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Need Help ~1.2 Patch Wont Install

Justin Allard

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Its Basically like this . A fe hours ago i had tried to get the alpine to work. I was told that installing to a new directory would work. I did that and eventually reinstalled it to the default directory. When i was installing it there i had the Dreaded blue screen of death from my browser, and had to reiboot and reinstall. Now when i goto patch the game to 1.2 it says its already isntalled but i can isntall the 1.1 patch i got from here. Is the 1.2 patch critical cause i dont want to start playing adn from what i hear have to restart cause the old save games wont work witha new patched version.




BTW i tried deleteing anything with isntallshield but that lead to some problems ith UFOAM for some reason i cant figre out why when i delete the information from the UFOAM isntall the directory looses things.


Edit. I know now why i coudlnt uninstall after i deleted the installshield directory. For some reason tahts where setup is. Is this just my pc or it normal?

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Huh? The installshield directory is just a temp directory that can be deleted. The setup file is on the play CD. But I am not sure about the patch issue. People before have tried to delete the registry entries without luck...
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