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Patch - Game Installation Trouble <-- *Fixed*


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Ok now they have given us a patch for the games that install what about a patch for the games that dont?


Im not going to be palmed off with "send it back"


I will have to pay money to send this back which im not willing to do. I would rather take it back to my local games store and say it was bought as a present, swap it for another title and go see my mate who has downloaded it and get a copy from him for free. A copy that WORKS i might add.


I read in the official forum that they are blaming it on errors when it was copied to disk and this is "common on games disks" lmfao yeh right what a load of big hairy ones. I have NEVER had to return any game due to corrupt media and I have spoken to 3 or 4 of my friends who say the same thing. What a lame excuse.


Im not at all impressed and dont see why the hell I should be spending my free time, a lot I might add trying to get this damn game to work being messing with my system settings, browsing forums and so on. This time could be spent gaming!

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Yes, it is a sad thing indeed. I have contacted Cenega (the publisher), and they are working on a CRC tool to check the CDs. Not that it is going to help you much... Anyway, I have no better advice to give than what is already given. All I can say is that it's a great game...
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Erm... disc errors aren't entirely uncommon actually. I've had two with my games collection, and bizarrely one of them was X-COM Apocalypse.


Not that that's any consolation, but it does happen and it was just a bad batch in the above case.

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The Apocalypse CD happened twice. In the end I just got it from a different store. No problems after that. If I'm really after a game, a pound here or there really doesn't make any odds to me if I have to get it elsewhere.
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"I have contacted Cenega (the publisher), and they are working on a CRC tool to check the CDs. Not that it is going to help you much."


Thanks Slaughter, to tell u the truth im really getting very fed up now and am very close to returning it for another title. I sent Cenega an email over 48 hours ago and had no reply so...noI wont put what im feeling at the moment.


Its not a CRC error im getting. When I try to install and get the error msg it asks me if I want to send an error report and when I say yes guess where it goes - to Installshield. So I guess its down to them. Sent them many error reports and like Cenega, got no bloody reply.


***I have just had an email from Cenega and have been told to send it back *sighs* I have replied and will wait to see what they have to say.***

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Indeed, and I would urge you (if you haven't tried this already) to try and get it from a different retailer if you take it back to make totally sure.


Not to go and intentionally annoy you further, but can you keep comments about illegal activities such as

...and go see my mate who has downloaded it and get a copy from him for free. A copy that WORKS i might add.
off these forums please. Having said that, is thecopy he has downloaded a copy that works on your machine, or just one that you know works on his machine?


What's the exact error report as well if you don't mind me asking? There's a chance you've posted it somewhere else, but I've got 250+ topics to read through and moderate tonight, so forgive me for overlooking it :laugh:

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Ok here we go...


Its a friend who has managed to install his d/l copy on to his system and it works without problems.


I took my original copy in to work today with the intention of taking it back to any games shop. Mmmm I thought lets see if it installs onto my system at work, sure enough it installed (but I cant play the bloody thing as im not allowed). When I exchanged my copy and got the new one home I get exactly the same damn error msg


Error Code: -5004 : 0x80041f42

Error Information:

*C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional\RunTime\0701\Intel32\iKernel.dll

>Include\CoCreate.cpp (41)

>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1504)

pAPP:UFO Aftermath

PVENDOR:ALTAR interactive



@Windows XP Service Pack 1 (2600) IE 6.0.2800.1106



So thier cheap CD's wont install with Pioneer DVD drives me thinks.


"I've got 250+ topics to read through and moderate tonight, so forgive me for overlooking it" I dont envy you at all :laugh:

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I have tried the ISF and all I get is corrupt media return product and yes I have contacted thier staff by email and was told return your media and I then replied and asked them to tell me what the error is/contact installshield and tell me what the error means...still waiting for a reply. Installshield are a bunch of * I have sent many error reports and no one has got back to me and told me what this error is. Same old story people are so willing to take your money. Im more sympathetic with the game makers, at least they have got back to me at least once even if it was just them saying return it. Feeling pritty let down.


If I know what the damn error msg is I could at least do something about it. Funny how the game installed on my CD-rom at work Im going to try this second copy at work as well.

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Here's a thought. I saw this mentioned on the official boards. How about making a iso image of the CD, and mounting it. That way you will be installing from your HD. I can guide you through it if you are interested in trying it....
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Indeed, or perhaps a backup of the CD onto a blank CD may solve it? Evidentally your machine can recognise that the disc is there, but can't get past that as it doesn't like it.


I'm now very interested to see if either of the above will solve the problem, as we can then pass on to ALTAR what the most common cause of this type of problem is :laugh:


Not much of a help for yourself Tesco, but hopefuly this will prevent similar annoying problems in the future.


I don't envy ALTAR either though, as they've probably got over 1000 posts to sift through. Ah the relief at only running a fansite

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This may not be relevant to your problem, but I have had several problems with installing games and InstallShield errors. If you go to the InstallShield website they suggest that you delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional directory and this has solved all of my problems. Your problem sounds different to mine but this may work. Can I suggest you rename the folder rather than take the drastic step of deleting it


Hope this helps

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Frenchie I could kiss ya!!!!!


Mods please post a sticky for anyone have the same sort of install issues. I did as Frenchie said and low and behold its now sitting pritty on my D: drive. Problem sorted.


An appology to the game makers for getting wound up with them. Bloody installshield!!!!

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  • 1 year later...
This may not be relevant to your problem, but I have had several problems with installing games and InstallShield errors. If you go to the InstallShield website they suggest that you delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional directory and this has solved all of my problems. Your problem sounds different to mine but this may work. Can I suggest you rename the folder rather than take the drastic step of deleting it


Hope this helps


Sent you a pm. Thanks for saving my new laptop a horrible death.

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Welcome to the forums X800. I'm not sure Frenchie is online that much any more:
Last Active: 5th November 2003 - 10:12 AM
but if you click on his member name, you will see an option to the bottom-left of his info screen to email him if you want to get in touch :huh:
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I think the pm I sent and the post I made was more like therapy,lmfao I just got this new laptop and when this wasn't working I as getting torqued. Well thats just about with anything, I just hate errosr like that on a sweet machine.
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