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AIEEE! The dead walk!


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Another up-coming game that looks rather good is Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse where you play a zombie and, of course, have to go around eating people's brains (who become zombies in turn). You can possess enemies, rip your own arm off and send it scurrying around, climbing ventilation ducts etc. It sounds like a real break from the norm and it's being created by Bungie founder Alex Saropian, who jumped ship, so it'll run on a modified and updated Halo engine with similar controls and improved AI.

This could be very special. Human vs zombie multiplayer deathmatches, anyone?

Coming to PC & XBox this year.

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Looks cool, i already start to like it! :D

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Just keep your eye open for a fat slob and a gormless lokking blond bloke with red on him, specially if they're armed with a cricket bat and spade!


And for god's sake, if you hear the opening bar to a queen song, RUN!

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Rune comes to mind right away. I'll never forget the time I chopped my friend's arm off in deathmatch mode, threw my weapon away in order to grab the limb, then chased him down and bashed him to death with it.


Just so long as there are shotguns. Nothing beats shooting zombies in the head.

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Rune comes to mind right away. I'll never forget the time I chopped my friend's arm off in deathmatch mode, threw my weapon away in order to grab the limb, then chased him down and bashed him to death with it.


Just so long as there are shotguns. Nothing beats shooting zombies in the head.

Rune :D. One of the best multiplayer games ever made!

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Ah, shotguns. Nothing says extreme violence quite like a blast to the head. The multiplayer should be good, and I can't imagine they'd miss the obvious benefits of making it human vs zombie instead of zombie vs zombie.
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