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Ego Terrorist

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Everything posted by Ego Terrorist

  1. Hi! (BWHAHAHAHA!! One more post closer to world domination!!)
  2. Hmm...not to sure about that, as I've never encountered a similar problem outside of the game, that said I could be that something in windows is affecting the game...but no, the problem seems to be with the geoscape, especially when I press the arrow keys for a prolonged period. But I'll keep an eye for that sort of a problem just in case I am wrongth.
  3. I think the global spin is just a variation of my problem. I think the problem is related some how to my holding down the down arrow key for too long, why that is significant I'm not too sure. However I've found that sometimes when I switch to a none geoscape view (Glossary, Squad, R&D etc) and then return to the view normal service has resumed, also when press the 'Connect' buttons on my keyboard and the receiver the problem also seems to go away, presumably because the connect is reset. I'll have a play around later today to see what I'm doing at the time and if my solutions do work.
  4. Game Version: English 1.3 DX9 Win98SE 1.2Ghz 416Mb RAM 40gig HDD CDRW DVD Geforce 2 MX (32MB) The problem that I've encounted is that for some reason, unknown to me, however it seems linked with either new missions and/or the geoscape popup message. The first time this occured, a new mission had just appeared near the north pole, at which point my geoscape rotated itself to directly over the north pole. When I tried to rotate back to where I wanted to look at (US) it rotated back, and this happened, the game seemed to play as normal, just that I couldn't rotate it without the globe returning to the north pole. *However* whenever I captured a new base I gained no new technology, so whether this is related to the geoscape bug or not I can't say. Next day the problem seemed to repeat itself, I wasn't paying much attention, but a message came up (possibly about a new mission, and then the same problem appeared but this time my geoscape was rotating to the south pole and if I tried to rotate anywhere else it would just rotate back. At which point I saved and quitted the game. The problem seems to go away when I quit the game (saving it), but I havn't the foggiest as to whats causing the problem. The only thing I can think that might vaguely affect the game is the fact that I've got a snazzy Belkin Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, but I can'tthink how it might affect the game (drivers perhaps? none of the keys are sticky or anythng like that and the mouse isn't anywhere near the edge of the screen etc...) So any clue asw to the cause of this bug? thanks, and if you need any extra info then just ask
  5. Oh feel free to have political debates and all sorts in this topic, I'm only using it for ranting on a regular basis. Lets the steam out nicely. So yeah feel free to use this topic for political and other sorts of discussions.
  6. lol, my comp is semi stable-ish...it's not crashing like it used to and its shutting down properly, so right now I'm refraining from typing the arcane spell of "Format c: /s". I'll go on a quest to locate this AVG antivirus scanner. But it had better be smallish, as I'm on glorious 56k!
  7. To quote George Owell: "Everyone is equal, its just that some are more equal than others." Which is why in my opinion Communism, especially where the state controls the market will never really work that well. Socialism, Marxism and Communism, are all very well and good in theory, but once put into practice it usually fails that or has the average joe living averagely, and those in power living a life that isn't all too equal...
  8. Bugger me!! 230+ Viruses. One a Worm, the other a Trojan. Well I'm now begining to lock down my computer, I've d/l ZoneAlarm to act as my firewall, and SpyBot Search and Destroy to guard against evil spyware. Now all I need is a working virus scanner. But for the time being the one I used to scan my HDD and clean (or in this case delete) the worm files which were poping up in every shared fricking folder! (I think I shall the brains of Trend see what they think is up with my copy of PcCillin 2000) Bugger me again!! Yesterday I started work. I was apparantly given the worse job in the factory. 3x5 litre bottles had to be loaded onto pallets which were stacked 4 bottles high. Apparantly so I gather from one of my colleages that collectively the three of us would of shifted about 80 pallets - 30 tons, I believe was what he said. Fortunatly I have a 5 day weekend before I go back to work. However I now have a sore back, a bigish blister and more than my fair share of paper cuts. Ugh... Oh and a pre-emptive "Happy Birthday Chung!!!" To..um...chung... Edit: Thanks Skonar for providing links to Spybot and Trend Micro Housecall! (The online Virus scanner!)
