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I blame my traumatic childhood...


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..for my Liberal Crime Spree!



We're going for the defaults here.



And to hell with being Mr. Nice Liberal. We're going all out! We now proceed to our scheduled programming...



Howdy. Name's Murray, Murray McFatridge. For the past 25 years I've lived in the capital of the conservative wasteland: Austin, Texas.



I've had a totally shitty childhood. Only positive thing is that on the day I was born, the Sandinista Front came to power in Nicaragua. Things only went downhill from there.



Like my dad beating the shit out of me all the time.



Eventually I started school, and I had nothing but problems there. I got in lots of fights.



When I was 10, my parents divorced....Violently.



Few years later, I got into violent video games, nobody liked me.



Shit got really bad when I stole a car. Only got a few blocks before I totaled it.



Eventually, I started controlling people and even had my own clique!



At 15 I was hard up for cash. I started prostituting to get by.



When I turned 18, I went to a party and met this cute law student. We've been dating ever since.



For the past few years, I've been living on the streets of Austin and it's about to experience real change!



Oh shit....this can't be good!



Ok, we need a name that we will be known as to the People.



Also, a less wimpy slogan. True Liberal Justice just doesn't cut it.



And our stats. Looks like we're going to be a charismatic fighting character or something, which is really nice!

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Our name before the people shall be: Mustapha! No, not the World Controller, the Liberal Crime Controller! He will be a public face and mainly operating out of our safe house once he gets some flunkies to do all the serious crimes for him. Having your supreme leader taken out on a murder rap can totally implode your organization!



First of all, we need to train up some Persuasion. So we will go talk to the gullible hippies in the University District.



They generally hang out in the Tofu Garden Vegan Co-op.



And as soon as we enter the front door...HIPPIE!



Let's strike up a conversation about politics! He absolutely loves what we say and agrees to meet with us later. We're going to get about 6 of these guys and talk to them every day until our Persuasion goes up.



We come up on two more hippies. We discuss the out of control police state and the two party duopoly that oppresses us, man!



And immigration!



And later that night, it appears that even our level 2 persuasion isn't enough to hold onto this hippie!



This one however believes everything we have to say about labor rights and agrees to come back for more.



Half our hippies bail on us, half of them stick around. Our skill is now up to 2.75. A few more rounds of this and we should be able to talk to people that are better activists than these useless hippies!

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Time to re-hippie! This one agrees to come with us so long as we give him some weed, which we do.



Whoa! We need that dancer. Dancers usually make awesome combat characters as their main stat, Agility is used for fleeing, dodging and shooting!



Awww shit! Our views come off to her as a bit insane. No death squad leader for us!



Now we go to the internet cafe in search of smart people, like Programmers. While there we freak out an Engineer by telling them that Richard Gere put a gerbil up his butt! This isn't going to get him into the squad, man!



Since the programmer in the group we ran into is a conservative, the only way to get him is to seduce him. This, doesn't work and he makes it clear that we will be injured if we try to sleep with him and make him our love slave.



Another Programmer is taken in by out talk of homosexual rights and agrees to come see us later to discuss views.



And for the hell of it we chat up a Retiree in an attempt to get a sleeper agent wherever he lives. We fail miserably as he walks away from the encouter laughing.



Hrm, Teacher might be nice, assuming that they have more skills than just teaching. We'll talk to them and see what they got. And dump them if they are useless.



We also snag ourselves a doctor! This will be good for a combat medic if things go well with his stats. Otherwise he can be the doctor in the safe house and possibly teach first aid to some of our hitmen.



We discuss drug policy with another Programmer and get him to meet up with us too!



Shit....oh well, it was only a hippie..I think. All of our meetings go well except for a Programmer that thinks we're nuts. Time to go back and get more people!



Like this Locksmith! She'll be useful when we start our burglary career.



And another Lawyer is always good!



But alas, our new lawyer friend is a poser and not up to our elite liberal standards!



On the other hand, our programmer friend is just dying to get in and put his hacking skills to use uncovering the Man's secrets!



