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Shop Section Added


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Normally I'd post this in the site announcements section, but it's far too exciting for that!


I've re-done the old shop section from my other site, cleared out all the links to games that are out of stock and added some more games which are squad-based strategy games.


Feel free to take a look and if you can think of any more similar games that I've not listed there, then why not send us an e-mail?

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Bwahahahaha! I control the flood control :) I can set it to anything, but it's best not to overload the server. Besides, it stops spamming :devil:


The first JA isn;t on the list because it's not available as Bastiaan has guessed. There's not point me adding a game to the shop section that can't be bought at that particular shop :blink:

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I think I'm probably the only person who does. I would say Warlord and me but, besides being incorrect grammar, it is clear that Warlord doen't pay any attention to the flood control at all.

After all like he said, he controls it. Plus the fact that hest clocked up almost fifty posts today...

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Well ya see, being administrators means Warlord and myself are exempt from the flood control limiter :)


Therefore nobody should try and beat Warlord in a posting spree, as he'll win hands down :blink:

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Answer to your first question: Yes :eh: PC's are exactly the same the world over where games are concerned. Besides, most of the parts are from US manufacturers anyway.


It's only video's that you have to watch out for from the US as they're awkward and use a different system :):)


Secondly, I don;t actually have the games. If you click the link,you get taken to an online shop and it'll tell you how much postage you need to pay. I think it works out at about 3 or 4 pounds on the cheapest scale, but cos they're form the US, when you do the conversion into pounds, you still get it mega-cheap even with postage slapped on ;)


Go, buy and be merry! :blink:

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Thanks, I tried it and I got:


$ 14.95

Jagged Alliance 2 W95/98 Jewel Case CD


$ 4.00

Shipping & Handling Per Order


$ 19.50

Shipping & Handling Per Shipment



$ 4.50

Shipping & Handling Per Item


$ 42.95




Which comes to £29.50


Is that correct? Cause I heard HMV in oxford street were selling it for £5...

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As ludicrous as it seems, that's correct, which is why it's cheaper if you live in the US :)


The alternative is t get a pretty big wishlist (3 or more I reckon) of games you want and get them all at once. Then it becomes cheaper again.


If you can find it in the UK or on the shelves anywhere it'll probably be cheaper as it's getting old, but I have to go with the sources I can see :blink:

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