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Everything posted by Thunder787

  1. lol this is so old by the time I stumble upon it, (which is today) I loved the Microprose games and only recently was able to reconnect to them via the remake version that runs on the later Windows. June 2008 was the last post in this lol, I hope this isn't the end of the story for this X-Com thread. It was building up the early stage of an X-com campaign but without passing the Aquatoid time frames. Heck Gillmen weren't even encountered yet. I think you guys got the historically-restrictive parts out of the way already and now come the creative parts but no more posts lol. If there's a lack of event, or fear of over-treading characters made by others, why not make squads for your characters. Squads can help with rotations of duties and make for round the clock interceptions. Plus the rivalries, co-operations and camaraderies can be plenty of writing materials. I think you could even run a campaign and have a written descriptions of battles/events from what happen in game chronologically.
  2. X-com as an organization has other concerns to worry about than deciding who to sell excess weapons/techs to. The world goverments ought to see that the alien incursion as the main threat to humanity's existence. A "terror" organization is only one depending on who you ask. And usually the views regarding an organization's purpose is only geared around petty bickerings, racism and personal profits. X-com's mission ought to be purely geared toward the defense of Earth and of humanity. This means the X-com agenda should differ from those petty ones of the goverments of the world. If they can gain more money from selling to the highest bidder, and last longer fund-wise, then why not? If any organization have a problem with who X-com is dealing with, then why don't they outbid or step up themselves against the alien? When the dust settles and humans are left standing, then X-com has done it's job. We humans can then go back to our bickering and moronic self destruction. Until then, X-com has to survive, if only because Human has to win... (I know this whole section is old, but after reading such wonderful and well thought out pieces, I felt I had to post)
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