Back in the safehouse, we're going to put him to work hacking while Mustapha tries to get more people under him.



Like that locksmith...we despirately need one of those to break into apartments and loot them in the near future. So long as she's in the squad, we're pretty much guaranteed to get into even the upscale ones with all the loot!



Now that we've got some people in the squad, we return to the Vegan Co-op to get some hippies for our two new members. They have 0 persuasion and they even fail on hippies most of the time!



Afterward, we go into the housing projects to test our lock picking.



Every lock in the building melts like butter!



By the time we get up to the top floor both the programmer and Mustapha have gained a level in Security, the skill we need for lockpicking. This is a very good skill to train because it'll allow us to do very advanced things later.



While we're going around the city picking locks. We come across another Doctor and his Prostitute companion. Both agree to meet up later to discuss politics!



Mustapha has now maxed out his security and persuasion. The only way to get those caps higher is for him to engage in criminal activity to increase his Juice. Juice is a measure of his Cajonies, his Balls, his Badassity. Mass murder and treason raise it the most, but he's our leader and we don't want the leader executed, so we're going to engage in some theft instead, and that only adds onto the criminal record if you're caught. The downside? It caps out at 200 Juice. So unless Mustapha is forced to kill someone, he's not going over 200, that's for his underlings.



Excellent! One of those random people in the Vegan Co-op has 10 agility! This guy is going to be a powerhouse of a combat character and he will go out and try and recruit people like athletes, army veterans and dancers to join his death squad since this wouldn't be a proper Liber Crime Squad without a militant arm!



The good Doctor was looking like he'd be a good combat medic, but sadly, our dear leader has scared him away by talking bad about the cops.

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To change the disposition of the government to whatever the game rules dictate. On the default settings it's from moderately conservative to "elite liberal". You can use whatever tactic you like. I'm sure at the very least kidnapping and brainwashing will be used if not murder in this play through.
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Well, if you succeed, please test the realism of the game in Slovenia. Change to whatever, the only rule is not to use any of the political players available at the moment. ;)


A LOT different from what one sees as a usual game. Nowadays. Reminds me of text adventures on Spectrum!

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So, anyone want a character?



Now that our programmer and locksmith have some people to talk to, we're going to go out and get some peeps for Jeff, and some high vallue targets for Mustapha.



Our squad of two moves to the Court House. Mustapha will target the judges and lawyers, Jeff will go after any liberals that the police have brought in on trumped up charges. Those will surely be sympathetic to our cause! Also, new slogan! HUGGLES AND RAINBOW KITTENS!



In the court house we loiter in the lobby until a liberal attorney comes by. Mustapha pounces! They'll be meeting up tonight.



Also, a liberal judge! Getting one of those is a top priority as it will allow us a change to get away with things should we ever be arrested.



Ok, guess she supports the Man more than we do. There will NOT be another meeting. Guess we'll just have to keep trying!



Annnd the lawyer doesn't agree with us either.



Now that we've messed around trying to pick people up, we put the squad back together so that we can go get some Juice.



Since we have this leveled up locksmith, we should be able to go into this upscale apartment building downtown and loot the residents blind. But first let's see the landlord to see how much this place costs. If we have an apartment here we can get a map!



Hrm, so we need to get about $3000 to cover this place. With the value of the loot here we should be about to get that in no time at all..



So let's get started!



Inside we find: a PDA



On the way out, a conservative eyes us suspiciously.



And another as we move toward the door to wait on them to get alarmed to level up our disguise skill..



Seconds later, he cries out and we run out the door. Those Hangin' Judges are smart. They see through our liberal bullshit and we have to get out of there before the cops show up. For our disguise skill we get .60, and we get 1 Juice for that PDA!



Next day, we're back! And we go deeper before the conservative swine get suspicious of us. Nearly cleaning out the whole floor. In this room are two laptops and some fine jewelry, rock on!



Oh shit! This guy has a gun, guaranteed. And for some stupid ass reason we don't get a chance to run away...



The guard draws his .38 and fires! Irene takes one to the body. Mustapha throws her over his shoulder and the squad manages to escape the scene without further bloodshed.



