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System Requirements


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Firtly, thanks to Matryx for suggesting the creation of this forum. Kinda makes sense really :laugh:


Now, what's the opinion on Altar's recommended system requirements for the game?


We are currently developing UFO: FR for PC only. The minimum specs are:


PIII 500 MHz, 64 MB RAM, GeForce 1 video card with 16 MB video RAM, DirectX 7, Open GL


The specifications for top performance are:

PIII 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM, GeForce 3 with 64 MB RAM


The lowest resolution we are going to support is 1024 x 768. Other supported resolutions include: 1152 x 864 and 1280 x 1024.


What do you think about it? Are there many people who don't match even the minimum specs (and are not going to upgrade before X-mas)?

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Glad to see that people here listen to the fans :laugh:


Will there be the option to force another resolution, even if it is not explicitly supported.


An example of this would be Dungeon Siege, where you can specify any resolution you want, and provided your Graphics Card can indeed handle it, it will scale everything up/down to the desired resolution. This is the only way people can reach 1280X1024 or 1600X1200 in Dungeon Siege.


Although 1024X768 is great for me, I'm sure there are still people around who use 800X600.

Will there be any way to use this resolution (perhaps by the previously mentioned method) even though it's not explicitly supported, or will those users have to upgrade in order to play the game.

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Well, I can't see it being too difficult to upgrade. Most vid cards support higher than 800 x 600 nowadays, and most will support up to 1280 x 1024 I should think. Whilst I think maybe one resolution lower than this would be good, I don;t think there's too much need to bother with 800 x 600.


Most Windoze games nowadays refresh your screen size to the appropriate resolution before starting their programs, so as long as you can scrpe the minumum, I can't see that there would be too much hassle involved.


That's my opinion anyway... perhaps Altar are thinking along a different track entirely ???

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I don't match the minimum specs yet. I'm running a PIII 450. When those specs were first posted on the Altar site, I didn't have a video card up to snuff either... but I recently bought a GeForce 2 to put on my machine so I could get better FPS in Counter-Strike. https://www.mong.tv/stats/images/cstrike_m3.gif :o heh. So now I'm good with the video. I will likely be building a new system over the summer, so by the time UFO:A comes out I will be ready.


Who knows if the game will allow you to force a resolution, but their minimum video card can handle 1024x768 without blinking, so I don't see why it would be an issue... unless someone has a crappy old monitor. So get a new one. :P



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Hehe, I'm getting the new speed-machine tomorrow ;)


AMD XP 2000MHz


40GB Hard Disk

CD RW Drive


Network Card (the most important component for LAN games :laugh: )

GeForce 4 64MB Graphics Card


Sure I've missed something out... sound card may not be up to scratch, but they're all the same these days and dirt-cheap, so I can get something flashy if needs be.


I decided to over-spec so that I won't have to upgrade for a few years :P


Bring it on! Now all I need is to move house to somewhere I can get Broadband and I'm sorted :P

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I have a pretty crappy computer at the moment but I usually manage to make things like this work on my system just by being jammy like I am!

Ahhhh.... my system's still holding up under the strain.

AMD Athalon XP 1600+ (approx 1.4 GHz)

512 MB Ram (Mmmmm space to think)

60GB Drive (Mmmm space)

Memorex DVD Drive

Nice Plextor CDRW

Geforce 3 (The joy from which I can see you :laugh: )

Network Card (the joy from which I can talk to you with)

Annyoing crackly sound interferance whenever data is transferred across the IDE channels.


should be able to handle the game nicely when it comes out.

Incidentally, does anyone know how to sort out my annoying sound crackles?

I've tried everything drom drivers to bios updates to 4 in 1 via things etc.


Asus A7V266E is the mobo I think (sounds about right)

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Annyoing crackly sound interferance whenever data is transferred across the IDE channels... does anyone know how to sort out my annoying sound crackles?

Sounds more like EM/RF interference than a driver issue. Try moving your IDE cables around so they are not too near the CD-audio cable. (Or vice versa, the CD audio cable would be easier to re-route.) If that doesn't work, try replacing them. Its possible the problem is in your motherboard, but thats not as cheap a solution.

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Sounds more like EM/RF interference than a driver issue. Try moving your IDE cables around so they are not too near the CD-audio cable.  (Or vice versa, the CD audio cable would be easier to re-route.) If that doesn't work, try replacing them.  Its possible the problem is in your motherboard, but thats not as cheap a solution.

Nah, the problem is defo the mobo.

I've moved the card as far away from any data transfer as possible, yet making sure the slots don't share IRQs etc.

Going back to my old P3-450 with intel mobo of some sort (using all the same cabling etc inside) clears up the problem, so it's a choice of speed with crackles, or not....

