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Everything posted by Monosynaptic

  1. I'm actually trying to, without mods (since MapEditor isn't agreeing with me today... well, dataimport.exe is the problem, technically) downgrade a high-level, expensive hire-able merc down to my hero's level, as well as strip him of most of his perks (which would make the game a little too easy). Dropping his level is as easy as "setxplevel x" (and tweaking stats and skills is just as simple), but all his perks are assigned before I can get him out of the filing cabinet. Anyone have any ideas? I do realize I'm reviving a year-old thread. EDIT: Ostensibly, Cookie's Character Mod should do just this (reducing price to $5K, while dropping all the hires to level 1 and removing all perks), but all it does for me is just change the price... I don't really want them all to be level 1, just one specific character (and buy the rest as they enter my price/level range), but I guess that'd be okay, since I could use SetXPLevel, UnitSetSkillMaxValue, UnitTakePerk, etc. to bring them up to speed.
  2. I'm interested in how to do this as well. The UnitTakePerk isn't a toggle apparently, so running it on a perk that a unit already has doesn't take it away... There doesn't seem to be an obvious console command to drop unwanted perks. Worst case, would it work to add a low-level version of that hire-able PC and add only the perks we want via the console? That seems like a bit of a pain, though.
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