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Laser Squad Nemesis Subscription & Downloads!


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Laser Squad Nemesis - the massively addictive play-by-email game from the creators of X-COM, the Gollop brothers - is coming on in leaps and bounds, and the action is really hotting up. We'd hoped to bring you something special in the form of some mega-juicy information and web pages, but the plans are once more getting delayed...


But fear not!!


We have got the LSN program available for download courtesy of the lovely chaps at Codotech, and that's not all! It's BRANDED with the snazzy X-COM Tactical Command logo, making it unique to this site.


To get into the action, you can donload the 10.8MB file from the following location: HERE!


If you want to subscribe to this fantastic game after a bit of a play with the hotseat modes, and the free games available with the software, you can do so from this very site by clicking HERE and paying the teeny tiny $25 subscription fee (roughtly £15.50 for UK residents) for six months. Why's this considered a measly amount to pay? Because the game is constantly expanding. To find out all the latest info, check out the Official Site or the excellent UK Fansite - LaserSquad.co.uk


This is just a sample of the LSN goodness to follow here at XCTC, so hang on to your seats (well... preferably keep one hand on your mouse at least...) and enjoy the ride!

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Cuh, I dunno :)


If you go to the downloads page and read it carefully, it says to rename the file to .exe after download :)


Basically my server is being funny with me about.exe files and trying to run them rather than offer them for download... and I didn;t have the time to upload it in a proper .zip format on my crappy 56k connection :(

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paying for a turn based game with no kind of Utima Online experiences... lol!

i would pay if the game was 'online' and you fought over a world where you send squads around the whole multiplayer world and enteracted with people and killed them kept experience and money so you can buy weapons in shops etc.

but noo damn jippo company. just like sony and there game infantry, was good untill they made us pay bah.

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i would pay if the game was 'online' and you fought over a world where you send squads around the whole multiplayer world and enteracted with people and killed them kept experience and money so you can buy weapons in shops etc.


This is one of the many things they are planning to do in the future mate :)


have you played it yet? if you have time download it and play the 3 FREE games (you'll play against hand picked vets called Bounty Hunters who will give you a good game) and then tell me you don't like it!

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I just downloaded the original Laser Squad, as it's freeware, check the LSN site, they use the name Marsec and there is a weapon called M4000 and the heavy laser. It looks like this is the game that inspired them to make X-COM. Now I have to figure out how the sound works....
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Good luck, and let me know if you get it to work. :)


I eventually triumphed over Sir Bastiaan... Poor luck at the end there. :( We'll play again in the new year, when you've had some more experience... then we'll see if you can thrash me. :)

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