When we return the homeless shelter, we discover that our locksmith is thoroughly and everlastingly dead! We hide the body in a corner and ignore it. Probably best to sell this loot and rent another place so that we don't get in trouble for having a body around.

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Not even warning signal?


You should be able to run from the encounter that causes the alarm cry, but for some reason I couldn't just run. I'm playing a new version that I didn't play before so maybe they changed it to if the person is armed you can't just run from them. Maybe next time I should just surrender since I don't have any charges on my guys, they shouldn't be put in jail or anything. I'll probably be sending Jeff in alone soon to try and level up his disguise, stealth and security as I have plans for him. Very devious plans!

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Well, I just played and figured out what was going on. I was standing at the door pressing the S button over and over testing my luck to see if a conservative would alert on me. Whatever the last button you pressed was it is allowed to go through even if there's an alarm cry. If that's a movement, you can leave, if it was a wait command, you end up stuck in combat and apparently can't surrender to anyone that isn't the police. I only remember not being able to surrender to Mercenaries and Death Squad officers in the other version I played.



Ok, since Jeff is much lower leveled than the others and the fact that he's going to be going down another path entirely, we're going to put him in a new squad: Combat Ops. This will be where we train soldiers in the fight against the Man!



First stop: The projects! We come in the door, go into someone's apartment and expropriate some MACARONI ART!






After going through a couple more rooms Jeff hits the first Juice level. This gives all his Liberal stats a +1! When he hits 50, he'll be ready to go out and recruit some more guys under him. But until then, he's going to be going door to door robbing people blind.



Luckily, he decided to leave after getting that loot because just as he was getting to the door a Prison Guard shows up and lets forth the Conservative alarm cry! And since we didn't hit the wait button (S), we get the first move and can leave without this guy shooting us. Remember kids, don't just wait around in front of people testing your luck unless you're packing!



The next day, Jeff returns for more lockpicking and other mischief. He goes all the way up to the 3rd floor picking the locks then on the way back he picks up the macaroni art that is near the doors.



As he approaches the exit, he comes up on some prostitutes. He decides to chat them up to see if they have what it takes to join the Liberal Crime Squad!



This one wants drugs, which we give her in exchange for her time.



And this one seems to genuinely want to help and agrees to meet us later!



Now we test out our skills. This gang member doesn't even notice Jeff sneaking by him. This is leveling our stealth. It's the fallback skill for disguise. If disguise fails there's a chance your stealth will save you...I think, but it might be the other way around and would probably make more sense the other way around.



While we're busy goading conservatives by walking around in front of them and leveling up our skills, we come up on a crack head and get him to meet up with us to descuss flag burning!



We continue to prance around the lobby, a nonunion worker totally misses us!



But, this country boy will not be fooled!



Neither will this prison guard. Oh well, guess we're done with leveling. Time to haul ass!



After we return to the shelter, we learn that our hacker has pilfered some corporate files! These will be useful if we start our own newspaper.



Jeff now has a Security of 3.06, Persuasion of 2.31, Disguise of 1.45 and Stealth of 0.64. If he keeps this up he'll end up being a total BAMF!

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We send Jeff out yet again to do some burglary. This time, it's the student apartments in the University District. His skills are increasing nicely so maybe he can start stealing something better than dirty socks! To the left going in we find the landlord, he informs us that rent here is $650. It's more than the $200 for the slum apartments, and we should be able to afford it easily in the near future assuming we don't blow the loot on guns!






At the door we run into the po-po. He eyes us suspiciously...



Soon, his lawyer friend shows up and sees right through our bullshit. Time to go!



Meanwhile, Mustapha recruits a new hacker. He'll go out with Jeff for a beer run to get his bearings then go to work with the other guy.



Also, another killer. He'll be staying with Jeff semi-permanently.



The new guys are added to the squad, yo!



First stop: Takayoshi Pawn & Gun.



Here we can dump stolen goods and turn them into something useful, like guns and shit.



First, we're going to get rid of our hot merchandise that's been laying around the Homeless Shelter.



