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Apoc Fanfic discussion

The Veteran

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Zager's hit on the Temple of the Millenium will fall very near the end of the battle as they had to stop off at the slums for weapons... But yes, almost everyone from Alpha base will die... There will be the few survivors but to all intents and purposes, the base will be annihilated...
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After discussions, the current plan is that most of the non-combatant base personnel make it out alive, injured perhaps, but alive, as well as some of the soldiers.


We have to remember that losing that many resources in one shot would probably result in X-COM's contract with Mega-Primus being cancelled. After all, if we can't defend ourselves against humans, the senate is most certainly going to come to the logical conclusion that we're not fit to defend Mega-Primus, and give the contract to Marsec. The disadvantage of the Apoc world is that X-COM is no longer the only game in town. Marsec would no doubt happily to take the job in order to get first access to alien technology.

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Indeed, we also discussed the existence of XCom supreme Command. Like XTCs bigger brother. It's at the top of the chain in the way of power in XCom and although they ever really seem to do anything, these are the guys who represent XCom in the Senate. If it weren't for them then XCom pay wouldn't be increased at the end of the month. They kind of nag the senator into paying XCom more... Although our senator isn't very pro-XCom as is obvious to all... :)
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That's a bit of a mammoth post but hey, noone was posting and I just kept on going! Sorry! :) That's moved it on a helluva lot though. This is where the battle REALLY starts and whoever writes can decide the outcome... Alpha base won't last and it's not meant to at this point! But the casualties are undecided so come on! Someone come and sort it out for us! :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I don't have anything really to contribute on the battle there, but when it dies down, I'll post something again about Tammy and/or Warlord back in the medlab or something like that.
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  • 2 weeks later...
hello all, im looking for a formated (with spaces and indentions) versons of x-com Apocalypse Arc One - Pawn by Ben Fischer and Arc two, if anyone knows where i can find it please email me(souryu_lang@yahoo.com) i would owe ya one. Also, i tried ben's email, and it didnt work, so if anyone has a current email of is i would really appriciate that too. thanks -ender-
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Snikers is more or less done for this chapter. As long as the attention is toward Alpha Base, don't expect much

action out of him.


I suppose I could still write for some of the fodder poking through debris, though, if anyone wants.

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Base is destroyed, cult is pretty much annihilated but XCom is getting the sharp end of the stick... Government and said corrupt senator... will not be happy. XCom is going to have a hard time making out that it can do it's job properly

Plus there's the whole cultist/mutant alliance alliance... But that's another story :)

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