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I cannot for the life of me win anything in this game, even the morelmen kick my ass on the grounds that they pack superior weaponry, the only ones I can take on are those horse like monsters that are melee.


Am I doing something wrong, is it the games' fault?

It's frustrating me beyond belief... :blink:

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Like many have seen, grenades are the best weapon to start with, but packing a pistol can be usefull for "capture transgenant" missions and the shotgun mostly for base interiors

The shotguns are too short ranged to be useful.

The morelmen pack some m16 type weapons that out-range the Uzi, and will maul me if I have a shotgun, and my men are usually crappy at everything, including throwing.


How can I make em better?

Just put shotties on all of them and do the first clearing missions?

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You seem to be lacking tactics, try to draw the enemies round corners (once they spot you they normally start converging towards your known last position) and use the shotguns against them. If there's no corners then you should use grenades and pack a lot of them, and don't throw just one, go overkill with the throwing until they are all dead. An interesting tactic I use when in a certain rocky terrain is have the grenadier run behind a tall enough rock to prevent the guy to be fired upon yet capable of throwing a grenade over to the target while another unit stays in a clear line of sight to track the critter but far enough to prevent getting shot.


Basically, you need a balanced shotgun/grenade loadout


Don't forget the med-packs tho.

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You seem to be lacking tactics, try to draw the enemies round corners (once they spot you they normally start converging towards your known last position) and use the shotguns against them. If there's no corners then you should use grenades and pack a lot of them, and don't throw just one, go overkill with the throwing until they are all dead. An interesting tactic I use when in a certain rocky terrain is have the grenadier run behind a tall enough rock to prevent the guy to be fired upon yet capable of throwing a grenade over to the target while another unit stays in a clear line of sight to track the critter but far enough to prevent getting shot.


Basically, you need a balanced shotgun/grenade loadout


Don't forget the med-packs tho.

Admitted, I play it like I'd play unreal, I'm relatively new to this game concept (I only saw UFO at my friends and I never got it running here, aftermath is a first) and I just end up positioning my men on the only hex that they can see me but I can't see them :blink:


What I do is as follows really, since most of the enemies I see are on open ground (big roads, et cetera) I just run for the nearest car wreck and then take a group left and a group right to go postal with my uzis.


Loadout is just the standard armor plus uzi, medpack, and as much ammo as I they can carry.


So from what I understand the aliens are dumb enough to just run after you if you're hiding around a corner, and then when they come round empty some shotguns in their gut.


I'll try that. :(

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Yup, you're pretty much getting the idea, but that's only at the beginning. Anyway, I only use the UZI if the guy is better at handguns than rifles. If the guy sucks at both, I just load up with grenades, even with bad throwing skill you'll be able to get a few grenades in, and usually only 1 is needed.
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Btw, you can shoot "around" corners without the enemy seeing you most of the times. Try it, your soldier will lean to the side and shoot, nice animation, btw.

Interesting, can you use it to peek around too, to check for any aliens?

(you learn something new every day :blink:)

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It doesn't matter. ALTAR is taking into account that the soldiers are well trained, and thus look around all the time. Not sure I like that solution very much, but that's how it is...



So far I have: Peek around corners, lure them around corners, learn to throw nades.


What about movement, is a group a good idea or better to spread?

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Early on I spread them with an average of 2 squares between every 2 soldiers, this keeps expanding until 5+ between every 2 soldiers.


Now if you're talking about dividing your team into smaller groups and each going their way I don't recommend it, you should try to pick them one by one and concentrate the fire of the entire team. I only separate the team when performing the search for that last critter to cover more terrain in less time.

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Early on I spread them with an average of 2 squares between every 2 soldiers, this keeps expanding until 5+ between every 2 soldiers.


Now if you're talking about dividing your team into smaller groups and each going their way I don't recommend it, you should try to pick them one by one and concentrate the fire of the entire team. I only separate the team when performing the search for that last critter to cover more terrain in less time.

Okay, I'll go try and play it again :blink:

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Well, thanks to the aforementioned tactic of cornershotgunning it's suddenly become a LOT easier.