Also, we're going to sell the Secret Corporate Files, since we don't have a printing press to exploit them. We sell them for CASH!



Now to go shopping! We get 3 AR-15s for $350 each and we get 2 mags for each gun. We then walk home through Austin packing our assault rifles. And since we're living in a conservative paradise, this is perfectly fine!



Now to shuffle people around. Our two hackers will be moved to one of the abandoned businesses we own. Their squad will be called the Lolcats!



Stephen shall be known as Ceiling Cat.



And Brandley shall be known as Basement Cat. They will be the ub3r 1337 h4x0rz!



And they get right to work because hackers work best in packs! We expose how shitty the immigration nazis are!



We also break into some CIA computers. I'm sure we'll be getting LOADS of Juice from this!



Next day, we intercept some media emails. This out to be some juicy shit we can expose once we get that printing press up! ROCK ON!



Now that we have the fighting and the hacking arms sorted, it's time to go out and get our manufacturing wing started. Mustapha finds a liberal Fashion Designer after several days of searching. She agrees to meet later tonight!



Also: A hippie stoner judge! SWEET!



That fashion designer is so liberal that she wants in after only two meetings!



We give her her own squad so she can be moved to the most safe place we can put her. As in, not where any criminals are hiding out, so she will be hiding out with Mustapha.



She has some very impressive skills. She's got 8 in tailoring and several other support skills that are pretty high too. So if she's not sewing she can go play music or something like that!



And here is a list of everything she can make and how well she can make them. Making Expensive suits is a very good way to make money, but sadly, even she isn't high enough leveled for it! Guess she's going to have to go out and get some juice to allow her tailoring to go up higher than it is.



Next page, we have the cool shit. Several different type of body armor and a few pieces like the ninja suit that helps with breaking and entering! If we ever get enough skill to do the SEAL suit, it's super awesome armor that gives us stealth to boot!

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To further our thefts, Sarah Maxwell sews up some Ninja Costumes!



Meanwhile, the Lolcats deface a corporate website!



And since all the Liberal Judges keep snubbing us, we simply recruit another tailor. He has 10 skill plus the psychology skill! This will be handy once we start kidnapping and "converting" conservatives!



This guy makes SEAL Armor actually possible, but it would probably be 4th rate and next to useless.



With the costumes done, we move them to where the combat squad is based and we move the memos so Mustapha can go sell them.



Jeff and Stuart put on their suits and drop their guns. They are cat burglars, not armed thug burglars...yet..



Our leader travels to the pawn shop and sells the AM Radio Memos for a measly $250. Sucks we only got that for it but we need the cash to make clothes.



While Mustapha is doing that, our burglars get to work! Free silverware for all!



After looting the whole first floor we run into a cop in the landlord's office. We walk right by him without being seen!



Seconds later, we smell their panic. Someone probably noticed some shit was missing.



Oh shit! It's the pigs! Jeff and Stuart haul ass before the gang unit officers start shooting!



The Lolcats are at it again! They go mess with the family values people and deface their bible stuff with lolspeak.



Now that we have some money again. We put our tailors to work making some police uniforms. These are also useful when we break into apartments as they count as a partial disguise. They don't have the stealth value that the ninja suits have however. Still, they are very useful if we end up getting caught in someone's livingroom as we can bluff our way out of it.



Time to put Ceiling Cat to work finding out where the People stand on the issues. Things are generally moderate. We'll probably get a more liberal congress when the elections come around in a couple of years.



One thing we have to work on however, is the public opinion of cable news. People should be getting their news from NPR, not Faux News!



Excellent! Just what we needed...GOOOO LOLCATS!






Now that we've got some explaining done, it's time to send Stuart out to get some people under him to get his persuasion up. He grinds on hippies for days, and they pretty much all reject up but slowly and surely he gets his skill up to nearly 2!



Oh dear god, this can't be good. The congress is absolutely packed with conservatives and the President is just going to rubber stamp their bullshit laws!