  9. *screams* AHHH!!! YOU EFFING WASTE OF EFFING SPACE!!! GRRRRRR!!! I don't effing well believe this! My effing computer is effing screwed again...grrr...grrr...It's about a stable as a mentally unstable patient in a straight coat in a high security mental ward for highly unstable patients! I have to boot it multiple times before it works without hanging or crashing!! Explorer is crashing. My computer refuses to shut down without everything effing programing performing an effing illegal operation!! *screams once again* *calming breathing...calming breathing....sea splashing against the beach...calm...calm...* Great I'm now going to have to have to back up my HDD *again*, format c: my HDD *again*, reinstall all my software...I can't believe this! *calm...calm...*
  10. C6 I believe is the correct terminology, I'd at some point gotten confused between the two! But yes C6 charges are as standard as mentioned in earlier posts. (Oh and thanks!!! You've done a most excellent job! )
  11. Am I a HTML guy? Yup. It's a 'work in progress' As for what I used as a basis for the armour and weapon selection I used Alpha Squad's equipment selection as a basis for the support detachments loadout.
  12. Yorke had been leaning against the cold metal wall since they first arrived here, where ever 'here' was. They were on a planet that much he'd known but given that they were already in Starspawn territory they could be deep within the alien controlled space. He'd been constantly reliving the events that happened several hours ago wondering if there had been anything that he could of done differently...perhaps it would have been better to of not surrendered but then they would all be dead. Which may of been better than being in captivity. Yorke heard Scott stir and come around then he soon heard Scott say. "How is everyone? Everybody here? Injuries?" "Hey Scott, Yorke's here, I'm tired but then it's been a long day." Replied Yorke. "I'm guessing everybody is here and is alive." Yorke paused for a moment and after a lenghty silence where nobody spoke Yorke spoke once again. "It would appear that Wooly and Valery decided to leave the party early. Bastards."
  13. <<Dr Yorke, Medical Office>> Yorke sat down in his chair once again back in his office, he'd noticed how lately he'd either find himself in his office or on the battlefield, he looked at the stack of papers on his desk, medical reports, research progress reports, support squad details and assignments. It seemed that the higher one got up the command chain the more paper work that had to be dealt with. Life was so much more easier when they first set off, even when they first arrived in this hostile region of space, back then all he had to do was medical and autospies and file a report which was forwarded to his CO's. Life as a private was so much easier. "Stuff it." He said pushing his chair away from the desk. Yorke stood up and walked over to his sink and mirror he placed both hands on the sink and sighed while shaking his head, he opened up the tap and cupped his hands under the tap and then splashed the water against his face. Taking the hand towel he dried off his face and looked at himself in the mirror. "Bag's under the eyes...pale complexion, the patient is also complaining of feeling 'down' and 'tired'. The patient seems to be physically healthly however there is indication that the patient is suffering from exhaustion, he doesn't seem to be sleeping well, also has been under a lot of physical and mental strain. Doctor's recommendation: Patient should be taken off the active duty roster pending a full medical evaluation and the resultant treatment." Yorke would of smirked if he wasn't feeling how he was. Refering to himself as 'the patient' felt quite natural, which did bother him, had he really became so detached? though that said his diagnosis of himself was probably quite accurate, after all he knew how he was feeling and how to diagnose the symptoms. Well, he'd deal with that later, right now he was going to try and catch a bit of sleep, after which Yorke had decided that he'd get a bit of the paper work dealt with and then perhaps he'd get a chance to do what he really wanted to do, research.
  14. 27/03/04: Updated to include Assualt, Hostile and Stealth Mission Equipment Loadouts. Is the above layout okay or would people here like a different layout to make it easier for you to read?