Capture the base missions are really hard though, both times I tried them I got kicked before I even moved far enough to see the end of the street i was in.

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Hi 49

one thing I seen when you talking, what is your troops speed like ? you said about loading them up with all the ammo they can carry


don't over load them, keep them so that can move fast, if you do have a troop who is going to be very slow, try and give him a sniper rifle or lancher weapon (if you got any)


you may even want to have one or two troops with no armor and just 3 or grenages, keep out of the front line so to speak, but once the bad guy/guys are seen, then they can rush in and toss


also another trick, if you not seen it, you can plot a move and also plot them to fire at the end of the move


so, say you are 25m away from a target, and the auto you got got a range of 21m, plot them to move 3 or 4 m, and then click on the bad guy to fire, when they end there movement, they will start to shoot


if you have a base that is under attack, there are only 2 places the bad guys can be coming from, rush to get there, try to find a ambush spot at one of the doorways, place a shotgunner 2 or 3 hexes away from the doorway and kneel him down and then wait for the bad guy to step though (along the wall, not in front of the door way)


also in something like that, you can rush a thrower towards a group of bad guys who are under fire, give orders to throw 2 or 3 grenages and then run away when the last one is in the air


once you start getting stuff like the super striker or the m 79, then things get a little easier


once you start to advance and gain levels, then most of my troops carry a rifle or sub, with a number of grenages and a shutgun in there backpack, in the open they use rifles, once they ready to enter something, they change over to the shotgun


also, early game, don't worry about losing troops, them level 1/2/3 troops are going to be worthless down the road,


you should see my worthless pak of killers, I got two that can't even train anything yet and both are around level 8



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, ALTAR! I just say about game combat model. First - fire range of weapons is too short. Sniper rifle sooting on 74 meter - it's noncense. AKM sooting in burst mode on 25 m - too. In recent combat situation real problem - to see enemies, but not fire range of weapons. Second - wehre any sort of mines? Proximity for example? Why I can't hide behind trees or rocks? Alien weapon is too effective? By using this weapon in my squad I can't see it. Why heavy armor too slow? I suppouse, it must be powered by servomotors on thing like this for carryng heavy armaments and it not depends on strength of operators. Were any selfguided or laser guided missiles? Why in weapon list not available any heavy mashingun like RPD or M75?

So, in game exist stupid combat situation like this - squad located in little camera in UFO after teleportation and see no enimies around. And in this time from nothing appear incoming alien missile. BOOM... All is dead. Wery funny. What can I do in this situation? Nothing.


Now about research and producing... Research require a lot of time. It's clear. First production of new item - too. But serial development of existing items by using existing technology must be more quickly. 7 days for assembling one rifles... Nice job!


In any case, thanks for this Game. In the whole this game (IMHO) made in best tradition of UFO X-COM series - dynamic, interesting and tragically.


With best regards, The Goose.

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Try out this thread, cause it's basically the same topic, except it centers on the Rebalance:




But, with either the Rebalance or pure UFO:AM 1.3, you have to devise tactics that keep your soldier's alive during the first part of the game.


I prefer city missions in the early part of the game, because I use cover a lot, and I can set up ambushes in the city, and as the aliens weave their way through cars and junk you can concentrate your fire power on one alien at a time, kind of like in the kung-fu movies where there are 50 bad guys but they only come at you one at a time.

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  • 1 month later...

Despite what my friend -keeps- telling me, I always use "military" tactics.


I absolutely love urban areas, they're a haven for cover. I often move my men up and around large vehicles. Buses and Tankers are amazingly good cover.


Also, I tend to be very cautious like I am in the original X-Com. Sometimes I charge in, and sometimes, especially on base missions, I attempt to surround a target and come in from as many angles at once as possible.


Alternately, if I'm being attacked in my base, I tend to find that taking shelter in one of the aircraft bays is a good bet. If you form a kinda circle and stay together, you can easily cover the three/four entrances to the bay.


Duck & Cover, and use those tactics you learnt from the original X-Com's. Most of all, USE COVER!


Oh, and the Morelmen use M4's, not M16's.

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