?

I think we should be told.

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Thanks for the plug for the Aftermath/Aftershock fanfic :huh: I'd better hurry up and finish the Aftermath fanfic FAQ now.


Something I would like to see added to your FAQ is some information on Enforcer and the unfinished games. The limited information about Alliance offers a lot of fanfic potential, especially since they recycled a lot of the art work to get Enforcer out so quickly.

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What you have up,






The 509th Bomb Group regiment of the Army Air Corps were the first to officially report the crash of a "flying disk" in the desert near Roswell, deep within New Mexico. The original report explained that of the three occupants of what was termed a "UFO" (Unidentified Flying Object), one had survived the crash. Two had died. Before daybreak, however, government agencies had rapidly acted to retract this version of events, instead claiming that the "UFO" was in fact a weather balloon.




What's in the game insert, (not the manual,)






Army Air Corps personnel from the 509th Bomb Group report the crash of a "flying disk" in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. Some reports claim that there were two objects, and that one actually housed three alien beings; two dead and one alive. Before the end of the day, Army Air Corps officials retract the story, claiming that the object that crashed was actually a weather balloon. The existance of alien beings is categorically denied.


All of the "weather balloon" debris and other phyiscal evidence of the "Roswell Incident" are quickly whisked away to Wright Airfield in Ohio.




Phew. I hate data entry. :huh:


I've gotten in touch with the guy I think is the author and explained that there's been a bit of a mixup, asking him to come along and have his say, if he has anything to say. (Plus I could be wrong!)

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I think Enforcer can be fitted in the X-Com timeline as something like the following:


During the First Alien War, reports emerged of a lone vigilante called the Enforcer who fought the aliens on several occasions. Eyewitness reports indicated that he possessed superhuman stregnth and reaction time, and some people even claimed that he was an android created by a maverick scientist who wanted to do his bit during the war. X-Com and government investigators regarded such claims as dubious largely because the witnesses were already in shock at the sight of alien monsters and so they could not be regarded as reliable witnesses.


The urban legends surrounding the Enforcer refused to die away, and the matter reached the attention of the mainstream news media in 2079 when a popular conspiracy theory author claimed that Cyberweb had tracked down the descendents of the scientist and brought the rights to all his research in order to create the androids that have become a part of everyday life in MegaPrimus.

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Hello folks,


I'm Shaun Green and I did indeed hammer out the words comprising the X-Com timeline that has been up on Pete's site for umpteen years. It's kinda funny, because as I recall he did ask me if he could use it, but never put my name to it. No grudges, because Pete's done loads for the online X-Com community which I used to be quite involved in. :P


Most of the timeline was adapted directly from the booklet originally packaged with X-COM Interceptor, and that, I think, was written by Dave Ellis. The reason for essentially rewording something was that I wished to extend it to include X-COM: Apocalypse, and also to make passing reference to various other events with X-COM canon (I may have also alluded to various 'famous' fanfics, but I don't recall). I didn't want to just write a few paragraphs to tack onto the end of Ellis' work, so I reworded it all (you can see the discrepancies even so; I wrote a lot of gung-ho mil-SF at the time, and the melodrama just shines through in the section on Apoc). Also, I *was* going to use the timeline on my own X-COM website, which was to appear on ClassicGaming, but the day before it was to go live, the news about X-COM: Genesis came through, and I just lost all heart (bearing in mind that Alliance was being delayed... and delayed... and delayed...).


Sorry to ramble. Yes, I technically wrote that timeline, along with a whole bunch of other X-COM fan fiction. I'm not sure if that's online any more, bar a few stories on my own website.


Oh, and most importantly - it's cool that people are writing about X-Com again! Excellent, well done to you all! :huh:

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Then I'd like to thank you for writing it Shaun! I'll edit my news post to credit both yourself, Dave and FullAuto for putting the FAQ together. As for your fan-fiction, if it isn't online and you have it lying around, why don't you post it here? Thus FullAuto can look through it and add possibly add it to the upcoming fan-fiction section of the site.


And if you'd like to start writing some fiction again, that is always welcome :huh:

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Yes, I technically wrote that timeline, along with a whole bunch of other X-COM fan fiction.  I'm not sure if that's online any more, bar a few stories on my own website.


Oh, and most importantly - it's cool that people are writing about X-Com again!  Excellent, well done to you all!  :huh:


Your fanfics are still online at fanfiction.net as well :P

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Hello Hobbes! Long time no, uh, type? Are you still writing X-Com FF then? If so, nice one! I think FanFiction.net still has a lot of my old fics, come to think of it.


Cheers to everyone else for the thanks / credit, much appreciated! As to writing X-Com fanfic again... well, maybe some short pieces. I could do with the writing exercise!

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Oh, and I forgot to add - sure, you guys can stick my old fics up if you would like! Give me an email address, and I'll pass on some correctly formatted copies. :huh:
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Hello Hobbes!  Long time no, uh, type?  Are you still writing X-Com FF then?


At the moment I've nearly stopped writing X-Com FF although i still write a thing or two on occasion. I've gotten myself completely hooked in designing maps and playing UFO2000....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd just like to apologise for completely forgetting that Shaun rewrote vast chunks of the timeline... Sorry!


I think I was remembering back to an eariler version that I had up when X-COM.co.uk first opened on some crappy webspace on Lycos' Tripod free webspace ;)


Anyway, yes, it's Shaun's and I don't know how I forgot that :(


Thanks very much Shaun and I look forward to reading your fics :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Pete!


I'm going to email myself a reminder (from work) to edit and format my old X-COM fics and send them to the appropriate folks tonight. It would be nice to see them get a new lease on life, haha!


I'm also quite possibly going to write at least a few short pieces as writing exercises, so will send them over as well.


Incidentally, because I'm very out of the loop - would someone explain Aftermath and Aftershock to me? Are they within the same universe? Or are they new takes on the basic concept by other people, after Hasbro raped the brand and drove it into the ground?


Incidentally, does the timeline appear elsewhere on this (or other) sites? A co-worker and I were chatting about X-COM (I work in games testing) and he is curious! I've sent him the forum link, but was wondering if it was elsewhere as well.


Bye for now!



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The timeline will be making a reappearance on this site at some point (when I get a minute otr three :)). I don't think I've seen it elsewhere, but XCOMMAND (https://dynamic.gamespy.com/~xcom/ghistory.shtml) do have the Interceptor storyline along with all the news briefings from it. The "Ranger 3" probe headlines were supposed to link in directly with X-COM Alliance, as it was the missing ship and crew that created the Ion Trail.


Aftermath and Aftershock are completely separate, but follow a similar theme - alien invasion. Aftermath is set on Eareth after mysterious alien spores almost wipe out humanity and you have to do the usual research and reconnaissance to find out what the aliens are up to. Afterschok follows ONE of the endings to the game, whereby you agree to the alien's offer (not going to spoil it any further ;)) and then, presumably (and to cut a long story short) head back down to Earth from the alien space station and kick some more arse.

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Be happy to have your fics, scg, thanks!

Aftermath and Aftershock officially have nothing to do with X-Com but the theme is generally very similar. So yes, a new take on the same theme.

As for the timeline, I'm not aware of it being up anywhere else (it used to be up on the front page of X-Com.co.uk I think, you might still be able to see it (using archive.org maybe?) but I don't think it's anywhere else on the net.

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