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Saber Warrior

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That's right, it's spelt Ascidia cuz Ascadia would sound corny! :blush:


Anyway, I need info on the planet (ie. atmosphere, gravity and whatever stuff you guys can think of) This info is needed for a certain long range operation. (conspiratory wink to Ghost, DH and Pickers) ;)


P.S. Dammit I overslept!! (DH will understand what I mean) ;)

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Nerd! :blush:


Anyway, I don't think it's yet specified. Here are the arguments that I can think of:


1. Gravity - The Ascidian race is more powerful than we are, so I would think their gravity is going to be higher than Earth's. This would have helped their race to be more robust. You could argue that the gravity is too low, since they are also apparently tall. This is a bit of a toss-up.


2. Atmosphere - I would guess that Ascidia's oxygen content is going to be higher than that of Arkunis IV. They seem to have a fairly close living requirement as humans, but since Arkunis IV is very close to what we need atmosphere-wise and is apparently only lightly colonized, I reach to say that the reason this is so is because the Ascidian's requirements for oxygen are greater than can be comfortably obtained on Arkunis IV.


Questions on detailing Ascidia itself (and other planets if we so wish): %land/%water, climate(per region), population, population distribution, resources, main transportation lines on-planet/spaceways, time scale.


With regards to time scale, Loonie has told me that a day on Arkunis IV is roughly two times as long as an Earth day, so that's already settled.

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You'll notice, Saber, that we are the only lamers online at this point. We suck. :blush: While we're at it, maybe we should just draw a map. ;)


Another thing to add would be the physical size of the planet, the depth of the atmosphere, etc. Joy of joys, we could be around forever. We should have a meeting... Saturday, an hour before sim, perhaps, we can talk about the joy that is Ascidia. ;)

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Well when you do discuss it please use some of your previous stories as your reference points. That's how I learned about the day cycle. Just don't make up new info that outright contradicts the one that was previously written up, like I think you tried with the day cycle and if I hadn't pointed it out you'd probably just keep up with it. :blush:
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What thing with the day cycle? I asked Mouse himself about it. Maybe he meant the Ascidia day, with regards to the 36 hour thing.


At any rate then, if anyone knows whether there was actually a story posted that had reference to Ascidia... As far as I know, there are references to Arkunis IV and Hydroxa, but very little on Ascidia itself.

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lol, I'd already beaten you all to the name of Ascidia!! and it's offical! Cause if you check out the alien/lifeform section you'll find the Ascidian report.


But anyway, Ascidia, up until 17/18 million years ago had been a planet with heavy jungle plains, as the planet only has a 2 degree's tilt there is effectivly no seasons, but their are minor climatic variations throughout an Ascidian year but nothing comparable to our own spring, summer, autum and winter. However sometime around 17 million years ago a unknown disaster occured decimating the jungles accross the globe (forest fire?). This decimation of the jungles resulted in a mixture of smaller localised and sheltered jungles (as opposed to the global jungles) the result was desert like conditions which lasted for several million years. This event forced the premodern Ascidians (Ascidius Gorilla Diunis) out of hte jungles and onto the plains and deserts, which unlike 40% of the planet's diverse species, surivived. It's survival lead to the evolution of the Ascidius Marius, which became a hunter, which eventually resulted in territorial and roaming hunter gatherer groups. That lived off the plains and deserts, however by the coastlines where there was a mixture of grassland and forests was where the Ascidius Marius would often advance along.


But anyway I ramble...


I agree with DH's conclusions about the gravity, and the atmosphere. And I am more inclined to go with the heavier level of gravity, as though they are tall they are not thin, and are very well built and muscular.

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F***. I was away at my new place - the previous tenants left a dump. I also thought the meeting was tomorrow... Please, Saber, don't sic Fox on me... Please... :blush: Did you folks reach any decisions, or were you just bulls***ing then? ;)
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