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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. So for so good, sense I have given up trying to get the orginal X-Com working on my computer. I was delighted to come acrossed a knock-off X-Com. I have no problems, so far except for half my soldiers are in the freaking hospital!! Stupid larva guys. I'm gald to see that they improved the shooting, because in the old version I would accidentally fire into thin air, all the time. I like the experince and yes, I do miss the kill counter. Over all, I'd give UFO-ET an 7 out of 10, X-Com is a solid 9 out of 10.
  2. I tried using the fodders tool, however following the read me file's instructions, the program failed to run. I received an error screen wanting me to report the problem to Microsoft (I didn't), and then a screen popped up saying that the "patch timed out" and the "ok" button. Furthermore, I realized after I installed the X-Com games that they are the "Gold Edition" not the "Collector's Edition", as a mentioned on my original post, I hope that doesn't make difference. I tried the Qres program as well, with a disappointing result. "Command line utility to change screen resolution, color depth and refresh rate.." I'm not sure what a "command line utility" is, so I tried using the right mouse button to bring up a menu that allows you to change the name of the .exe to what the program said too. The attempt failed because, "A file name can not contain any of the following" "/" and ":" were listed as forbidden symbols. "qes.exe /x:640 Changes resolution to 640 x 480" I'll google a "command line utility" and see what it's is. Thank you Slaughter for your post and your time, I'll search the forum later for related topics. Thank you for your time; That Guy
  3. I'm tried of playing Fallout Tactics, and wish to play my all time favorite games, both X-Com: Enemy Unknown and X-Com Terror from the Deep. I didn't care for the UFO versions, I don't remember why. Obviously, people are still playing the X-Com series and I would like to know how. Some further information, I have the Collector's Edition, it has the forementioned X-Com games and inaddition it has X-Com Apocalypse (I never played it). I'm not that computer literate, so keep it simple, please. Thank you for your time; That Guy
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