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I Hate Deathbellows Do You?


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There so annoying they killed my best guy like lvl 8 in like 3 seconds with that fly attack. How can you avoid that? I used snipers to get them from afar but in some missions where you can only get close how you do it without getting your flesh torn to pieces? :blink:
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Run away from the "point of impact" (funny smoky splodge) very very (damn) quickly. ;)


It hasn't got a very large "area of effect".


Learned this tactic when whole squads of my best guys in heavy armour started to go down. :blink:


Hate the damnable things.


Or - destroy them, with concentrated firepower from your squad, before it "gets a round off". Is workable if your sauad is good/advanced enough.


Hope this helps! ;)

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Yeah already went for that tactic thats what i do now. Still evil buggers though and taking them down quickly with a big squad dont work well as it usually fully kils one of em before its down. Any really advanced tactics anyone?
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Deathbellows are the spawn of the devil, they can wipe out your whole team with 2 or 3 shots...


But, I've found a tactic that works (killed 5 DBs with it with no damage to squad).

As soon as you spot one, leg it (simple really) before you run though make sure you know exactly where it is. Set your team up as far away as you can but in line of sight (hopefully you've got some snipers!) Then get your fastest runner and run them in towards the dread creature. As soon as you spot it (your whole team should be able to see it) get your runner to run about (Don't re-cross paths as you'll walk into the "flies") and get your other guys to kill it.


If you can't get far enough away another tactic is required, the semi-stealthy approach. Once you know where it is, as above, leg it (again, simple) then just call in the heavy artillery (M79, launchers and grenades) and like a big chicken hide just around the corner bombarding the area (I normally give it 8-10 shots). You can check its status, again using your fastest runner, to preserve ammo but I like to be sure!



(He who fights and runs away returns to fight another day!) ;)

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Only thing i think they did wrong with deathbellows is making them weak against flames only. Which you need to get close to use a flame thrower. Only problem is you cant get close. Tactically they are the strongest alien because of this i think.


Shot far away = crappy damage

shoot close = good damage but almost instant death.

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Just wait 'til you walk around a large boulder and find three of them sitting there - that 's not much fun!


As long as you keep yourself mobile, and move yourself kinda quick after they've fired at you, you'll be ok. Doesn't take anything really complicated tactics wise, 'cos they've actually got quite a comparatively long reload time!


Spot it, plot/spot the impact point for its incoming fire, get out of way soon as you see that small smoky ball, then kill it quickly.


"Squash 'n go". :devil:


Nothing complicated needed, honest! :blink:

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  • 5 weeks later...

with the right tactic they are no problems! if you can shot from far away take a sniper rifle, they'r attack is so slow that you can run aside after 2-3 shots. it takes a little time but you won't get hurt.

If you can't shot from far away take a rocket launcher best loaded with burning-ammo, they have no chance... :blink:

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Ran into my first one, andl it was on top of my squad at the start. I aborted the mission, since I was not going to find out. That only makes about 3 missions like that in numerous missions where an transgenent was on top of my squad at the start.


Also I had a yellow zone for a pilot on the side of the mountain, that can not be reached, and yet after I killed all the transgenents, the pilot was automatically freed.


It's an alien game!

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They are a bit weaker in the 1.2 mod but dealing with them really is a simple matter of stationary target vs mobile units. Heavy Armour I've found isn't the way forward vs Transgenants so far (I'm not too far in but I've seen and fought vs all the non-Biomass Trans and I've fought vs the 1.0 Bio Trans but it's really the mods that have bought me back...that and the fact that patch 1.2 seemed to make the game slightly (very slighty) better)...too many things can go wrong.


Tactics I've been using is the standard run like hell but find it amusing to let one of my fast guys (i.e. Sun Armour + Excellend speed....hey they're only lvl 7 you can't expect too much) do a run right across the front of the Death slug, let it fire its bees which miss by a mile and let my snipers pick it off from a screen away...thank you for the enhanced range on 4.1b lads :blink:, But even without the Mod this works.


Admittedley when I first came across them I thought they were EVIL, not Chryssalid standing in front of you grinning while you point a laser pistol at it EVIL, but still quite evil but I've found that with simple enough tactics you can deal with them easy enough......now the Reticulans are gonna atke some figuring out....such as how the hell I beat them when they have PSi and I don't ;)


Oh well

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In wilderness missions, they are not a problem as they cannot move and have a limited range. A morelman with a sniper rifle is far more problematic. Get your soldiers to walk rather than run, and they can spot a deathbellows halfway across the map. Give your soldiers enhanced combat armour in any fight against transgenants, as it offers better protection than unenhanced heavy armour and running and ducking are allowed.


Being big makes a deathbellows easy to hit even at medium or long range. The only time a deathbellows killed one of my agents was when I got him to run up to it so I could find out how it got such a cheerful sounding name.

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Ugh tell me about the Sniper rifle :blink: , especailly when it's a Barrett and the best Armour I had was Light......Good job it's so slow at firing that rushing it was possible without sustaining a pasting


I tend to keep my guys running but as long as you maintain your distance and have long range weapons you'll be just fine.....well unless they've got you in a crossfire then there's problems but other than that ;)

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They are not that slow. My usual tactic is to use my super-heroic runners with enhanced plasma rifles to run in and out of range (usually 3 hits), but last night I had 3 runners do this and the Deathbellow launched its fly attack on all 3 simultaneously, did not hit anyone but took me by surprise.
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It appears that they do "spit" out flies pretty fast. Generally they've been in groups of 3 at my guys but the attack's easily avoidable if your guys have got any speed whatsoever.


There's no need to even risk your runners stopping and firing if you've got Snipers, just put them on a line of sight out of range of the Bellows and use your runners as the snipers "eyes".


And this can be done without the Enhanced Plasma Rifles I don't have yet :blink:


Easy ;)


The only times I've ever had problems with Deathbellows are when:


1) A Chryssalis suddenly appears and zaps my guys within Deathbellows range....god I hate them


2) I first saw them and thought they were as pathetic as most of the other transgenants...(oops ok ??? )


3) Crossfire....which generally doens't happen if you run back the way you came away from the Deathbellows (unless you wre running from something else of course :devil: )

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I thought at one time--actually, before I patched my game--that death bellows were sorry enemies as well. For some reason every time I found a death bellows, it was already dead--I never have figured that one out. But I ended that game when I got my squad greased time after time on the Russain mission not knowing it was a 'plot' mission at the time.


Anyway, after I patched the game and restarted in Europe, I have now seen a real live Death Bellows, but fortunately they are much easier to dispatch than a Plecton--less range, don't move, and don't have as high an ROF as a Plecton does.


I do it like other posters have said, shoot, run, shoot, run, shoot, I have a line of swarming insects covering my path, and if it gets too dense I wait till the insects disperse (out of LOS of the Bellows) and go back and do it again.

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