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:confused: The only reason why I name my soldiers is to keep tabs on them. Example: If you are trying to train up certain men, call them names like "Marine 1" or something along those lines, so when you are in battle you can get that soldier and know that he/she is the one you want. I also include the ranks, but I have no idea why I have done that. Once that soldier is completely trained up, then you could call it a person's name (My girlfriend is currently my best soldier! :devil: )
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I don't know... I actually like my Japanese-Jamaicans, Latino-Germans and other mixed races quite a lot thank you very much. :confused:


Actually, you just kind of get attached to them.


Of course, a surname change is quite useful should you have a pair or more soldiers with the exact same names.


Oh, and problem soldiers that I don't want to get rid of get 'marked', so that I know who not to bring on ethereal missions, or who to arm with standard pistols should the ethereals attack.


I also quite like the XComutil autonaming thingy that puts stat markers on the end of your soldier's name. Great reference for when you're arming soldiers.



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I find naming to be a kind of unoffical promotion from me.


When someone does pretty good in battle, and seems to be on their way to superstardom, unless they have a particually catchy name, they cop a name which is either me, a freind or family member, or someone from the forum. Currently my top soldier is unchanged, but my second top is called Tammy :confused: . I normally don't reload, but when Tammy ate some heavy plasma I just couldn't finish the mission.

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I would name mine but sometimes they die too quickly and by the time I have named them all I have to order another platoon because they have all died, but I have only named one in apoc and that was after me and I was a commander because I used the midnight editor to get the rank and all the medals!!!!!!
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Three years back i made a list of names # 000 to 999. I take 3 ten sided dice and everytime i get new rookies i just begin rolling the dice and walla unbiasely named troops. (I sometimes leave a computer generated in there and on a rare occasion {1 out of 30} ill name a solder after someone who i would like to see "rush the ship" :devil: )

(for thoes untimely deaths i name a new rookie eather "Robo ....." or "The Real ....."

-PSY GUY- :confused:

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I rename some of my soldier (the commander for example)..


But I usually ad several letter in their name for indicate me theyr speciality when i equiped them...


Snp: Sniper

Psy :

Run : Runner (scout)

pan : Panic (mean that he go crazy too often)


and so on...


Umbriel the small veteran

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I occasionally name my soldiers, but for the most part I leave their names alone. More often than not, the only naming I do is to give a soldier a nickname. For example, in TFTD, I had a superstar soldier named Nikolai Bakeovitch. After he single handedly killed two Displacer Sonics and wounded 3 X-Com soldiers with his sonic cannon (due to missed shots) I renamed him to Nikolai "Half-Baked." :confused:


I also use the specialization tags. Mine are:


SN = Sniper

S = Scout

T = Trooper

M = Medic

HW = Heavy Weapons

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I also use the specialization tags. Mine are:


SN = Sniper

S = Scout

T = Trooper

M = Medic

HW = Heavy Weapons




i tend to do that too... although not those tags. i generally not any outstanding stats, eg: hv if their strength is enough to carry a heavy weap, or psi if they are good psionics. however... i tend to use a scale also, like hv+ means a really strong unit, and psi- means a weakminded psi puppet.

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Nowadays I tend to let them keep their names except for those memorable warriors that

really deserve a codename. They'd deserve it even more if I could come up with new

ones though...today I come up with names of some I've met on a different XCOM Apocalypse

board, Yura Nuclearbong, Buggerlugs and some other random names. Before I came up

with some really corny nicknames: Agent Orange, Silver Chain, Reeno, Omae O Korosu (japanese

I think for "I'm going to kill you") and some other I don't remember...


The one game I actually won I split my teams up into annonymous team members.

I had squads Zero, Echo, Chaos and Delta teams, and the troops were split into suffixes One,

Two and Heavy. One and Two are infantrymen and Heavy is heavy weapons.


So they'd get names like "Zero One" or "Delta Heavy" up to my top troops. These got

corny codenames. :confused:

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I always name 3 of my first group of soldiers after my 3 brothers, Andy, John and Stevie. John is always the most accurate of the group. Andy the bravest. Stevie, the strongest.


I've never used the tags before. Mostly because I never thought of it before. But now I think I will.

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I like to mix descriptions with famous celebrities.


(Assault)Jon Bon Jovi. (He really did live on a prayer :D )

(Assault)Dale Winton. (Don't worry he's only famous here in the UK)

(Assault)Anthea Turner. (Same as with Dale Winton)

(Artillery)Harvey Keitel. (ala Reservoir Dogs)

(Assault)Barney/Dinosaur. (extinction for you Barney!)

(Bomber)Gwyneth Paltrow.

(Artillery)Barry White.



No soldier goes without a name in my small armies.


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i giv dem names from characters from comix and games;


i give my psychic soliders names like: Bison, Psylocke and Akuma


Whilst my brave soliders names like: Spiderman and Venom


in the end i find that about 4 of my troops have the same name ???

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I don't usually bother changing the names but after reading this topic I decided to give it a try. A custom name on your most promising rookies does encourage you to take more care. Fox Mulder and Britney Spears are coming along nicely.


Unfortunately, her new armoured flying suit does not flatter Britney's figure. :confused:

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