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quick editing question.


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i was just wondering exactly how moddable s2 is now that people have gotten a look at the editor. more specifically im wondering if its so open ended that new features could possibly be scripted into the game (if it does use a scripting language like C)?

i would like to see things like an overworld real time clock implimented so that players can keep track of their campaign length as so they can plot whether or not to land in a mission during the day or night.

i would aslo like to see some tweeks to the interface in certain regards, such as stackable inventory (at least for things like ammo and equipment if not guns), more limited carrying capacity for soldiers, and maybe a a button like 'transfer all' so that base inventory managment isnt such a drag and drop chore. also, like someone else mentioned, make it so that ammo automatically either unloads or reloads when a weapon is dropped into the safe.

there are other tweeks i can think of off hand but basically im pretty sure they all require actually scripting new functionality into the game and not just changing some variables around in the editor.

well, hopefully im right in my assumption that the game is scripted and not hard coded or locked up so we could see some even more amazing things out of this fine product on some experienced scriptors take notice.

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Scripting, from what I can see, is definitely do-able (as long as you know Lua, that is). There's a scripts folder in the game folder, where you can define functions, etc, and there's also a scripts table in the database where you can name the scripts and whatnot. I'm guessing you can define new scripts and functions, and get the game to call them when needed. Though I don't know Lua, so I'm not entirely certain how to do so. :(
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