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Since I just completed my own story, I was wondering how all of you story writers write yours. I'm going to explain my own system: The things I focus on, motives, style ect. and then you can do the same. I'm pretty certain that we could make better stories if we had input and thoughts from everyone.


I write stories in 3 phases:


1.) The first phase doesn't involve writing (or typing in this case :) ) at all. The first thing I do is to think the story through. I establish the leading theme of the story and make sure it is in some way connected to what goes on in the story. I also try to make it fit in properly (I don't, for instance, force in someones beliefs about what the universe might look like right in the middle of a battle :blink: ) and in such a way that it somehow determines the outcome of the story. THEN I think about the things that this theme could influence. For instance, if the theme is a person's broken arm, I could implement it so that the person is killed because he could not use the arm. Whilst thinking about this, I usually also get a good idea of the general stuff that would be occuring throughout the story itself. Finnaly I fill any gaps in the storyline with anything that would fit the general picture (and of course try to make it as creative as possible :) ).


2.) Now comes the typing. I put down every thing that I had thought of in phase one whilst making appropriate formats and other things (like commas, dots,...). I also jump ahead in time at some points so as to skip over the parts that everyone can guess at (like if the Commander says: "Lets head back to NAO", I don't need to write about how they travelled over the swamps and hills... but I do it only if it has any significant relevance with the storyline OR with the theme itself). If I happen to think of some other event whilst writing (that would fit in of course), I include it, because I can always remove it later in phase 3 if I don't like it. Once the story is written, I read it through once to check for any major mistakes I might have made and correct them. The story is written, but it probably still has several things that would bother anyone who read it.


3.) This part is the least favourite of mine, but it is nevertheless essential. I read the story over and over. I'm talking at least 5 times, but prefferably at least 10 times and whilst reading it, I correct any small mistake that I notice. This however requires quite a deal of concentration so be sure you don't read it 5 times in a row for instance, but read it 2 or 3 times in a row and then stop. After a while when you're rested you can continue.


Well that's it. My result is a story that isn't too high minded or artisitic, but nevertheless quite trim and (hopefully) interesting to read. I would like to ask all the other members that like (or would like) to write to post your own approaches and ideas for writing stories here.


Thanks for your responses in advance :)

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Well, ive written only one story so far, and it was more of an extended briefing for a cool mission idea of mine i had, which we should be playing sometime soon (hint hint mouse).


If i were to write a REAL story, it'd probably use the same format as the one you just mentioned.

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I'm not too good at thinking the story through, usually. :blink: The procedure you're outlining is very good Loonie, I'm just too much of a lazy b****. :)


At first, I think of a main idea for the story. I want to focus on one event, or small chain of events for the story. Generally, I would choose something that will allow me to involve a larger number of characters, as opposed to just one or two.


Once I've got a topic, I try to flesh it out a bit. Develop an outline of how things are to proceed, what sort of protocols are going to be in force for the story. Are the characters noisy, or do they have to be quiet? How much conversation do I want? How much movement? Combat? No combat? Whatever. :)


Once I've got a rough outline, I start putting it into words. I'd already have a basic scene, so as I type it out, I try to put what I am thinking about into words. I try to be descriptive too, but sometimes I fail utterly. :) But, as I see it, the point is to be able to give the picture in the author's mind to the reader's mind.


IonMage, write another story. A real story. heheeh. :)

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Heheh, no Ion, I think he's just not too thrilled about an extended briefing. :) If you really want to do it, try to find out from Mouse about when your sim will be on, and then post your briefing in the Roleplay forum just before your sim. It would be most likely pretty much like when I posted that one about Rodriguez, Silver and Lance, but that's just me guessing.


OKAY, pretty interesting DH. :) As you pointed out the character background is quite important and that's why you'll also notice that since I hardly know anything about the three AWOLs, I will hardly mention them in the story. Instead I decided to outline those characters based on their positions, but that really could turn out a bit wrong. :blink:


Otherwise great post indeed. Okay c'mon the rest of you, what about your methods? <<looks towards Mouse and gives a deep gaze into Brainiacus>>

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I'm a crazy person so my method is also crazy :) I think of something one day:


"Hhhhmmmm, I wonder why Jackson is so unlucky"


And then think up a story-like thing to go with it. I usually go with a parody or similar method, as I'm poor at structuring stories by myself. Then I sit down and type, and keep typing until I can say 'fin'. Only then do I go back to look at the story and find the bad and good bits. Unfortunatly this means a very bad bit half way though is a VERY bad thing. I can't change this though, as it's just the way I work. If the story is very long then I work in chapters (which I keep as seperate files just incase) so that I can write in short sections, this stops me destroying the whole thing in a fit of bad writing :blink:.


When it's over I transfer to MS Word to use the spell checker (I type in a text file) and re-read it a few times. Finished! tada!

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Hahah. Okay good one! It might be unorthodx but hey, still I'm sure it could make a fun read :)


Okay Brainy! I know you're out there watching so c'mon. Based on how many stories you've written (and some of them pretty good indeed) I wouldn't be half surprised if you had an interesting style.


Or are you.............afraid to disclose your method??? :o



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The way I write stories, is that I get an idea in my head about a story. I think on that basic idea, expanding it into a storyline. Then I open Word and I start writing out that idea, expanding it further as I go.

And when I finish writing, the story is usually done. I read it through once to check for major mistakes, but that's about it.

If there's any other mistakes I let others point them out for me, and of course those get corrected as well then.

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I usually pick up on an area to focus on and then I start writing it. Once I've done enough writing I then think for a few days about how I can expand on it, improve it until I have a good piece which I like. As for the alien autospys and alien reports well they require a fair bit of imagination and research into the UFO and TFTD aliens and Interceptor plus I do a bit of research on the net and find interesting details that I like and decide to use.
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I open Notepad. I start typing. Things pop into my head. I type them out. Done and done.


Wow man! That was deep. :blink:


I was kinda hoping you would outline it a bit more, but okay.


I want to thank all of you that have already responded. Some pretty good ideas, so I'll make sure to seriously consider them (and you can of course do the same :) ). And DH just so as to prepare my defenses: This is not patronizing anyone, seriously :hmmm:

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