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Joe Biden Sucks.

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This is the worst president in American history. If you voted for him, you're a fucking moron. If you feel different, about this I'd like to know what exactly he has done to justify otherwise. I want sources too, not "orange man bad shit".



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British members of parliament condemn Biden's withdrawal? They should be the ones who talk. Britain invaded Afghanistan not once (1839-1842), not twice (1878-1880), but three times (1919) and failed miserably. Let's not forget the Soviets invaded in 1979 and did a bang up job of that. Granted we didn't do any better, but we should have never even tried going there in the first place. The Afghans do not want to be invaded or ruled by puppet regimes installed by other governments - they have their own ideas. I think after we killed Osama bin Laden we should have withdrawn then and there. ;)


- Zombie

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What is it about that place that it gets invaded so often?! :D I didn't even know UK was there three times...


Not that I like the idea of Sharia law taking over etc. but you really can't save them all obviously. Also, beating Afghanistan while shaking hands with Saudis - WTF? Nobody was trying to correct any wrongs in the first place.

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I'm having trouble sleeping at night. I'm arguing about the abandonment. You're wrong, this will effect you in Europe and around the world. This is going to change everyone's way of life. This wasn't just a stain on the USA, this was decree on everyone who holds freedom important.



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Bullshit. Osama Bin Laden wasn't killed in Afghanistan. I honestly believe he's still alive. IF he is dead, it wasn't the US forces that killed him. If anything, the US would do the same thing that they did with Saddam Hussein, which was let the Iraq government hold justice. He was after all employed by the CIA.


Zombie, you also failed to mention he was born in and from parents from Saudi Arabia.



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