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UFO Role-Playing Discussion Forum


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I was just wondering what will happen to the UFO role-playing that was going on over at the old board. Now I had noticed in my occasional lurking that it wasn't moving very fast. I was wondering several things:


1. Should we pick it up where we left off?

2. Should we start over?

3. Should we do it all?


My votes would be 2 and 3. What do you think? I'm particularly interested in hearing from Veteran, Warlord, Tammy, and all the others who were very active on the old RPG.

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Well, I'm afraid that it took off in directions that I was having trouble following, so I didn't write anything. If everyone wants to keep it going, I'll do my best to figure it out. If you want to start over, I'll try to join in if I can.
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Oh, I'm sure it was a wonderful plot, but I just kept getting confused as to where I could possibly fit in. One minute I was with Warlord, and the next I was some sort of infantry in another squad. I was having an identity crisis! :)
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Actually, I would like to start over and start clean. I think I learned a lot by trying to write on the other board (and now that summer vacation is over, and my son is back at school, I'll have a little more time to post), so I really think a new plot could be a lot more fun, refreshing and organized.
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During my still unexplained absence, I lost track of what happened to my masterpiece and what you forum goons have done to it.. (joking of course)


If i remember right, it had a few inconsistences, i'll fix em.



I'll get the whole thing, put it up, wash it, iron it and present it.


Where we go from there, restart, or continue, im fine with both.


Next time, though, I recommend it be written from a grunts eye view all the way, no one declaring themselves commander.

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I think a grunt's-eye view is a good idea, Carlos. It would keep the story from getting too confusing. I'd also like to suggest that we try not to control the content too much. Because we have many people who'd like to contribute, we're not always going to agree with or like what sometimes gets added to the story, but I think if we over-control the content, it's going to discourage some people from writing. I think we should just sort of go with whatever comes along (unless it's really, you know, distracting or annoying or something).


Another suggestion I'd like to make is that we don't spend TOO much time on our character backgrounds. I think it's good to have a background, but I think that maybe some of the stories written to introduce characters (mine included) may have been a little distracting to the flow.


Anyway, that's just what I'd suggest. What do you all think? Oh, and by the way, should we ask Carlos if he'd like to start us off again? I think the last beginning was really good.

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I like the idea of "grunt's-eye" view all the way through. I think we should start the thing over, but from the same beginnings. I liked the way it was leading into 1 January 1999. I also think that we shouldn't spend too much time on our backgrounds, but I also think we need to have some idea where we come from. We can't just have soldiers, we need pilots, scientists, and even janitors too (yeah, crispy!)


I'm sure we've got eight people who'd love to be in our first squad :)

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One idea that might simplify things alot is to make another thread with our character backgrounds. That would make it much easier to update the list of people on the base.


Like you said, we should have:





support personnel



For infantry, we should have:


heavy weapons

rifle infantry





I also agree about starting Jan 1, 1999, and I think doing the Pine Gap base again is perfectly okay.

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Guys? fill me in?


Okay I'm new around here, (though I was with the whole thing way back in time)...


This story... Can I participate? And need I read the complete story on the old board back?? Also, 1st january 1999, why is that again?


It's like writing a book, written by a lot of writers...


Am I to choose a certain character and then play along from only this characters eyes?


Sorry if I ask so many questions, but it sounds really interesting...



- Wormfist

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To answer your questions:


Can I participate?



And need I read the complete story on the old board back??

No. Not at all. We're starting over completely.


Also, 1st january 1999, why is that again?

That's where the X-Com PC game begins, and that's what this fanfic is based on. We'd like to keep it true to the game in as many ways as possible, including the progression of weapons and tech, etc.


It's like writing a book, written by a lot of writers...

Yes, it is. :)


Am I to choose a certain character and then play along from only this characters eyes?

Yes. Although some people may have more than one character. So basically, you'll write from the point of view of your character, and I think it's okay to include some interaction with other characters, however it's probably a good idea to keep that kind of interaction simple so that we don't accidently have somebody else's character do something they really wouldn't like to do. ex.:

Warlord accidently drops the grenade and bravely jumps on it.
I have a feeling that might not be OK with Warlord. :) So please feel free to join us. I'm sure we're going to have lots of fun with this.
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Well then... count me in as a... ehh... like I'm picturing my self playing the game.... using the... ehh... well, it's all about grunts anyway isn't it?


Grunt it is then... Extra Terrestrial Combat Unit as in XCom... perhaps an explosives specialist... no, wait... I got it! Morale officer who carries explosives! That'll do. :)


And now I'm gonna get my self a cup of coffee....



- Wf

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I'd like to sign up with a character, sirs and madam.


Background Canadian 1st Airborne, specialty Recon/Sniper, special interest Electronics/Robotics. I agree the footage from the briefing video looked pretty hairy, sir, but if it's on-the-ground intel you want, I'm your man.


Which way's the mess hall and when can I get my hands on that rumored laser tech?


Hey, and a welcome to those pilots; they'll be responsible for pushing the Skyranger into those hot LZ's and making sure no aliens wander into the cargo bay while we're beating the bush. Armed with only 9mm pistols, of course. And don't take off without us, eh, or we'll hafta shoot you down. :)


(A suggestion: An overall plot - perhaps based on someone's actual Geoscape-level game log - might have to be followed "behind the scenes" to serve as a mission generator for the 'grunts'. One C.O. could keep up the flow of the game by officially announcing the next mission in the sequence once we're recovered from the last. The tech tree advancement would also be able to follow this behind-the-scenes structure. Not a lot of work for the CO once they get the log from someone - I'm sure there's an XCOM player out there who's kept an event log from 1999 to Cydonia, no?)



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