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The Veteran

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That's too bad, about the fic dying down I mean. :)


There still are a great deal of roleplayers around who could really flex their fingers at writing....hmmm....maybe it would be time to set up a different kind of fanfic? TFTD perhaps...or one from the aliens' point of view? Or how about an alternate timeline - like say...the aliens actually WIN the first alien war or how about they win the second alien war...it'd be pretty nifty I'd think. :)

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Well if the aliens won the first war they would enslave the human race and kill us all... Besides I'm writing a fic on that as it is :) As for TFTD I think it's the next logical step once we finish the UFO fic but not before. It would rely too much on a lot of info that we write about in the first fic.

No, we just have to save the Apocalypse fic. It's full of good stuff but we need to finish the whole 'strange characters walking in off the street' thing and we have to put an end to the whole XCom-CoS war. We've pretty much won so maybe now it's time to retry that raid that started off the whole fic huh? Then we can get back to Sectoid bashing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
hmm i apolagize for 'the lack of posting and lack of um posting :) my courses are drawing to an end and my finals are coming up along with the last huge research papers and stuff... so i probably wont be posting much until december 4th. plus work and and stuff... just so much just to pay rent... but december 4th the night that is is the night im guaranteed to post :) i hope... ill be checking the forums but wont be posting much. have fun people and good luck to the others that have exams coming up.
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It looks pretty unlikely doesn't it Niml :) It's strange how this thread really only focusses on the Apoc fic now. The UFO fic is still getting a fair bit of attention. Even though it's not on a regular basis... The Apoc fic hasn't been written in for ages and it looks like it's going to stay that way till December 4th :)
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  • 4 weeks later...
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Would anyone mind if I wrote a bit of fanfic about a group of SAS soldiers who were thinking of volunteering for a black project (X-Com)?

This would be seperate from the timeline (probably while X-Com was still X-INV) andso probably not stepping on anyone's toes.

Would that be ok? I assume I'm addressing Veteran, but whoever has a say please do tell.

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I don't really know what you're talking about oh sweet FA :) It is completely within your rights as an X-Com fan to write about whatever you want though :) It's good to see people making their own fics every so often. I'd rather you posted in our fics here though :)
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Dude, if you have something to introduce into the UFO post, just post it. HOwever, please read the backstory and also the character profile section as well so you can get a feel for the characters and not have them do anything "out of character," such as Trigger suddenly becoming serious when he's talking with some of his pilot buddies or with Rick, Donovan becoming a loud-mouthed jack-ass, or Poison actually being out right nice to someone, etc.


Yeah, that is about it. Anyone have any other suggestions?



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For your fic it's fine where it is. Only post in the UFO fanfic if you want to contribute to the hugeness that it is :) It would be great to have you as a new writer in there though. Just follow what Ras said and read the fic, the discussion, the profiles and the rules.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah JFish I know :) I tried to blend it in as nicely as possible so that it was obvious that everything was happening at the same time but I just found it easier to post than I would have done if I'd tried a battle post. All that needs to be done to get back to the battle is something like I did to get away from it. Like a 'while they were talking' line. A kind of 'at the same time in a battle not so far away' kind of thing :)
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Couple of questions for you blokes.

1) Is there an official position on profanity in the fic?

2) Is there an X-Com pistol? I know they have a standard rifle, (the H&K G36, if I remember correctly) but there doesn't seem to be a standard sidearm. Are the soldiers allowed to choose their own? Or do they all have to use a gun of the same calibre so they can interchange ammo (if not magazines)?

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Hey FullAuto! Nice bit of writing in that other thread there!


Which brings me to the intriguing idea that the alien landings aren't random at all. There could be a very good reason why the farms they pick are so deserted, and the family missing.


Anyway, regarding swearing, I've put in a "Damnit" and wouldn't complain about s**t in the right context, but f**k without the asterixes would be going too far, I think. Does that make us PG-13 or what, I wonder.


The pistol - I've noted before that SOCOM use 45ACP, aka HK MK23. This would be the standard issue sidearm, if no-one objects. I can't remember if this is the same as a Sig Sauer. There is some room for personal weapons, thus Gaston was allowed to keep his machinepistol. Let's say soldiers would have to purchase their own non-standard ammo.



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Thanks JFG. Okay, got the profanity thing sorted.

As for the sidearm thing, I was hoping someone would suggest a H&K gun, making things simple for X-Com, getting their firearms from the same supplier. Sig Sauer do pistols in .45 ACP, but their mag capacity is 12 or 13 rounds instead of the 9mm's 15. I was going to suggest the USP in 9mm, but I'm happy with the SOCOM. It might be a bit tricky for the smaller X-Com members to use (it's huge!) but it is a good gun.

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The XCom pistol is just as it says, an XCom pistol. It's made by them for them and noone else in the world can have one. These things fire bullets to kill dinosaurs :) So no there is no real life comparison (even though modern guns are great. The point is, it's never going to be a civilian gun)
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