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Everything posted by Orm-Riva

  1. Orm-Riva

    XCView is here!

    orm-riva, your a little behind the times, don't you think? Always. :> Well, I still haven't installed any of your mods, but it SOUNDS like what I was looking for. I'll get back to you later on. Thanks!
  2. Orm-Riva

    XCView is here!

    Kinda off-topic, but has anyone ever tried to make a "real" weapons mod for X-COM 1? I know there's one available for download on the site here, but as I recall it was kinda weird. I mean replacing the pistol with (for eg, American stuff) an M9 and the "rifle" with the M16 and so on. Any thoughts?
  3. Finally got around to creating an account. Hey, how are ya. Thanks to Jellyfish for clarifying the entire bullet-resistance thing; I try, hopefully successfully, to bluff my way into sounding like a knowledgeable military expert when in actual fact most of my information about warfare is gleaned from less-than-trustworthy sources such as movies and the news. Any genuine or accurate technical term or function is either fluke or the work of Draken-Savage, my 'volunteered' proofreader. Feel free to point out any other problems, issues, or whatever you find; I'm always happy to try to improve my work.
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