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Okay, I found the mission where I have to rescue the two Old Greys to be absolutely impossible (I 'resolve' it by simply aborting it before I even hit the space bar the first time).


5 yards in each direction from my team, there are 2 Fireticks and 2 Deathbellows, two more fireticks just a few yars further, a Rocket Launcher Cludgel is 20 yards ahead, two deathbellows are near the first rescue zone, a chomper, many many balloon fish (4 or 5), and at least two Men-o-War are floating around in very close proximity.


A few seconds after I start moving, most of my team is getting fried by the Fireticks or gets obliterated by balloon fish (how humiliating) or the Men-o-War while they try to run past.


Heavy armor with heavy weapons allows me to kill 4 or 5 of the enemy before my last soldier bites the dust.


Being stealthy was my last approach (after trying to just make a run for it, but I died 1 yard short of the zone where the two aliens were).


Is this mission actually solvable? Is it always the same? (I don't really have a savegame that dates back to before the mission was assigned to me). Is certainly is always the same when I enter it now.

Edited by Thygrrr
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Very easy in my game, not that you want to hear that (Normal, 1.1a). Everyone had sniper rifles and Sun/Sky armour, IIRC. They'd all hit the same alien until he was dead and then move onto the next one.


My characters did have high intelligence (in the vain hope that it would help against mind control), so their Aliens stat was always high.

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Hmm Interesting... my guys aren't particularly smart, but none are below 'very good' in my primary squad.


They all have sun armor, and are fried to death in less than two seconds once the ticks reach the crest of the hill.


The mission in Russia was a breeze compared to this :withstupid:


Thanks for the kind reply, though (I play v1.2)

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Hmm, hard ammo is good for ticks. In my game, the deathbellows were always on the other side of a hill, so I could grenade them with inpunity. I equipped one of my men with a collapseable railgun, used a sacrificial lamb to draw fire, and my railgun guy killed 4 ticks in less time than it takes to to even get near my men. If you have rockets of your own, use them on the morelman w/the rocket launcher. DB machine guns/miniguns are quite useful against any enemies.
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Tried this as soon as I got it and failed miserably enough times to give up and return to a save point before to return to it later. :withstupid:


When I went back to it later in the game (it would appear it stays until you attempt it) it was a breeze, although those deathbellows can be a pain if your men are grouped. Could just be easier because all the men were better of course...


I found smoke grenades useful to limit what could shoot you to one side of the road or the other, letting you clear out half at a time.


Didn't have much of a problem with the ticks in my game - they go down pretty easily with a combination of sniper rifles and grenade launcher.

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I didn't encounter any Fireticks on that mission, but LOTS of Man-O-War. Luckily, the latter are quite weak against grenades, so I managed to killed them with only two soldiers down (wounded, fortunately).


Actually, I don't have much experience fighting Fireticks, since every time I found them it was from a long distance, so I picked them of from afar. But regarding the Balloon Fishes, those can be pretty nasty: don't let them get close to your team and remember NOT to use laser weapons on them, but normal firearms, which kill them in 2 shots. Last but not least, as I said before, use grenades or any other weapon that has its damage type (which I don't remember right now) on the Man-O-War nasties.


Hope this helps! :withstupid:

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