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Music during sims.


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Okay, you might as well brace yourself since here comes another one of my mad geeky ideas ::Crowd runs to the hills:: :blink:


First of all I would just like you to answer to this topic since it is an important element in my plan. So fortunately you have some time before I unveil my thing. :) But when I will start gibbering all about it...well...... :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Let me guess: Music to hypnotize the world so they will become your mindless zombie slaves, then a blond guy with way too much muscle of course hasn't heard it somehow and after a long and bloody battle with your zombies he kills you and runs off with some lingerie model, while we see your twitching hand reveal the fact that there'll be a sequel? :blink:
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Wow! You've guessed my plan for world domination! (though I didn't anticipate the last part. Need to work on it some more :blink: )


Heh, no seriously. this next week the poll is open then I reveal my plan (the improved one without the last degrading part. :))

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay it's now waaay past the time I've set to lay out my plan so I'm telling it now.


What would you say for specific XCAS mp3 music during sims? I could concoct several short mp3s (each about 30-45s long) and somehow give them over to you. Then during sim time there would be various situations obviously.




Let's say that we're just prepping up for the mission on the Patton. When you get the GM SETTING that tells you that it's basically a readying phase on the patton, you activate one of those mp3s named "The Patton" for instance and set it on loop mode. It continues playing during the time that we prep for the mission.


Next the GM sets a SETTING where we are travelling to our mission on a shuttle craft. As soon as the setting is given you switch to the mp3 called "Before the Battle" for instance whilst set for loop and a different kind of music will play that will try and draw you into the feeling that you are about to go into a combat mission. When combat breaks out you switch to another mp3 short called "Battle" and more dramatic and fast-paced music is played. And so on and on in different situations.


In short. Dramatic original XCAS music that changes during different situations (just like in many FPSes these days, only that it is a bit manual). How many of you would be interested. :blink:

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I like the idea :blink: You could also do various atmospheres that the GM could (if they wanted) trigger in the setting commands rather than you playing what you like. For instance /me SETTING The group walk along the corridor *spooky/eerie music*. Or maybe some music for 'tension building' if there could be an attack at any second or the team is about to burst through the door. A million possibilities exist! For instance:


Are you being watched?

Action packed blasting going down!

What's behind the door (building up music until door is opened)

Jackson just got shot... again

Some thing funny just happened

Something sad just happened

Oh my god that's a lot of blood!

And the list goes on...

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A) Spamming is good

B) No offense, but I don't think I would use your idea. Yes I do think it is a very original idea, and it certainly would add to the atmosphere, as well as that I would certainly like to hear your music, although I'll probably just keep on the radio as music to listen to :blink:

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A)But not in excess. :)

B)Be warned. I am finding out for myself that the music I compose is quite expressive. When I make music that expresses aggresion you can bet your life it'll be intense as hell. Just so as you know that this won't be your run of the mill soundtrack. :)


The only problem is that I have a little thing known as "microphone recording" so the quality of my products isn't at very high standards. :blink: But I'll do my best to remove those little problems as much as possible. :)

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  • 2 months later...

::dozens of black rappers surround Loonie as he is standing in the middle of XCAS::


*May I have your attention please.*


*May I have your attention PLEASE.*


*Will a real nutter please stand up.*


*I REPEAT! Will a real nutter please stand up.*


::all of XCAS gets up from their seats::


*We're gonna have a problem here.* :blink:


Heh, just popped into mind. But anyway here's the news:




I've already completed 2 and am onto the last one. So get ready cause we're gonna have some music while we sim this hot summer :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Alas I had told you once before I think, that it was the synthesiser button called "Stop" that fell out. My bro' still hasn't sent it for repairs :hmmm: Thanks for the reminder though, I'll get on his nerves a bit :blush:
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Music I listen depends on if I using WinAmp or the Yamaha, if it's the former then it's a mixture of everything, a few theme/mood (enviroment) songs for some FPS and other games, meanwhile if its the former then it's a mixute of lots, including the music off UFO and such.
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