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UFO Fanfiction Discussion

Carlos the Jackal

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Yeah, I figured the alien would be an Etheral if it wore a cloak, and that's the only alien that could be confused with a Sectoid. Which would quite likely happen, given that Sectoids are the only aliens seen thus far.


I've lost my broadband access. I feel like a snail, only without that single foot they have. :P

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Ugh. Sorry I'm not posting more, but my writing's just been crap lately. Check out my post on Marvin as evidence... :)


In any case, more Shipley, yay. We've really got to work out her motivation in all this. We could jsut say she was promised a lofty position when the earth is conquered, but that seems a little too easy to me. Too simple.

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Immortality? A promise to download her mind into a new clone whenever she gets old/sick/injured?


Could someone please tell me why I keep referring to male characters by their surnames and to female characters by their first names? Gah!

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Perhaps a quasi-religious conviction in the alien overmind? P'raps sees the overmind as humanity's greatest destiny or only destiny. That would only work if she knows the aliens laid the seeds for humanity though...


Maybe she has the same idea of Xcom's chances that I do. Maybe she's still being a diplomat, getting the aliens into a position where they won't just make humans extinct. Or trying to, anyway.

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Holy crap, sgtsurge, that's a bit of a tall order. It's a long fanfic. If no one else has it, I could get on it. I can't say it'll come fast though.


I've been thinking of doing a Bernard post. What country do we want him to be from?

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On the word document... you can just click on "Print this topic" and that displays the entire fic in one page. Signatures are also clipped off, which is nice.


Although... it tries to display the text on white-on-white, so you can't see it unless you highlight it. :)

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Grr... I was about to say "But Martin already escaped" but then realized I was confused between Marvin and Martin.


Uh, I honestly don't know. I was actually thinking that we would have let him send the laser pistol off without being found out. Then let him get into motion scanners, which we know are the second best profit-per-hour technology avaliable to X-COM. (So corporations would oogle over the stuff)


And why I destroyed the other UFO? I do admit, it takes away from the fun of the agents trying to take control of it... :)

But I figured that it was the best way to keep it quiet(er). There was no way that they would have been able to dredge it out of the water unnoticed, considering the population of the city. Somebody would have filmed or taken pictures of it, despite the army's best efforts to keep everybody away. But this way, the sighting can be attributed to a terrorist bombing and mass hysteria.


Oh, and I wanted a reason for Ramson to get recruited. I'll get a profile up for him tomorrow - er... later today. (Jeez, it's late.)

Okay... maybe I'll just get it up sometime soon.

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It's unlikely Terrick will get any chance to steal again if he's captured and court-martialled. I see this leading more or less directly to the mission where XCOM (and the Agents on stakeout) help Terrick get his family back. We hold Terrick in the brig until Pickering is through with this Washington mess.


A typically hard-hitting terse post from Vet there involving tea and waffles. :blush:


Tangent 1: occasionally I feel the urge to skip a few weeks so we can get on to some different alien species. Do you think anyone will notice if we see all 5 major species before the end of January and launch for Cydonia in Feb?


Tanget 2: I was reading an interesting thread at Forumopolis from February this year where one guy was playing XCOM with all the soldiers named after forum regulars (resurrecting them with clones if necessary). He then just posted to the forum telling what was happening in the current mission (with screenshots) and asked the regulars what they wanted to bring on the next mission. The audience participation made it sound like a lot of fun.

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Re: Pilots discussion (in the character profiles part)


I also think that writing for other bases will be cumbersome and may get confusing. I was always thinking that we might just mention the other bases, but not go into too much detail unless we need to.


I know who "Cheese" is... but no one's mentioned him since he flew the Galaxy back home.


JFG's probably also right about keeping more pilots on hand. What would be the best rotation system for four combat pilots?



About Terrick: How about we let him send the pistol away first? I kinda like the idea of the effects that will cause. After that I suppose we can rescue him.


Tangent 1: Yeah, we should speed it up after current things are taken care of.


Tangent 2: Ooh! Neat!



Oh, there should be a meeting sometime soon to inform the troops of a few things, like laser pistols and using HWPs more effectively (I was thinking group training excersises with the tanks) and stuffs. How about just after Terrick's caught?

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Oh, and whatever happened to the tank AI? Maybe something funny about friend/foe recognition software is being debugged ('cause you really don't wanna have any bugs in that). In all the missions the tank was under remote operator control, but maybe they can start phasing in the AI on training missions? (Part of tank training I mentioned)


I was reading back... and noticed that, for some reason, I had sent Davies away to America... but I forgot why! :)


So, can I edit that out and we all just kinda... forget about it? :)



Also, I was reading through Bomb Bloke's summary (I'm ashamed I haven't read it fully until now! :blush:) and noticed a couple things:


It has been noted that Daniel "Psawhn" Morlone sleeps in a room with a soldier, as opposed to another scientist.
Actually, he bunks with one of the hangar support staff, or groundcrew, or technician, or whatever. Not a soldier, though.


TJ notes that X-Com's interceptor craft, the Hurricanes, have a top speed of twenty one hundred. 2100 in what unit, I must admit I don't know
Knots, or nautical miles per hour. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Makes sense, too, as it puts the Hurricane at 3 889.2 kilometres per hour, or a bit more than Mach 3.

(By comparison, the F-22 has a top speed of between Mach 2.0-2.5, I think.)



I suppose the whole summary thing can be updated a little bit too, eh, Bomb Bloke? :)



(As for me & posting: I have a few ideas of things to write, but they'd have to occur after the Terrick "incident" is resolved. Also, I should ask FullAuto what his ideas for the Agents in America are (I'm really sorry to have just up and dumped that on you! :( ) before I can do much more with Bighorn.

Plus, being the last poster is a bit of a discouragement. :))

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Terrick is a nutter and at some point will be let loose by X-Com for what he's done. In what way I've no idea but I imagine the task of retrieving his family will go to the UN, Terrick will leave the fic for a while then carry off some incredible 'Eastenders style' reappearance some time later avec family etc.


The Hurricane has a top speed of about 3800, yeah that's what I put in the data canister, not sure where I wrote it wrong but forgive me I beg!


Also worth checking up on the data canisters for a write up of the HWP. I reread it earlier today and must say its one of my better works!


I don't like the thought of skipping any more time in the fic than we have to... A better solution to the sluggish progress of the game-plot would be for everyone to stop posting in here and start posting in there to be fair! Read the rest of this post after you've posted in the fic...





Right, four pilots yeah. Davies has gone to the states and that should stay in the story as I cross referenced it in my last post. I said he was going to pick up a plane but as long as its mentioned later in the fic that I was wrong then he can be going there for whatever reason he wants! Ther way I've been arranging the pilots so far has been exactly as I want them! Often that see's Trigger and Gia together as it gives for more in depth interaction. Davies is jealous of Trigger and he just doesn't really like Davies too much... No dislike felt though, they get on really...


Try that for size and tell me what I forgot to mention. I'm counting down to having net access on base soon so I can finally get back to the moderatory glory that I abandonned when I decided to become a responsible adult and get a career :blush:

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