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USOs hover over North Pole


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Have had huge problems with my game of TFTD, North Atlantic has been scoring 6000 a month for the aliens and I think I've just discovered why.


Built my Transmission Resolver there and found 8 Supply Ships just hovering at the north pole, is there any way to get rid of them?


Have tried sending a ship to see if they react to being chased by a Barracuda, but nothing.


Many thanks,



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I think your best solution is to just shoot them down. I'm surprised the game hasn't crashed after all this time. I had a similar case in UFO, but it involved two battleships hovering over Indonesia, and they aren't easily shot down, and by the end of the month, it kept crashing the game.



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I'm fairly sure they only react on the harder game settings when you send ships in as bait... of course, I may have just been experiencing a USO random change of direction and they may not have been intentionally coming after ma at all :huh:
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  • 1 year later...

Same problem here. It began a few months ago when sub #38 (large) began hovering the pole. It hasn't moved since and in the meantime was joined by three additional subs, all same classification. Couldn't do anything about it, since I neither had the craft capable but most of all due to the land underneath which didn't allow an attack. I was doing pretty well in my game till about two months ago but then their hovering began taking a toll on my scoring. Thus I've had two 'terrible' ratings in a row although I had made good efforts to counter the aliens, aka destroying one of their colonies, fighting terror sites, boarding several of their subs etc. Thankfully game termination could be avoided due to switching a file provided in another thread (alien.dat) but it's become so bad that the aliens got some 1k points in a mere four days leading up to the monthly score.


Ofcourse I could switch the file every closing month but that would sadly falsify the game, render the graphs useless and basically wreck all efforts of the aliens, thus taking some of the fun/challenge out of the game. Deleting the subs would be good if possible (but they'll might send new ones on the same mission and run into the bug again), a fix would ofcourse be perfect (doesn't seem to complicated since something is blocking them exactly at the pole) but as a comprimise I'd prefer to see those subs set 'free' somehow aka have them moved somewhere else, from where they can continue their mission. Possible?

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