  15. Okay here is the Standard Mission Loadout for the Support Detachment, this list will be subject to modification by me to add/remove support detachment members and to add any new standard equipment. Now with added Assualt, Hostile and Stealth! The Science, Medical and Investigation Loadouts will be detailed on this thread eventually...sod willing. Till then, here is the... Standard Mission Equipment Loadout Ned Yorke Doctor (Medic/Medic) Lieutenant Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -X-Com Pistol -2 Spare Clips Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Terra Fléche Trooper/Medic Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Gael McBannok Scientist/Engineer Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -1 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker or Fusion Welder or C6 Charges (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Robert Paul Hacker/Trooper Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -DDU Kevin Bradly Sniper/Hacker Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -4 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle -DDU Ki-tat Chung Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke -1 Spectrum Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Elyas Machera Psionisist/Trooper Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Psi-Amp -Psi-Probe Anne Rallwell Engineer/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -DDU or Motion Tracker or C7 Charges depending on nature of mission Jarl Ryan Trooper/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 Lennox Sinclaire Intelligence Agent (Scout/Scout) Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Frag -2 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment - Motion Tracker Robert Stax Trooper/Sniper Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -5 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle Christopher Xiggores Scientist/Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -1 Smoke Armour -Basic X-Com Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Assault Mission Equipment Loadout Ned Yorke Doctor (Medic/Medic) Lieutenant Primary Weapon -Fusion Rifle Secondary Weapon -X-Com Pistol -2 Spare Clips Tertiary Melee Weapon -Stun Rod Grenades -1 Spectrum -3 Frag Armour -Ferronium Combat Armor Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Terra Fléche Trooper/Medic Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Tertiary Melee Weapon -Stun Rod Grenades -1 Spectrum -3 Frag Armour -Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Gael McBannok Scientist/Engineer Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -C6 Charges - DDU or Motion Tracker or Fusion Welder (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Robert Paul Hacker/Trooper Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -2 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -DDU Kevin Bradly Sniper/Hacker Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -4 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon Laser Rifle Tertiary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -2 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle -DDU Ki-tat Chung Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -1 Smoke -1 Spectrum Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Elyas Machera Psionisist/Trooper Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Spectrum -3 Frag Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Psi-Amp -Psi-Probe Anne Rallwell Engineer/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Spectrum -3 Frag Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -DDU or Motion Tracker or C7 Charges depending on nature of mission Jarl Ryan Trooper/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Spectrum -3 Frag Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 Lennox Sinclaire Intelligence Agent (Scout/Scout) Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment - Motion Tracker Robert Stax Trooper/Sniper Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -5 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon Laser Rifle Tertiary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Frag -2 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle Christopher Xiggores Scientist/Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -4 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Light Ferronium Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Hostile Mission Equipment Loadout Ned Yorke Doctor (Medic/Medic) Lieutenant Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -X-Com Pistol -2 Spare Clips Tertiary Melee Weapon -Stun Rod Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Terra Fléche Trooper/Medic Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour -Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Gael McBannok Scientist/Engineer Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker or Fusion Welder or C6 Charges (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Robert Paul Hacker/Trooper Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -DDU Kevin Bradly Sniper/Hacker Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -4 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle -DDU Ki-tat Chung Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke -1 Spectrum Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Elyas Machera Psionisist/Trooper Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Psi-Amp -Psi-Probe Anne Rallwell Engineer/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -DDU or Motion Tracker or C7 Charges depending on nature