Oh great, now we can't burn flags or talk too much shit about the government. ASSHOLES! Luckily they didn't go as far as to make these things equal to murder..That's the next level of shittiness should we fail to stop it.



End of month report: We're up $2!



Now to check out the status of the nation. The House has 200 conservatives in it. This isn't good, but it's a lot better than having Arch-Conservatives. This is what saved us from having all 4 of those horrible laws pass. In the Senate however, 1/4 of them are Arch-Conservatives, they are scary and want to have flag burning punishable by death, illiminate free speech altogether and put Death Squads in the streets to perform executions on the spot for practically any "crime" they dream up!



These are explanations of the laws.



The main ones we should be concerned with are the police oversight and the free speach. One more level to those and shit gets crazy super fast!

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Time to send Jeff and Stewie out to pick some locks and to prance around in ninja suits to raise their thieving skills!



In the college dorms we find: Kitschy Trinkets!



But this secretary is wise to us and raises the conservative alarm cry when she catches us in her apartment! Our squad hauls ass, luckily not triggering another encounter on the way out the door!



Our hackers in the meantime, were filming the police beating up a black guy and they put that shit on Youtube!



And it would just happen that a radio personality would have to get his freak on while on the air. This will totally get them to switch to NPR instead!



Now we come back and we rob those students some more! Yay! Cellphone!



And this Lab Tech doesn't even see us as we walk back and forth in front of him.



The cops are suspicious, but we manage to calm them down while we grind!



This soldier however, is wise to our shit. We run because he's totally badass and has an automatic weapon pretty much guaranteed!



Now that we've stolen all that shit, we transfer it to the shelter so that Mustapha can carry it all to the pawn shop to hock it!



A measly $680 for the loot.



And $450 more for the other shit.



Now, back to grinding! We loot the shit out of the first floor and come to sit next to this radio guy and security guard. They eye use suspiciously!



While we're here, Stuart find himself some hoes. He manages to get the liberal one to come over later for a meeting!



And before we can get that lawyer, the guard has a shit fit!



Next day we come back for more looting! In the first room, we come across a liberal judge. Since this person is a liberal, they don't care that we are in their place stealing shit for some reason. Just...don't steal in front of them. That alienates everyone in the building, which makes even the liberals want to kick our asses.



That bastard! We really need to go out to his mansion and do something about that some day!



Many days of grinding later.....We have awesome stats and a ton of money from burglaries. This radio host doesn't even notice that we're in his expensive downtown apartment robbing him blind! We clear out the whole first floor without anyone noticing us!



Jeff has some really impressive thieving stats. Nearly up to 8 stealth and that suit of his adds 3 more!






We're in the money!



Meanwhile, our thieves go to the Logan apartments (downtown). We're going to be renting a room here so that we can hide our hackers in relative safety, as well as getting something very useful for our thieving...






This makes it much easier for our people to loot the shit out of this building.



And while we're in there, we recruit a new guy...and he just happens to be a Professional Thief! This means that we won't have to train him up from scratch. Meaning...that we can put his ass right into the existing squad and not have him bumbling around alerting conservatives while he levels!

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He's a little behind, but it's the bullshit skills like persuasion that we don't need to steal shit!



And that's exactly what we're going to do with this map!



We're going to wipe the place clean...except for that one room that we couldn't pick the lock to...shit..



And after this, we notice that the Logan Apartments are now High Security. I wonder what that means.. We're going to find that out just as soon as we sell the loot!



Mustapha comes in yet again and sells thousands of dollars and cool electronics that he didn't steal himself. Ahhh the life of a successful crime boss!



In the apartments our thieves come across a guard dog...these things are REALLY good at seeing through our disguises and shit but apparently our ungodly stealth skill saves us from being instantly alerted on.



This other dog however, isn't fooled and starts barking! We're going to have to go elsewhere for our stealing, or maybe do something else for now.



Our hackers are now our leading juice producers. They are both up over 100 juice...Our first REVOLUTIONARIES! Pitty that if they are ever arrested and don't get a judge we recruited as a sleeper (1 in 4 chance per judge, we have none), they are going to jail for a very very long time!



