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Hail and Greetings Gang

well finally found the demo on Saterday, order the game on Sunday, tracking shows I should get it this morning


spent the time since, reading the forum and downloading the patches and mods


part of the reason I decided to buy the game was all the support your fourm has given to it, and wanted to offer my thanks for the work you have already done



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Welcome aboard, Sarge! Sadly, my schedule doesn't allow the queen much gaming time of any kind or even time to welcome all the new people to the boards. I'm mostly a visitor these days. :( It's always good to see new faces, though, and I encourage you and any others here to check out our other sites (links at the top of the page).


Oh, and the love nest isn't really some sort of psychopathic cult. It's just for fun. :blink:

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Thanks Tammy


hmmm, I had seen the smilie, :blink: so was interested in the background story, but maybe after a trip to the love nest, I may find out :angel:


I on a number of Fourms as HARD_Sarge. but mainly more History based, but I always loved the XCOM games and was happy to find a simi follow up


will give some of the other fourms a look see



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Well Just got the game, loaded up the 2 patches and the ALPine and plug in's


and must say, that really looked like a piece of work you all did, just trying to load everything in was impressive


LOL, just found out it was my wife's BDay (forgot) and she got a check in the mail and wants money, told her tuff, not now





time to save the world




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Hi Aralez


well, pretty much downloaded anything listed as working the the Alpine thingy


had some showing up as errors when I loaded them (knive, Saw grenage, extended clip, warp grenage ?, needlier, EB55 reblancer module (most have 55 in front of them) BFG4500, wapper mod ? (did a get a box saying my drivers may be old, will check into that in a few)


may of been bad DL or something


Blood is nice, starting to see some of the new weapons (I think) camera angle, Humans


over all pretty sweet, but I am getting more then a few crashes


a few were with the plug in's (loaded them all at the same time, so didn't see the error messages) went back out and cleaned those out and restarted again


one was to take a base, got to the green area hit next, and loaded to around 85% and crashed, later was to a sweep mission, got to around 80-85% and crashed again (I was gonna save after the mission, but didn't lose too much


still your guys work looks sweet, and really enjoying the game so far




LOL had two good guys the first run, had to restart two more times after that and been getting nothing but dogs (LOL, in fact reloaded 3 times, one I dropped as soon as I seen the 1st two guys, all rateing in poor or awful range !!!!)

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Welcome to the boards HARD_Sarge! If you have trouble with ALPine, I am sure Fulby can take a look at it. You may make things easier on yourself by downloading the standalone Rebalance mod though, if you wish all the content from the mod.
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Over all, think I am doing okay, end of the 1st month, think I got 9 bases, 10 troopers and some fancy weapons (nothing out of the way, but lot better then shotguns and 45's)


am I suppost to get Alliens as replacements ? (or is that part of one of the mods)

well I just got a mr smith, and he looks a little out of place in combat armor


is there a rush to get things done, or can I plod along


funny, I had better troopers in the demo


I like the weapons and add ons from the mods, but question, why the lousy ranges ?, that one rifle I was looking at, 12 metter range, 7 eff range ? , I mean, I can throw the rifle 7 metters and have a chance of hitting somebody




time to take a bath and read the manul


nobody reads the manul or readme files when they get the thing, you in too big a rush to see how looks and plays

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Yes, but you require the "reading" skill tu use it




overall, I think you can kind of judge a person's age by that skill, in the long run, it is not a young person's skill anymore


but think it is funny, when most prople get there first computer, and or go on the net, how shocked they are at the amount of reading that is needed, thought the computer was suppost to get rid of reading, they complain




over all, would have to say I didn't learn anything new (outside of control hot keys)



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my last mission, I had a number of people hurt and I couldn't heal them, 2 were on the ground and out, but the first guy to try wasn't good at medic skills, so though that may be the hassle, then sent my decent guy over and he couldn't do any healing either, after the first part of the mission was done, went to touch up the worse of the wounded, and couldn't heal him either


then later in the mission, had another guy dropped and couldn't heal him back to his feet, which wasn't sure, but both were Cyborgs, if that had anything to do with it ????


but the other guy who was hurting and wouldn't heal was a human, so that don't look like it


was thinking maybe they had taken damage and that was as far as they would heal ?


strange part is that only the 2 that were dropped, were sent to the sickbay, I thought I was going to lose at least 5 of them, never have had the squad that totally hurt before


any ideas ?