of mission Jarl Ryan Trooper/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Spectrum -2 Frag Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 Lennox Sinclaire Intelligence Agent (Scout/Scout) Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -1 Frag -2 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment - Motion Tracker Robert Stax Trooper/Sniper Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -5 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle Christopher Xiggores Scientist/Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -1 Smoke Armour - Vacc. Suit Mk. II Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Stealth Mission Equipment Loadout Ned Yorke Doctor (Medic/Medic) Lieutenant Primary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Secondary Weapon -Stun Rod Grenades -1 Smoke Armour - Nephilim Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Terra Fléche Trooper/Medic Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -3 Smoke -2 Frag Armour -Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -Performance Enhancing Drugs Gael McBannok Scientist/Engineer Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker or Fusion Welder or C6 Charges (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Robert Paul Hacker/Trooper Corporal Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -DDU Kevin Bradly Sniper/Hacker Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -4 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon -Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle -DDU Ki-tat Chung Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader) Elyas Machera Psionisist/Trooper Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -3 Smoke -2 Frag Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Psi-Amp -Psi-Probe Anne Rallwell Engineer/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Fusion Pistol Grenades -3 Smoke -2 Frag Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 -DDU or Motion Tracker or C7 Charges depending on nature of mission Jarl Ryan Trooper/Medic Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -3 Smoke -2 Frag Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Medical Kit Mk3 Lennox Sinclaire Intelligence Agent (Scout/Scout) Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon - Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour -Basic Suit (May be issued with a Nephilim Suit according to mission nature) Specialist Equipment - Motion Tracker Robert Stax Trooper/Sniper Private Primary Weapon -Sniper Rifle -5 Clips for the Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon Laser Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -2 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment -Laser Sight option for Sniper Rifle Christopher Xiggores Scientist/Scientist Private Primary Weapon -Laser Rifle Secondary Weapon -Fusion Pistol Grenades -2 Frag -3 Smoke Armour - Basic Suit Specialist Equipment - DDU or Motion Tracker (Depends on nature of mission, this item may be decided on by the mission leader)
  16. Yorke lay on his back, things hadn't gone very well as of late, the meal every soldier under his command had willingly accepted the deal proposed by Dogget, Sergeant Howardson seemed almost too keen to volunteer his services to the XCR. And once the Sergeant had volunteered...most of the other soldiers present fell in line, until it was his turn to make his choice. In the end it would come down to the lesser of two evils, his gut was giving him a bad feeling about this whole thing. Though if he said no, he'd probably of ended up confined to his quarters, or the brig, that or completely unable to influence the events that could affect his colleagues. He'd made it quite clear that he was reluctant, but then again when the enemy CO also happens to be the only other human you've seen in a long time since the Kabron Pirates makes you an offer, effectivly at gun point, you feel inclined to accept. Though he doubted most of the others felt that way about the XCR and he didn't blame them, several years only raiding and on the defensive, with little hope, and no real chance of getting home, he'd want to accept this chance of a new hope, but something in the back of his mind was warning him about something... Well, he'd worry about that later, right now though he had some paper work to deal with in his new office.
  17. whoa! this is getting werid...though I suppose I did warn that this thread may contain nuts... :) :angel:
  18. eek!! help!! oh wait, ah I see! Nice one Pete though it's a shame you gave into them 800x600'ers :) But yeah, really cool, though when I was looking at it it sorta reminded me of the Federal News Network thingy from Starship troopers (I watched it to check that my DVD player works ) But like I said, very nice and very cool, love the Firestar behind the menu's
  19. It wouldn't surprise me if I did have a problem with that as well, but I've just formatted my little beauty (While Windows was installing my dad taught me to drive...brakeing and getting the car going are a bit of a problem for me!) and so far it's running nice and smoothly, very sweet, everything is in order just need to install the many programs that I'll need and I'll be sorted. Just downloading mIRC, ah...things feel so normal again, no crashing programs no weird rituals required to get the computer to work, next stop once mIRC is in place - Trillian! w00t! So yeah, you reading this, if you havn't already download your copy of mIRC and sign up to XCAS lol, yes, but the main thing is that I'm happy again.
