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Which Way to Valhalla?


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King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

We pursue King's Bounty: Warriors of the North. Katauri Interactive's continuation of the famed turn-based strategy series seemed to dash into the snowy viking landscapes without much of a trace, but a sighting has occurred.


Given the rather sparse coverage of the game after its announcement it's nice to see someone spending hands-on time with it and revealing what was found.


Strategy Informer apparently enjoyed the company of maidens:


The Valkyries are the highlight. Whereas in previous games, the players gained bonuses from wives, husbands or children, Olaf can have up to five supernatural warrior maidens as followers, each of them sporting a different type of magical power.


Whether this shall indeed lead to fun in paradise or not later this Autumn remains to be seen, but we'll keep you posted, and the mead flowing.

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Pre-purchase is now available through Steam with a 10% discount and special bonuses to go with it (Valhalla Edition and free copy of Fantasy Wars). smile.png


The game will be released on the 26th, so the promotion is valid until then.


GamersGate and other digital retail outlets also have it up and with different offers and bonuses.




So, I guess you better get cracking then, FireWarrior. wink.png

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