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Patch 1.4 and interview!


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Patch 1.4 is done!

That's right folks! Today ALTAR sent the final patch for UFO:Aftermath (we believe) to Cenega (the publisher) for approval. As soon as Cenega is done with it we'll supply you with a link. The patch have no new features though, it only squishes bugs.


Computergames.ro Aftershock interview:

Jiri Rydl was recently interviewed by Computergames.ro. You can read the quite interesting result here. There was one little comment that some may find rather disturbing though. Read it and see what you think!

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"What's the disturbing comment ?"


Check the underlined part of the quote below, Pete:


8. Computer Games Romania: Will there be multi-level buildings that the player can enter or take advantage of? To place a sniper at a higher level for instance...


Jiri Rydl: Yes there will be multiple level buildings, which you can enter or climb onto. However, there won't be any battles fought inside the buildings."




Feel free to remain undisturbed, though :laugh:

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And i tought it was: "There is possibility we will have time to do this, but right now we are focused on the single-player experience and the creation of a good story." Anyway, nice interview and nice news regarding the 1.4 patch, yeeeee-ha! Let me repeat: Yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaa ! :laugh:


I think Cenga and Altar really have convinced me that UFOAS will be worth the wait. I was sceptical when they said 1.4 will not happen and didn't give out much information about UFOAS, but seeing this all, i think they are on the right way! Hat's off to Cenega/Altar !

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The reference to new enemies and allies is interesting. Altar have also said about a new space-bourne threat in the final third of Aftershock. I think that in Aftershock we will see the invasion of Earth and the Biomass project as only being a small part of a considerably wider war and that it will turn out that right from the beginning the Reticulans were not the controllers of the Biomass but its unwitting dupes. There is a pretty strong hint to this effect in the message that comes up between one winning the lunar base mission and the end game cinematics.


If you can't enter buildings, as the quote suggests, then how is blowing up buildings going to be an effective tactic?


Being able to put a sniper on a rooftop is still going to be pretty good, especially if the enemy can do the same thing.

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It says you CAN enter buildings, but there won't be any fights in it. I think, they mean like back in Xcom Apocalypse, where you had buildings as a "target area". Tactical fights using the inside of a small building in a city area could still be possible....


That would be ok with me!


But maybe Slaughter is thinking of this:

"32. Computer Games Romania: Lastly, anything you want to say to the loyal UFO/XCOM fans out there? Jiri Rydl: Watch https://www.ufo-aftershock.com for news."


They didn't mention our site! Sacrileg! :laugh:

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I found the lack of air combat to be more disturbing. I'm gonna miss the interceptions. But the rest of the game sounds awesome enough.  :laugh:

Yeah, that's not a good thing either. But with all the other added features I guess it'll be okay. Welcome to the boards by the way!


@Aralez: Wherever do you find all this weirdness...? :)

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I miss the interceptions from XCOM, not the automatic ones from UFOAM. BUT i have to admit the real manual interceptions from X-Force: Fight for destiny are way too fast for me, i always let the computer do them.


Slaughter, what was the disturbing comment you've ment, was Thorondor right?

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Now the only concern about the patch is the local distro people for each localized version. On average the spanish one took 1 or 2 months after Cenega did the ones it was in charge. I don't mind if they take this long this time too, as long as they do it.
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The actual interception combat might not be that different, but X-COM had more detail in buying/building craft and arming them. Loosing craft was a far more important event in X-COM than in UFO:AM because you had fewer craft and more invested in them.



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In Xcom you could arm your fighters with the weapon of your choice, you had a "real-time" display, you had different fighters etc... THATS what i miss, Exarch.

The fighter cover was already done in Xcom Apocalypse, just as BlackAlmaz said.


Anyway, i won't miss it in UFOAS as long as the rest of the game is as good as the interview promises :laugh:

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Now the only concern about the patch is the local distro people for each localized version. On average the spanish one took 1 or 2 months after Cenega did the ones it was in charge. I don't mind if they take this long this time too, as long as they do it.

Expect trouble in that department. Martin did say that there was no new localized info in the patch though, so it could be converted by clever brains...something about decrypting the exe and adding the hash for the language in question...

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Expect trouble in that department. Martin did say that there was no new localized info in the patch though, so it could be converted by clever brains...something about decrypting the exe and adding the hash for the language in question...

Because of the way the spanish version has been "raped" by it's protection scheme and the local distributor. Don't think that would be possible without ending up using a no-CD executable.

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In Xcom you could arm your fighters with the weapon of your choice, you had a "real-time" display, you had different fighters etc... THATS what i miss, Exarch.

The fighter cover was already done in Xcom Apocalypse, just as BlackAlmaz said.

Ah, good point, Aralez. I totally agree with you.


As for Apoc, it was so different from the other X-com games as far as interception went, that I hadn't really thought about that.


Ah, well. AM was definitely fun in it's own right.

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I didn't expected Spanish inquisition here!


Pete: I don't drink beer at all, but you are right about Staropramen :-] And what about Pilsner?


TO ALL: I am sorry for the mistake, which was made by translating from my bad English to "better" English at Cenega UK. I try to change the answer in the interview soon.

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