could of been blast damage, first mission where I was up against Alien Rockets

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Okay feeling stupid now


I had noticed before that Berzerker Armor had a 100% Heal protection and didn't know what it meant


now don't tell me, if you are wearing Berzerker armor, you can't heal yourself ????




ahhh, finally had a mission where I just had to pack my bags and get out of town


was a capture UFO, and it crashed in a city, had a back up team, and lousy ranges for weapons

(had killed 7 Aliens already, but was pretty hammered, when out of the blue, my sniper was mind controlled, and he started picking off my wounded, save games are life savers)



GREEESH, any way to mod the game to stop the "order complate" speach, it wouldn't be so bad, if it didn't take control of who you are controlling on the map and change veiw



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Shagpuss has no skill points left to spend on "Reading". I know I shouldn't have spent them on "Pool and Snooker", "Resistance to the bitch SLAP", "Excessive Farting and Belching Noise", "Resistance to Tatoo and Piercing Pain" and "cooking"


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... any way to mod the game to stop the "order complate" speach, it wouldn't be so bad, if it didn't take control of who you are controlling on the map and change veiw


Actually, if you go to the options screen, tactical tab, you can deselect the options to "center on unit", but not sure about an option to prevent "auto-selection" (currently at work, so I can't take a peek at the game :blink: )

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on the Queen mission

kill off 9 bad guys on the outside


get inside and killed off 13, got a cripple hiding behind a wall, hit quick save before I make my move on him, and the game crashed, saying the disk is full !!!!


got to hope the quick save didn't get ruined, was only quicksaveing during this fight


Loved the outside battle, my long range heavies had a ball :blink:



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Clean up what ?

got 17 gigs of clean space

got 1 gig of Ram

and got 3 Gigs of HD site for mem use


anything else that may help ?


I know from EA sports NBA live, it gives a disk full error based on the temp files


I have cleaned out the Temp files just in case


but still getting the error


game is getting very unstable during this mission, slowing down , hanging up, also while I do have a trooper with a flamethrower, I seen a large flame shoot out of my Babe while she was throwing a grenage ?


had 15 dead Aliens inside the base, but it crashes when I try to save


oh well, I save in different spaces so I can go back to before I went to the moon


which over all think I was in over my head, most of my troops were out of ammo and already used up there back up weapons, and were trying to clean the battle field for more


(was trying to save most good stuff for the next part of the battle, saving the PSI and Toxin and heavy long range stuff)


so guess I will go back to the presave, load up on ammo and then try it in the morning


(after rebooting and temp cleaning and what not)



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You're using a mod? wich one then? It might (or not) be related to the problem. Anyhow, also check the saves folder of that profile, there might be a hardcoded size limit for the number and size of the files. Also, could you type the entire error message here (unless it just says "disk full" and nothing else)
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HI Kret

well the game is modded

got the Alpine and the RB56 mods (some had errors when I tried to plug them in, so went though the tast a few times, till each showed a good plug in, and just didn't load the ones that showed errors)


the error showed up as a path name, with the save name ending with a VFS (?)


remember that CRC or what not after ward, but not sure if it was before or after saying disk full


hmmm, just looking you may have something on the size of the file


the last one to crash was like 10665 , the one that worked and I could load was like 9222, which some of the other saves were between 2000-4000 (with one being 876)


maybe too much smoke and flames ????


the save I made from before the missions to restart shows like 1869


plus maybe I am overwriting the save too much ?


I normally have a stat map save, to the target, then one for the battle, if it is a 2 part mission, then a 2nd in battle save


early on I was having some hassles with the game crashing while loading the mission, so I liked to save before I enter something



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Well so far so good this morning

got 10 bad guys outside the base

got 15 bad guys inside the base so far, but had to take the kid to school, so had to save it there (which that save is 10520, which is the largest I have seen that didn't crash, so I may not be able to do another save till the mission is over, bad part, got some nasty bad guys this time around and in large numbers at the same time, so tons of rockets, my two heavies were knocked out and brought back to 50% or so, the rest of the troops are hurting)


is there a ammo bug ?


no way my leader went though over 160 rounds of lazer ammo so far, he never fired on the outside and only in part of a few firefights, and most times he had 2 to 4 supporting troops fireing with him (that double cannon don't take many shots if it can see something)


maybe interesting to get this battle to the end



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