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All right... uhm... :D


Here is my project of X-COM play by WWW + turn based tactical mission. Massive Multiplayer of course. Two (or more) races of course. Well.. what to say more...

If anyone could help with some items graphics i'd be greatefull!


All code is php+JS+mySQL.


Cya soon, when I'll release beta wersion ! :)




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I know, you probably dont give a shit :D (thinking 'another excited idiot who will finish his project in the middle of nothing') but.... I have finished equiping agents (establishing bases and facilities and shops are also already done). Probably next thing is a TACTICAL MISSION :) (yet without any vehicles). Cy'a soon in a few days.
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There was another Xcom-inspired game some years ago with the same title: Conquest Earth I had it once, but it was too much for my PC back then, even with the lowest setting. And when i had a new PC i had simply forgotten the title. But seeing that review now (link above) i guess i can be happy. Albeit i have a vague good memory of the interface....
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I think it was really bad, i haven't seen that game anymore since then. Neither online or in any budget-bins or elsewhere! Then again, i remember playing some hours with it and having a good time... But maybe time heals all wounds, as they say :lol: :lol:
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Slaughter: If making new post gives me some graphics.gif, I will be glad :D

I'll make "Account Creaton" available soon, so you all can see the base managment system, but tactical part of the game is still under early development stage.

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You say you've already done the base and equip screens etc? We need all that sort of stuff for our project and we already have a working battlefield simulator... If you want to get together it would make it easier on both our projects or maybe we could do a straight swap if that floats your boat... Projects do tend to sink before they swim here so I'd think about it if I were you :D


Good luck! TJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... I do all my job with php/html/JS/mySQL. so as you see it's a WWW based game. I suck at C++ and VB (I did some, but it was a long time ago during my studies). Unfortunately I can't program with anything else then what I mentioned above :P


I want to make a game, everyone can play. at work, at chool, at any place where you cant install the game.


But if I could use anybody's graphics (and i'll give mine after I release beta1 finished) I'd be glad!.


I had some break (stupid hollydays) and now I'm getting my first job, so my free time decreases drasticly. But until something bad happens i wount sink my project.

Just a few moments ago I had finished preparation to tactical mission (choosing agents, sending them to a place etc...) and right now I'm at the stage of actual tactical mission (I have already done 'fog of war', 'wieving angle' algoritms and some other bases. Now I just have to make a nice interface, maps and 1001 other things :huh:


C'ya soon!

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