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Apoc Fanfic discussion

The Veteran

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Firstly to point out what of the fic has already happened there have been four chapters and we are now on the fifth. 25 posts is roughly a chapter and it'd be good to keep to that if possible. Another thing to ask is that when posting it'd be good if people could continue to write Instalment by whoever... It just helps when I come to download it... And remember if I hadn't of downloaded it where would we be right now?


But forget about that! So far the fic has introduced us to the characters by plunging us in right at the deep end of a raid on the Sirius temple. This was a catastrophic failure and cost many lives. (Read posts 1-25)

Then there was the whole Carlos' 18th birthday thing and the Jane relationship... The personnel are introduced a little further and we see a little bit of training, the occasional bit of work and a lot of socialising. There's also an interesting incident with an alien in the base here but you'll have to read the fic to see it. Here we see a massive revelation on Carlos' part which is still running as a nice storyline at the moment. (Read posts 26-50)

Chapter three portrays an extremely detailed UFO raid and is a definite must read. (Read posts 51-76)

Then in chapter four we come across the casualties from the raid and Trigger begins his own saga. The base Commander also goes a little crazy about now... Not in an insane sense of the word, just read it and you'll see. The result is a rather nasty bust up downtown and we discover exactly what the government of mega primus has planned for the future of XCom which, all in all, does not look like it's anything good... Our android has interestingly just made a training simulator for our soldiers but it's yet to be used. Meanwhile Ki-tat is looking for love... Hopefully he'll be a little more wary than his baby brother was hey CAP? (Read posts 77-98)

Now onto the current chapter, number five we see nothing much happening. Except of course the pilgrimage for a new way of seeing and an alien raid on the most significant building in the city... But all of this is yet to unfold. (Read posts 99 onwards)


Anything in the fic now or later that someone doesn't understand should be discussed in here. Don't be shy! Speak out! :D

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w00t! Stay tuned for more adventure-packed episodes! To include:


-Tammy sleeping in more uncomfortable chairs!

-Ego and Doc still moping around, half-drunk, feeling sorry for themselves!

-CAP hitting on more androids!

-and Carlos still not being there!


Remember, same Apoc channel, same Apoc time!

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Most peopkle aren't killcrazed when they're joking! :D Anyway nice to see your first post up. Not that I've read it yet but I'm on my way..


Anyway on speaking to DragonHawk earlier it occurred to me that noone knows what the squad assignments are anymore... So here is the list from the last mission...


Alpha Squad (Doc France)

Kilam, Greg, DragonHawk, Andy


Beta Squad (Ki-tat Chung)

Trigger, Pete, Volmen, Brook, Terror


Gamma Squad (Tankman)

Alan, BombBloke, three spaces in this squad...


Delta Squad (Ego Terrorist)

Carlos the Jackal, Tammy, Dante, Rambo, Duke


The special assignments...

Trigger, Tammy - Snipers

BombBloke - Sapper

Ego Terrorist - Medic

Doc France - Tactician (Although has recently had this role removed. It may be reinstated at a later date)


Like I said we have three spaces in Gamma squad. One of these will be Zager but the other two still need filling. If noone wants the jobs then we could use some more fodder...

I also think that Andy Rambo and Duke were killed in action. That means that we need three more rookies for cannon foddr in the Senate building mision... Post them in the character profiles when you have any ideas...

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Sure you can!We have at least five spaces for new entries. To make for a realistic game we still need to have a few casualties occasionally though so we are going to need at least two, maybe three of them as fodder...

Crazy Photon put in a character for us to play with and now we have yours too. If there's anyone else who wants to have a go then be quick about it! Oh and there is Zager's character of course... But he's just security... Right Zager :D

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Minor customising is allowed of XCom standard weapons but custom weapons is on the whole not a good thing to have in a crack force of the worlds best agents... It looks like our newest addition will be inseperable from his new gun though so I guess it has to be allowed now... What I would say though is if you want your guys to have special weapons you wait a while to do it. We don't want anyone reading it to see several people coming in at once with pretty much exactly the same background.


Anyway onto people...

Currently Alpha and Delta squads are out and paired off.

So that's,

Doc + Kilam, Greg + DragonHawk, (maybe Crimson) + free space...

Ego + ( probably Dante), Tammy is with Warlord but he isn't from the squad (he makes up the numbers for Carlos not being here...) Then two more spaces.


That means we have at least three in this mission but there are also four at base. I'd reccomend you keep your characters for Gamma squad. They need three people so two more would be great.

Definite spaces are currently, Alpha-1, Beta-1, Gamma-3, Delta-1

I'd say three for fodder of which one is provided. Three for characters of which four are provided... Ah well we have one space left anyhoo!

(That's counting you Snikers so there is still one space)

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Just to clear up any confusion in reguards to my last two posts. Megan and Carlos are now in the senate and in the current storyline, just after the incident with Zager's cops and Warlord and tammy. Just to clear-up storyline nitpickers before they even start, Carlos had left the base *just* before Warlord raised the alert from the senate, and is there half and hour later. Due to the largeness of the building, disorganisation of everybody, and the number of invaders, its still pretty hot (Zager's trigger-happy coppers dont help either :D (joking))
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Right sorry I've been away for a while. There's a lot happening in my life at the moment that really doesn't deserve to be mixed in with XCom.

But I am back now hopefully for good so I'm off to check the fics and see why Tammy and Warlord are so thankful to be alive.

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Firstly I'd like to point out how amazed I am at the fact noone has replied in this for so long. I'm reviving the UFO fic as we speak but I have n omaterial for the Apoc one as the mission is too messy. Can someone get in here and tell everyone what's going on and who's at the Senate?!
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