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Modding Ammo.


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Just a quick thought:

What do people think about modding the human weapons so that weapons of the same caliber draw ammo from the same pool?


One possible "problem" that I can see with that is to do with the transgenants that can use human weapons: I think that Altair set up a list of transgenants & their inventories (can't remember the file names atm, but there are ~7-8 of them), so if the ammo is changed from weapon specific to generic (say) 7.62mm, all these would have to be changed as well, but that's not difficult, just a case of renaming the ammo that's in their inventories.


So, ideas/problems/thoughts?

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I've been typing up a plan for an addition mod for UFO:A that would put in an actual resource management system and other similar things to improve the original UFO:A. I think a change like that would also warrent being in the mod.


I was also thinking about balancing the weapons more so that certain guns won't be completely useless compared to others, considering that you usually get a weapon in the game that's just as good, or worse than your current weapons, which is sort of a waste.


Of course, I'm just in the planning stage right now, so I don't have anything concrete, but I am still gathering ideas for additions and changes such as this.

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There's a small problem regarding ammo and weapons. Atm weapons and magazine data are kind of linked to each other, this means if you load a M82-bullett into a Desert Eagle, you would have an Uber-Eagle with M82-ammo-values. Haven't found a solution yet. :rolleyes: Oh and remember atm you can't add files with those tools only edit included ones.
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Yeah, what I thought about doing was to treat most human weapons like the energy weapons - all the damage/range/etc data would be on the weapon (not the ammo as it is now), then have them link to certain generic ammo (like 7.62mm), just as the energy weapons do.

Plus, since we would be decreasing the number of ammo types (from 1 per gun to, what, 5? 10?) we could then use the "spare" ammo slots for other other weapons, like giving the grenade launchers incendiary ammo, Hybrid Psi/EMP rockets, etc...

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There's some good news & some bad news.

The bad news is that every weapon needs a listofmagazine.txt entry for it (even if the clips share a common name), so having multiple weapons use the same clip wouldn't free up entries in listofmagazines.txt

The good news is that when I copied the stats from S-PUMP (from TECH_LEVEL down to the end of the enrty) to S-NEO & S-CAW & renamed the NEO & CAW entries to MGS-PUMP the game didn't flip out. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to play a game "properly" in order to find the weapons & see if they did actually use the same ammo.

Instead I just made all the (human) weapons avaliable at the beginning of the game & in infinite amount (TECH_LEVEL 1).


I also made the turrets & other heavy weapons that need heavy armour, not need heavy armour (by changing their TYPE from GYRO & TURRET to something else like MACHINE_GUN).

Unfortunately this means that the turrets now longer use the deploy animation, although they do wait for several seconds before firing. You can get round the time delay by making the soldier kneel first.


I have zipped copies of the weapons & magazine files I used if anybody wants a look or something.

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I've done some more modding this weekend (adding new stuff).

I've added some incendiary ammo for the SuperStriker (like yours, except mine does 100 initial damage & then 75 damage for 7 secs, as against 25 damage for 5 secs, I think mine might be a little bit excessive!), a stun grenade (although it's a gas grenade, rather than your flashbang), & two new grenades that need to be manufactured after some research (plasma & psi principles, I might try & add some new tech next). The only problem with them is that as grenades are weapons, they are manufactured in batches of 1, while ammo is made in batches of 10. If anyone spots anything that controls this, I'd love to know! I've also made glossary/etc bits for my new grenades, so they appear in the glossary (with descriptions, names etc) & everything. There is only one problem with this: the names/glossary entries are in the localizationpack.vfs, which is the english version.

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Hello Llama8, what do you think, shall i include your weapons into the next Rebalance mod from fnurg and me? If you think this idea is worth it, mail that files to me, i'll include your stuff into mine and then i send ithem to fnurg for the installer and repackaging. And if you decide to do some more weapons and stuff, well, keep 'em coming to me :tank:


On the other hand i would understand if you want to keep your files seperated. (Ahem, no, not really) :D


Come on what do you think? :inlove:


Oh, if anyone has some more ideas or weapons or equipment and want's them to be added to the next mod, use your Mail-proggie and send them to me, too! Maybe we can make an all-inclusive mod, instead of one hundred of small "conflicting" ones. Oh and everyone would of course get his credits, that's for sure. :rolleyes:

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Hello Llama8, what do you think, shall i include your weapons into the next Rebalance mod from fnurg and me? If you think this idea is worth it, mail that files to me, i'll include your stuff into mine and then i send ithem to fnurg for the installer and repackaging. And if you decide to do some more weapons and stuff, well, keep 'em coming to me  :tank:


On the other hand i would understand if you want to keep your files seperated. (Ahem, no, not really)  :D


Come on what do you think?  :inlove:


Oh, if anyone has some more ideas or weapons or equipment and want's them to be added to the next mod, use your Mail-proggie and send them to me, too! Maybe we can make an all-inclusive mod, instead of one hundred of small "conflicting" ones. Oh and everyone would of course get his credits, that's for sure.  :rolleyes:

Aralez, sure, you can use my plasma/psi-stun grenades. What about the glossary? Unfortunately I'm at work at the moment, so I can't run vfstool, so if someone could extract the files from the localizationpack.vfs from my grenades mod (which is now being hosted here), that'd be great, 'cause then I could add some names/descriptions for your weapons/etc...

I'm also working on some power armour at the moment, I think I might have to decide between it being able run/kneel, or it being classed as heavy armour (& being able to use the Really Big Guns).

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I'll send you a list of the new changes in Rebalance 4.0 (when done) and the modfiles. When you re-wrote that glossary- and research texts , please send them to me, fnurg will be so kind to re-package it all and our new mod should be ok. CU, Aralez.
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