Oh well, guess I'm doomed to live a life of crackles till I upgrade again :-/

Maybe I'll turn this into a way over-powered file-server :laugh:

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I'm currently running the following:


Athlon XP 1800+ Overclocked @ 1683mhz


100 GB Hard Drive

64 MB DDR GeForce 3

SoundBlaster Audigy XGamer

Creative 5.1 Surround Sound speaker system


Not to mention the massive number of case mods... :devil:

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I'm getting there mate on my new AMD XP 1900 (2000 was to fast for the rest of the parts :laugh: )



GeForce 2 64MB Graphics Card

Some 100% Soundblaster Card (They're all the same nowadays)

32 x CD Writer (even though CD's can only currently take 24x... 3.5 minutes to write a whole CD kicks ass tho!)

Real nice DVD ROM drive too...

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hmm... my current pc is:

AMD Duron 1.2 Ghz

256 DDR Ram


Radeon VE 64mb

SoundBlaster Live!

24x CDRW

(plus the usual fare of network & modem stuff)


all of which i consider pretty good considering i got it cheaply.

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Don't feel too bad, my dear. My computer isn't even going to be up to playing Aftermath unless I upgrade. What's funny is that I bought a CD-RW and I haven't even installed the thing. I installed my mother's for her, but I can't seem to get around to my own, and I've had it for months. :laugh:
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Currently I've got this nice machine:


AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz

256Meg's of Ram

20 Gig HDD

GeForce 2 32 Mb :hmmm: <- I want a better 'un!!

52x CD


Modem and other gear...


My dad keeps on promising to get a RW and Network the two comps...alas no joy, speaking of which I'm gonna have to plug the CD-ROM into the Sound card, and I also need a better sound card! (The one I currently have is built into the Mother Board, and so Apoc doesn't like it, so no sound :laugh: )

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Hmm... onboard sound seems to cause problems with quite a few games that are coming out nowadays. In the UK, I think a decent Soundblaster card is about £28, and if you're even thinking about playing games like GTA3 (well worth the money :laugh:) then onboard sound seems to conflict terribly with it.


I think I got GTA3 working for a week, the sound was a bit iffy, then I downloaded the divx video codec to see the aftermath movie and downloaded some other video drivers, the sound went funnier and now GTA3 won't even load up :P


It's off to the shop for me tomorrow. There's no point sitting here with a speed machine that doens't play speedy games with kickass sound now is there?

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  • 3 weeks later...

GTA3 play pants on my comp!! 1.2Ghz!! And the most I'm getting is something like 7 frames persecond (VERY BAD!!) And the worst bit is that RockStar has released a patch that doesn't do anything to the games preformance! Which is really, really pants!! gah!!


On the plus side I might be getting a CD-RW soonish, and I think I'l get me a Sound Blaster aswell I'm not sure which one's are compatible with Apoc though.

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  • 1 month later...

Well .. It seems that after xmas this year my 600 MHz Celeron (675)

will be obsolete ... I won't be able to run any game on it ...


The thing that interests me is this ... (aww i'm so bad at english)

As I got it The Aftermath will be turn based and not real time strategy

why go with such high system requirements ......


Btw I DO have a crappy 14'' monitor and max res is 1024x768 so UFO is ok, but it

would be nice to play the game in 800x600 .... I mean even DVD doesn't

have 1280x1024 resolution ... Even on Warcraft 3 I prefered 800x600 with 4x

FSAA to higher res without ....

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Welcome aboard, Nelle. My understanding of the high requirements has to do with a couple of things. The graphics are to be pretty detailed, for one thing. Other than that, I'm sure there are those here who are more informed about the technical aspects of the game.


Btw, your computer won't be really obsolete...most everyone here still plays old games, and I certainly don't intend to stop playing them just because some new ones come out. You'd be amazed at how many of these guys own pretty primitive computers in addition to their newer ones for that very purpose.

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indeed, welcome nelle! :laugh:


anyway, just like tammy says, i've still got my old p120 knocking around (although i dont play old games on it, cause fortunately x-com runs on my current pc).


still, thats the trouble with pcs, the go out of date so quickly. :P

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Just to say thanks 4 a warm wellcome ,,,


I had a primitive 286 and played some great games on it ... (It came from the desert, Curse of the azure bonds, Monkey Island ....), but I had to sell it to buy

P100 and I had to sell that one to buy this one .... And the story continues ...

But the thing that made me upgrade was always some new game that was out

and was not playable on my old machine ... (286 went because of War2, and

P100 couldn't handle Baldurs Gate and Nox) .... Just hope that UFO:AM is so good

that I really want an upgrade to be able to play it ....

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I'm gonna try to time my finances so that I can buy the parts for a new machine in time for my birthday in november. I'm currently playing on a P3 450 w/ 256mb RAM, and will go to an AMD Athlon 2100 probably (and overclock it :laugh:) with 512mb or so.
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