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No looking back - XCOM AAR


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Hello gents.


Yesterday I have finished my first game of XCOM on classic difficulty and now having some grasp on the game I decided to play it on Classic Ironman and share my and our brave rookies endevours, to kill those sectoids, mutons and etherals.


I've decided to make short (up to 15 minutes) videos so you can watch how I fail live in the proces. Of course I will leave my thoughs here as why I have done this and that. Feel free to make a comment.



Please skip first 20 seconds. I don't know what happened during my compression process.


Our inital location will be in Asia. Asia is big region like Europe and it contains 4 countries - China, Japan, India and Australia. Why I have chosen Asia - because why not? It's big region so getting the bonus with other location would be longer.


Our first mission is in India. Four brave rookies go on their first mission. The site is somekind of construction site and we move slowly scouting what is ahead. I was pretty amazed and a bit lucky in that mission and I am happy that my flanking manouvers actually worked. Let's hope the next missions will be also good.


After returning to base we are greated by our talking staff. From all trio I like the engineer guy the most.

As research we start with that weapon fragments to get that S.C.O.P.E fragment and in engineering we order some medkit and new satelite to cover more countries, reducing panic and gaining more money.

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Searching for alien activity we are presented with abduction mission. UK, South Africa and Brasil are in danger. Feeling that Europe has bigger panic level I go to UK though I would prefer those engineers.


We land near somekind of Fast Food restaurant - any one reckognize that neighbourhood ? ;)


We spot the alien quite fast and our Support / Medic almost bites the dust. Few lucky shots and we drive the aliens out of the restaurant and proceed to flank the book store.


While the guys are mostly waiting for girls to line up they scout if aliens are making any moves. The girls are suddenly surprised by sectoid - unlucky for him we were in that spot first. When the team gets in position the last of the aliens in the store is killed outnumbered 4:1.


Another sucessfull mission.


Having now enabled situation room looks like whole South america and Africka is in danger. I hope not to get missions there or at least one region there.





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Our S.C.O.P.E.S are finally ready and we have enough cash for 2. Next we get our first UFO. Interceptor scrambled and managed to down that UFO without any trouble.


I am pretty amazed that our soldiers manage to pull through. Hope they will survive long enough for me to get them better armour.

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There was quite a long quite time, but suddenly council has given us a taks. It looks like someone managed to break free from abduction and we must save that person.


(on a side note): it looks like council missions have preset maps - in my other playthroughs I got the same extraction on same map (except later and I had only Thin Man).


The mission went quite smooth to be honest. Though I thought putting that sniper on bus would give me advantage - I didn't want him to move further as that would make risk of retaliation fire if those aliens tried to close the distance. Well lucky other soldiers managed to do their role as they should.


Also during our flight alien abudctions appeared. Let's hope they give us enough time to come back and deal with them.



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We are back to Argentina for that abduction mission. Though money would be nice I can get money other way and scientists are more welcomed, though I would realy appriciate Engineers. Extra soldier on the other hand not needed at least now since we are doing so good.


I think that in this mission I got very lucky with some moves. That support guy was exceptionally lucky. Also I wonder why after firing rocket at that bus station my sniper didn't see the alien. Guess there is a limit for squad sight.

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Glad you like it. Maybe someone will learn from this and improve his skill and soldiers life span ;)



Our first council report - they are quite happy - you can hear in their speech that they are not confident about XCOM project but we show them that are capable enough. Before the meeting I've sent satelite over Nigeria. Why there you ask since Canada and Russia have 4 bars? The answer is Engineers - I am seriously lacking them. Remember that some buildings require more engineers the more you have them like Satelite Uplink. Also the more you have them the cheaper are items to manufacture.


Also we have next abudction site. This time I go to Germany for engineers. Yes I know Canada will be in trouble but a satelite at the end of month will help. Also I could have council mission there or even terror mission. I just hope to get some laser weapons before that.


One more thing - we capture some aliens too.



I've also noticed that spawn points are the same for each map. But of course each variation will have their own spawn points. You could remember that position and next time you will be prepared for that.

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Yesterday during recording my HDD where I save my movies stoped responding. I though I made a backup save after last mission but unfortunetly I didn't and had to re-do last mission. I didn't get the same missions but close enough. Mexico was there so Canada is still in danger. Instead of Germany I had Russia with 4 Engineers too and on the Asian continent Australia - so in that department nothing changed that much.


On battle instead of my sniper got wounded, my heavy got wounded and I managed again to capture that sectoid.


When it comes to grey market request I didn't get satelite from Argentina but something much easier. I will not accept it just to be close to the original playthrough.

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New UFO flies over Japan. Our interecptor in Asia baerly shots it down. The team that was sent manages to capture a floater and Outsider.


Damaged stuff gave enough money to build that uplink and it looks like we will manage to keep countries on our side this month.

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After last mission I've noticed that I didn't setup research project - curses. Well I've fixed that - interogating that sectoid will speed up my laser weapons project by 4 days.


And few days later a Terror Mission in Canada. That is nice location if we can handle it Canada and North America will be safe from panic. The problem with first Terror Mission is that:


A) There are Chrysalids :shivers:

B) I don't have lasers

C) My team is full of heavies and snipers.


Of course I could sell again those Nav computers and build 3 lasers - but going with rookies .... well.


My only assault and support still have 1 day of recovering.

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In this mission we got landed UFO. Because my frontline soldiers are at med-bay I bring 2 rookies to train them because my team consist of mostly Snipers (sic!) and I need those Assaults.


The aliens bunkered themselves good and when doing flanking maneuvers one of our Rookie was not fast enough to dodge Outsiders plasma rifle. Good thing he is a rookie - bad thing - he could be my second assault !! And of course our second rookie is again a sniper !!



I've customized some soldiers off screen if you are wondering.

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mooooore, gimme moooooore banana.gif


Just subscribed to the forums just to state my addiction to AARs, this one especially, since I've tried a couple of Classic + Ironman Starts myself and my squad always got wiped out :(

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Thank you - it means much to me. I'm trying with daily updates. To be honest I am bit concerned right now with money flow and energy crisis - those steam vents are very far. I didn't get much council missions for extra money which is bad. Probably next abduction I will go for that 200 credits if I get the chance.
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You shouldn't have cancelled the mission. You could have gained some money there and it's not your fault that PCs are pretty instable sometimes.

Would have been a little extra smile.png


Don't worry about failure. Would be boring if that possibility didnt exist. I wouldn't find an AAR with save/reload abuse as interesting as this one ^^



What about researching a slightly different path to get that UFO-Source energy generator up and running instead of these steam generators.

Might be a cheaper solution in this case.

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Erm... what?





We got another A report from Council. More base building though I think I made some planning mistakes with it. Money is still an issue (it always will be).


We got another UFO to take care of and I am really pissed with the number of snipers in my team.

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Sorry, my fault. I was talking about that request you mentioned:


"When it comes to grey market request I didn't get satelite from Argentina but something much easier. I will not accept it just to be close to the original playthrough."

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It's another abduction site and we finally met one of the strongest enemies - the Mutons. Only 2 but they can wreck havoc to our squad. We have nation panicking problems but you should guess what are my plans for the end of the month. If not then stay tuned.


I've went for the money because I will need to be prepared for next month.

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Today we are going for the Abductor UFO in USA. Our Interceptor manages just barely to shot it down. Remember folks - research those Floater corpses and have some evasion matrices just in case.


Do you know now what I am planning for the end of the month?

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