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XCom : Colonisation Website

Stun Grenade

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hey all,


for a great game to start off the ground, we need an official website.


1) Server - Geocities could do or if anyone has a private server...


2) Flash - flash?? or plain and simple


3) WYSIWYG - I could use FrontPage or DreamWeaver and upload, not using the simple interface of Geocities.



Vet, do the helpers (if there are any) need to join the workspace??



Tell me what you think and we can make the site



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It's a fan game that started about 6 months ago. Got a few people that visit these forums working on it.





We could break it up into departments and have different people running free sites for their department until we can get it all on one server.


Flash would be nice if we have anybody around that can do it. I can do simple .gif's if needbe. Or we could model sample characters in a program like Maya.


As far as .html editing goes; I use Notepad. :(




Things we need to pin down:


1. Name of organization. Xcom wouldn't make sense being as this is about a different group of people. Think of really cool resistance type acronyms.


2. Uh.....I get back to you on that. :P

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Yeah I agree. The game will still be called XCom : Colonisation to link it to the timeline but the organisation needs a different name. That however will not be discussed on these forums!

The intricacy of this website should really be discussed on the .NET forum so we'll only use this topic for gathering any helpers if we can find them. It's nice to see you back among us JMan :P And those new 3D pics you've done are getting better every time I see them! I think that program would easily do for furniture etc. if it's compatibale with what we're using.


Anyway, shouldn't be talking about that here! I'd say use Geocities for as much as we can honestly... It's free but it does have limited capabilities. It is possible that we could use multiple Geocities sites linked together and then simply use screen capture to incorporate more complicated HTML features into the webpage. Multiple sites would give us relatively large data transfer per month and porting in stuff from other creators would give us endless posibilities...


Anybody know of any other free providers?

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Geocites, Angelfire, 20meg/50megs are free.


I found a program online that can create objects for several programs.




I'll have to play with some of the .ini files to get DOGA to figure out what's going on though.


I'll see if I can get ahold of Maya also since DOGA is not really designed to handle creatures.

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  • 1 month later...
i have a server, but it's one of those which came with my internet, so it only has 200mb. of course, i have five of those, my bro mum and dad never use it, so essentuly you have about 800mb of bandwidth on 4 different servers. if you use my e-mail/web account as well, you will have a little less than 200mb.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...
Ummmm....is anyone still trying to get this up and running? I haven't been on this site for a while and this project looks very interesting. I hope someone out there is still trying to get this done.
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  • 5 months later...
Ummmm....is anyone still trying to get this up and running? I haven't been on this site for a while and this project looks very interesting. I hope someone out there is still trying to get this done.

If you're wondering what the website is;



It doesn't look like much is going on there, I'm afraid. I guess everyone's busy.

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  • 11 months later...
Due to none of the above websites remaining operational I'm closing this thread for the time being. If anyone can help provide free hosting to get this thing going again please let me know either in the updates thread or via PM. Cheers, TJ
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  • 2 months later...

I'm happy to be able to reopen this topic and this marks the begin of some serious spring-cleaning here in the Colonisation forums! As of a matter of days ago we have reopened a new website which over the next few weeks should be seeing quite frequent updates. There isn't much content which we're ready to divulge yet but we're working hard behind the scenes to get this project back in gear!


The new website is here and although it may be fairly bare right now it's definitely worth keeping a note of as this is where we'll be posting news and updates as they happen. Thanks to Larry who's taken on the task of web designer and Alan without whom we would have even less artwork than is currently on display!

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