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"retribution" Mission, Psi Projectors


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When I saw the RUSSIAN mission i thought ok over the certain period of time I will pass that piece of annoying shit... but when I landed retribution mission it was and still is impossible, question : how can a mortal man pass that mission? Those pesky greys come from all sides with all kind of HEAVY weaponry.Please anybody some kind of tips, strategy, anything!!! One last thing how can a person acquire psi projector?? I've seen a technology tree but there is no refernce to psi projector only psi crusher which i have... playing without the patch v1.2.. Thanks
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The Psi Projector is one of the items that the aliens start using when the Russian mission becomes available. You can usually pick one up on an alien base assault mission. I instantly fell in love with psi projectors.


I have the horror of the Retribution mission to come, the only thing I can suggest is that you put it off until you have bio armour and psi projectors.

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playing on "hard" difficulty.

For the Retrobution mission, I had *had* a team of 7 level 19-22 guys.


3 with microslug acelerators on snapshot so it does twice the damage.

each snapshot did up to 1300 damage or so when done well I think.

These guys had the bio armour and had 3 extra clips each to reload and a medikit also.


3 of the other guys were equiped with gatling guns and 2 extra ammo clips to reload each. they still had "very fast" speed because of their super heroic speed and capacity stats. They also had the enhanced heavy armour. 1 gatling gun shot from each of these guys was enough to kill a reticulan in 1 shot. which is probably 1400-1500 damage per shot.


my last unit was a medic. this one only with sky armour but it doesnt matter because that unit never sees any action; it only heals. it had 6 medikits in the backpack and belt and also 2 warp medikits in hands.


when I got to the retrobution map my guys ran around the map and killed all reticulans outside a room that was locked. it was nothing until then, they were only reticulans so I got rid of them in the first second I saw them.


well, I cleared the map and after that I did what the mission asked to do, that is to blow up the pods. so I did. and wala the locked doors to the room were no longer locked. I knew there was going to be somehting very nasty in there!!!


So, I put my guys in formation outside the corridor of the room.

With my 3 gatling guys first and closer to the door. 3 microoslug accelerator guys behind them backing them up, and the one medic in the middleto heal both groups.


man.. I got OWNED!.


there is a big surpprise in there. everyone, don't go in there untill fully ready.

all my guys ran out of ammo there as the enemy got closer. next thing I know my 3 gatling guys were dead for the first time.

Rememeber.. reticulans are nothing compared to whats in there :blink:

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oh yeah, the only reason I won the game is because I went running all over the map ppicking up and using all the aliens weapons using them entirely.


sh*t I almost though all my ammo and all the aliens ammo wasn't going to be enough.


but I made it although losing my best 3 guys.


my best guy had 150 or so missions to his name. finally all finished.

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