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Soldier editor


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than try and train him/ger to it..no matter how you try you cant win with one..due to psi controol..there is no way to dodge it due to the game callculation


the combo mod does add such an armour..but it comes very late...and need to be researched


plus the saves would no longer work with the pached versions



and there are some missions that just wont you do that..second last plot mission will be imposible with one guy


i tried using cheats


and he enede up in hospital for a year

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If using the vfstool for savegames, remember to use the md5 option after repacking. The game won't load games whose md5 check doesn't come out right.

Sorry, i'm a novice i just about understood editing the text files - what is that md5 option? You don't have to explain it here just point me in the right direction for info. Ta.

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