For now, we're going to hack with the programmers and everyone else will write to newspapers until shit cools down at the Logan Apts!



Well, except our leader, he's going to sell some more shit THEN write!



Awesome! They get in trouble without us engaging in espoinage to get the files on them!



Now, we are going to move our hackers to the apartments and put the thieves in the steel plant. The steel plant now has heat on it from all the hacking going on there and the lack of secrecy. In our thieving squad, only the new guy has any criminal record and it's really minor stuff, 2 months tops, so they shouldn't be making any heat in this joint.



Now that we have the moving out of the way, it's time to upgrade the two buildings. The Logan Apartments will now have a flag out in front! This is something that totally throws the conservatives off. Someone waving the flag can't be subversive at all!



Now for the steel plant...Something about the 2 abandoned businesses in the ghetto is that we can have all manner of upgrades to these things. The most useful to us right now is the Printing Press. If we were going to start on a murdering rampage, we would want to get things like the forification, cameras, generators and shit like that. But for now we're going to be peaceful and just start our own newspaper and buy a little bit of stored food.



With this built, we can now set anyone stationed at the steel plant to right for The Liberal Guardian. This roughly triples the effect of writing and allows us to have a special edition at the first of every month.



Everyone is moved there that isn't hacking. They will all write for the Guardian!



Well, except Mustapha...he's got juice that has filtered up from his hacker underlings (being the leader is sweet like that). This allows him to recruit another person! Next stop: The Court House... and we are going to keep it up until we get ourselves at least one judge!



We get 5 of them to meet up with us, maybe we can throw money at them and get them to convert to the cause!



As we get toward the end of the month, we get Ceiling Cat to gather some info for us.



Pretty much more of the same. Except for that intelligence thing....that is WAY up!



And more middle of the road stuff. Only 2% respect us? And only 5% of that 2% like us? THIS HAS TO CHANGE!



But that can wait a minute! Mustapha got himself a judge and it only cost him about $1000 in bribes!



Mr. Kilbourne will be staying at the Court House until we need him to possibly throw a case for us. If we can get 3 more judges working for us, we can get away with all kinds of shit!...Or at the very least, get off very lightly.



He's only 13% effective. He'll have to lay low and not rock the boat. He's only for throwing cases if he's on the bench. Remember, he's a LIBERAL judge. People know how he leans and this makes people suspicious of him to begin with. Now if we ever kidnap and brainwash his conservative counterpart, however....



Ooookay. It's the end of the month and we're going to be running a special edition of The Liberal Guardian. Who shall we target in this edition? We have corrupt judge evidence, secret corporate files and some cable news memos. Either of these three will totally rock conservatism to its core!

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Can't you blackmail that judge ?

Nope, can't do anything like that to Liberals. With a Conservative we can seduce and make them a love slave or kidnap and brainwash them to become regular members. This downside to seduction is that you're effectively limited to 1-2 slaves per seducer before new dates start finding out that you have multiple partners and this can lead to them beating your ass on the dates. Kidnapping is more dangerous as it can lead to your people all getting killed. Highly useful if you want someone high profile like a Hangin' Judge or Radio Personality. If you're successful, you can snatch them, do the brainwashing in a few days then hopefully get them back to their job before they are noticed to be missing. But..if you can't get them fast the cops start looking for them and the other conservatives will be suspicious of them so you can't make them a sleeper agent. They will be forced to be in your squad and they are largely useless because of their stats suck for that since they are going to have high wisdom and low heart/intelligence. Plus, if they are ever caught by the police, they will be deprogrammed and your people will be ratted out. Sooo, better to either kill anyone you fail to get fast enough, either by killing them in your compound or sending them on a suicide mission somewhere. They are nothing but a liability in more cases.


Also can you hire Liberal Dog? grin.gif

Yeah, but only when the animal rights laws are more liberal than now. You can even seduce them at Elite Liberal. I'm not sure if there are any Liberal dogs out their by default, but you can talk to Guard Dogs if you have a character with high enough Heart (20 I think). If successful you can turn them Liberal on the spot then recruit them.

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