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Everything posted by Aztook

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSgfyJoVC1c
  2. http://i.imgur.com/utcYO8u.gif But (somewhat kinda maybe possibly) seriously that just might do it.
  3. Screw Jaws, I'd never go near any source of water if someone made a kind of horror film based on those things. Well beside the goblin shark, looks like one of those long nosed cartoon characters. Plus he's got such a lovely smile, what with that mouth full of teeth just waiting to bite into something. I have all these images saved in my favorites. If anything I'm just happy to let these have use finely! Before you ask sadly No its not porn, just alot of useless images I've found over my years of stalking the internet(mostly Reddit but that's like most of the internet right?) http://i.imgur.com/faJcAOB.png
  4. TL DR of Dark Souls in Gif form PVE http://i.imgur.com/f6ZY5Mo.gif PVP http://i.imgur.com/z2ORn.gif
  5. Not really any game. Just after reading through (Many) AAR and seeing my curiosity and liking of strategy (mostly grand strategies, also known as 'wtf are all these buttons for?!') grow for a few months and seeing the group here seems to be a rather 'less seriousness more gaming' kind of group I could not pass to try out being around here. I guess I should add to this instead of just talking mindlessly. Though that is what I seem to do best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjBZiyKWQA "There seems to be clayemore mines there Snake" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWnJDyJm3Zc
  6. You think thats bad? That was my first post on this forum. Now I shall always be known as that guy who made people question their sexual orientation. Which is not as great as it sounds.
  7. Obviously dudes in wigs... and bras... Don't go judging them! D:
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