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Do UFOs ever land if you leave them?

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On normal, I've never needed more than 2 EMP blasts to down battleships... And I've never had a Firestorm even slightly damaged by anything other than said vessel. Even then it's always less than half :P Aerial combat is a cakewalk once you get the FS
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Consider this thread spring cleaned. We've got a lot of discussion going on in the wrong places atm (I'm guessing because we're all still pretty excited about this game!) but this thread asked a very specific question whihc has been answered. Keep the nonsense chat to the necessary forums please! This thread should be considered closed, the OP got their answer a long time ago!
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Why are we cutting out the "nonsense posts"? We've not done that in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages (unless they're spam bots). Can we try not to rub folks up the wrong way please?


(Don't spring clean my post :P).


On a more related note, there is a new feature in the next version of the forums due out "soon" that will allow moderators and topic starters to assign a reply as the "correct answer" so that it can easily be identified and it is automatically displayed beneath the original question. That way these threads can get as messy as you like and it still works fine.

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I just had a situation where the only interceptor that would launch got so badly mangled in the attack that I had to back it off. Took me ages to figure out you could select the scan option by pressing down to skip the event. This game just isn't designed for console gaming... doh.


However, it would've been nice if it followed the same sequence of doing what it came to do then escaping once it's done.



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