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Civilization V

It's the quest for world domination. Firaxis Games has made it so it shall be put within our greedy grasp anew with the trumpeting of the second, massive, expansion pack to Civilization V, and daringly calling it Brave New World!



Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World provides new depth and replayability through the introduction of international trade and a focus on culture and diplomacy. The player's influence around the world will be impacted by creating a number of Great Works across a variety of crafts, choosing an ideology for their civilization, and proposing global resolutions in the new World Congress. As players move through the ages of history, they will make critical decisions that influence relationships with all civilizations in the game world.



"After adding a number of great new features to Civilization V with the Gods & Kings expansion, the team continued to search for ways to create even more exciting gameplay through new systems and features," said Sid Meier, director of creative development for Firaxis Games. "We're happy to bring our fans another ambitious expansion that will provide hours and hours of new Civilization experiences."




The landmark features:




• New Civilizations, Units and Buildings: The expansion features nine new civilizations, each with unique traits, units, buildings and all-new leaders, including Casimir III of Poland.

• New Culture Victory: Spread your culture across the globe, dominating all other cultures. Create masterpieces with Great Artists, Writers, and Musicians that are placed in key buildings across your empire, like Museums, Opera Houses and even the Great Library. Use Archaeologists to investigate sites of ancient battles and city ruins for priceless cultural artifacts. Become the first civilization with a majority influence in all other civilizations to achieve a Culture Victory, becoming the envy of the world.

• World Congress: The importance of diplomacy is intensified and city-state alliances are more important than ever. Change the diplomatic landscape through a new World Congress that votes on critical issues like implementing trade sanctions against rogue nations, limiting resource usage, designating host cities for the World Games and the use of nuclear weapons. Game-changing resolutions, vote trading, intrigue, and a new lead into the Diplomatic Victory ensures that the end of the game will be more dynamic than ever before.

• International Trade Routes: Build your cities into hubs of international trade by land and sea, creating great wealth and prosperity for your people, while also spreading religion, cultural influence, and science. The number of trade routes increases through the advancement of economics and technologies, the creation of wonders and the unique abilities of your civilization. Will you connect to a closer city for a lower payoff and a safer route, choose a longer route with more risk for the bigger payoff, or perhaps point your trade route inward, sending vitally important food and production to the far corners of your own empire?

• New Wonders: Eight new Wonders are introduced, including the Parthenon, Broadway, the Uffizi, and more.

• New Game Scenarios: Two new scenarios let gamers fight the "War Between the States" and embark on the epic Scramble for Africa. Fight the American Civil War from either the Union or Confederate side, as you focus on the critical action in the Eastern theatre of operations between the capital cities of Richmond and Washington. In "Scramble for Africa", the great colonial powers of the world are racing to explore the Dark Continent and extend their reach into its interior. Search for great natural wonders in the heart of Africa, as you explore a dynamically-generated continent each time you play.




PC Gamer has coverage of the announcement and got a hold of Firaxis' Lead Designer Ed Beach and Senior Producer Dennis Shirk to diplomatically gain some more info about the lay of the land in this upcoming expansion.



Brave New World will take its turn expanding Civilization V this Summer.

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Brave New World is actively trying to deal with the late game peaceful play problem – namely that you end up hemmed in on all sides with no will to explore, hitting “Next Turn” and eating biscuits.




PC Gamer's Philippa Warr goes hands-on with Brave New World.

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Strategy Informer embraces the Brave New World expansion with a preview and also an interview with Senior Producer Dennis Shirk.




Here's an excerpt of the latter:


Strategy Informer: So, let's talk about the new civilizations to start off with – do any of them have an unique units/buildings that target the late game? The majority of civs seem to have uniques that are early-mid, yet this expansion also targets late game play.


Dennis Shirk: We're not so much targeting 'late game', but targeting the new mechanics. (...) Some of them... I’d say two-thirds of them focus on game-mechanics from the late game, and the other third is fan requests. Fan favourites of civs that they wanted to see in the game. Shaka (Zulu) is one such faction.

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Firaxis has promised to reveal the source of its magic; to show us where civilizations in Civilization are born. To reveal, in other words, the source of that Nile.




In this article, Polygon's Russ Pitts makes historical inroads into some of the underlying secrets of Civilization.

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Before Brave New World will be released there is a new mode added called Pitboss. It is something like e-mail played games - something for you SV if you ever planned playing Civilization on multiplayer ;)





Pitboss is, in the words of the patch notes, a mode "which allows players to connect, take their turn, disconnect, and come back later. Email notifications and steam notifications are built into the system." A more laid-back mode for people who don't want to sit and play a round for several hours straight, see.

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