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Everything posted by ender

  1. If you look at a loaded weapon in the inventory screen, you can see the damage statistic. It will say xxx + yyy. That 'yyy' is the bonus from your enemy skill. Average enemy skill gives +0%, lower than average gives a penalty, Super Heroic give approximately +80% damage. For example, my super heroic leader's XMB does 280 + 224 dmg/rnd. A soldier with Very Good and an XMB deals only 280+74 dmg/rnd. Sadly the leader bonus to improve the damage of nearby soldiers seems to not work at all. A soldier with Very Good enemy skill will still only deal 280+74 dmg/rnd with the Super Heroic leader around. Knowing this, I'm thinking prioritizing Enemy over actual Gunsmanship skills is a good idea.
  2. Yes, I'm comparing damage before and after and it doesn't change. Only my leader has the huge damage bonus, everyone else does far less damage.
  3. Planned out my group build for a Super Human playthrough. Expected my level 2 leader with super heroic Enemy skill to turn my team into destruction incarnate with that juicy +80% damage bonus. Instead I'm seeing no change. Is this a known bug or am I misunderstanding/misusing the leader bonus? I can see the "Soldier gets bonus to Enemy skill" on the portrait of the other soldiers. On a related note, does the special Psionic equipment work right? I'm a few days off from getting it and I was planning on making an entirely psionic team to utilize all of those nice bonuses. It would be a bummer if they turn out not to be working either.
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