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New SG-1 renders and Aftermath "cooperative"?


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Stargate SG-1 renders:

TYR is ever hardworking, and here are two new renders and the same two ingame for you to drool at:


https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/rendered_usas12(3ds)s.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/rendered_usas12(milkshape)s.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/usas_ingame1s.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/SG1/usas_ingame2s.jpg


If you like them, and feel like cheering TYR on or requesting features, visit this topic.


UFO:Aftermath "cooperative"?

Aralez just suggested a rather intriguing way of playing together in Aftermath. If you'd like to study his suggestion closer, add your own thoughts or join, visit this topic.

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And heres the next one, the new MP5 ;)








PS: if anyone knows a source for high qual weapon images please give me a tell

the better the images the better the texture i can make for the models, like you can see especially on this.

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That MP5 is awesome! Well done! ;)


@Almaz: What do you mean short? MP5 bullets are very short, and the magazine looks just about long enough for the long version (I was equipped with a MP5 for a while in the army).

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Thx, id love to make that good textures for all weapons since i increased my understanding on positioning them, i still need better images to get them to that level the mp5 is thanks to the high detailed image i applyd. The magazine is just as it should be, oh and something i recognized yesterday is that the pdws have smoke for the fireburst, i didnt see that anywhere else ?
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Reskinned Usas-12 although the skin was not bad i had the chance of making it better ;)





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I already made a new p90 model, although it looked crappy and so i didnt use it yet, since i managed to become better and better with textures i wondered what it would look like if i try to implement it, well and here is the result ;)




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really? i wonder if the hundreds of jaffar i will kill with it will complain about that :laugh:


who cares, first you complain about the "handling" and then when i fix that as good as possible plus a perfect muzzleflash you come with that, ok shes 10 cm longer to FIT the hands than she should be and ?

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k....i dont meen to be mean..but....didnt you say you wanted to make reaistic models???... :laugh:


muzle flashes...not the biggest problem but one we have the most...


the rifle animation just doesent suport it....strange but i like the original model..maybe cause i could do nothing with it ???


but other wise..dont be angree..it just looks weird....it sort of looks like his holding a cardbordcut out..okay that was to meen......but yo have seen mymodels...there blocked up to the max.....so dont worry..i'm still going to ask you to make me something cause i like what you did with the other 3 models....!!

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it looks better ingame than on the screens, its true that it might look abit flat but i already ajusted its thickness yesterday, those where the first shots and i could give it another hour to overwork the model to make it look more "realistic" :laugh:

thats what it looks now...



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i have no idea why it should do so, the game did not crash for me in a long time. If you tell me which specific file, i might be able to help, i guess there might be a name collision or something
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Tyr dont worry i fixed the problem......in you weapon list....there was a small problem....cause you made the hall effect list in one line it was hard to find the problem..i dont know..but i think the english version is difrent cause the effect list goes down step by step with end weapon..not in one long line....so dont worry....i think it was my fault anyway.........cause i just formated my computer..i forgot to creat a few small that helps me with VFS...even though i use the tools...they are not enough for some reason..untill i fixed my problem


and the proplem in your list conflict with the 6.8 mod....thats all

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BlackAlmaz it if's all in one line it might be because one of the CR, LF symbols is missing the end of the line, and some of the typical text editors for windows require them both to present them properly. If you use WordPad it will show them properly even if one of them is missing. It's a Windows technicallity.
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