  20. 15 of Feb 2004 Well I've had enough, my computer is on the verge of crashing and I can do almost bugger all on it these days - can't play any DVD's or MP3's can't seem to install any games, Microsoft Word is buggy, Photoshop is very buggy, I havn't been able to run scandisk in over 519 days as it crashes on loading it up, I havn't defraged in 528 days, Explorer is constantly looking for an excuse to crash, but when it isn't it's acting weird, I havn't been able to look at the XCAS webpage without my computer bitching about something on it "An error occured in a plug-in on this page" and the animated buttons arn't working, for some reason I couldn't seem to view webpages on a website which was using php (just got the menu bar and a blank page) "msgsrv32" whatever the bugger is that has to be crashed to view websites - however I can get around this by viewing webpages offline then I view then viewing websites online - but when msgsrv32 crashes (which it inevitably does) then I can't seem to listen to any audio whatsoever. oh, and I whenever I try to shutdown the computer from windows it used to just restart the computer (I've checked the relevant settings and it should not be doing that!!) but now (and the same applies for restarting the computer from the windoze start bar) several programs crash and the computer just hangs. So as of right now I am making the final checks, I shall back up the important files on my HDD to CD-R, settings shall be recorded, then I'll format the bastard and install Windows 98SE (though admittedly I'm tempted to leave it for a night and then to pop down to school and see if I can persuade the IT tech to lend me his copy of Linux (that or a copy of *gasp* XP!!!)) and then reinstall all of my precious software and then pray to the Patron Saint of Technology - Dogbert, to cast out the demons of stupidity and get my computer to work. Hence, as you may of guessed this may take a while (40gigs usually takes around in my experience ~2 hours) Windows 30 minutes, Driver Software, 1-2 hours, everthing else probably a good few hours. So I should hopefully be running nice and smoothly before the Sim tonight, however if things start to go pear shaped then I might be either late or unable to attend, but I'll do my best. So my preemptive appologies if I'm late/unable to attend tonight. Ego/Pickers/Yorke
  21. <<Tis the new year, and tis the time to start a new roleplay thread! So lets get posting!>> Doctor Yorke, Medical Bay, UGS Patton. It had been 12 days since Lieutenant Kacur had died, the fact that he was dead was still fresh in Yorke’s mind, almost a day after Kacur had died he’d had to perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death. Though it was obvious what the cause of death was, the left and right cartoid arteries had been cut through by the knife, and due to the method executed by the offender the windpipe was also cut through. Already the deceased’s heart rate was high, and once the cartoids were cut through blood was being lost at a rapid rate. The much reduced amount of blood going to head meant that not only was the brain being starved of oxygen it was being starved of everything else, within around 15 to 30 seconds the deceased was dead. Bruising to the neck, as well as to the abdomen. Cause of death, brain starved of blood and oxygen, resulting in death. Was something how the autopsy report came out. Weapon used was a knife wielded by Commander Weindhoven, the blood on the knife was the deceased and fingerprints and DNA samples confirmed that Weindhoven held the knife, and blood taken from the Commander’s uniform was that of deceased. And now Weindhoven lay on a medical bed secured by the wrists, ankles and waist to the bed, Yorke had so far treated Scott’s claims with scepticism, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. On the head and on several points on the body were several monitors that were linked to displays that showed brain, respiratory and circulatory rates, the levels they were in were low but stable, the bullet wound sustained had punctured his lower abdomen, some how the Commander was still alive, perhaps the Commander had been given some superhuman ability or not, but either way the only sign of such an ability was the fact that he was still alive, though chances are that it was more due to luck than anything else. The needle slipped in though the skin and he withdrew some blood, he placed along side the urine sample that he’d extracted earlier, he’d been taking samples on a almost daily basis since Weindhoven had been secured. He nodded to Necro and Goorit, would been keeping a close guard on their CO. Yorke strode over to one of the lab benches and placed the two vials into one of the analysis machines, he activated it, punched in the settings and then left it to do it’s work, the results would be found out tomorrow. Yorke looked to his stomach as it grumbled and frowned. It was time to eat. Yorke arrived in the canteen a few minutes later, there were a few familiar faces present busy eating and talking amongst themselves. Yorke got a tray and selected a few items of food he picked a table, sat down and started to eat. Many things had happened since the death of Kacur, with the Commander and the leader of Alpha Team either, incapacitated and suspected of murder or dead. The command structure was thrown into chaos, two senior officers out of the chain. Cyriacus had taken overall command, Scott had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and Yorke had now been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant as well, presumably because Scott had taken up the mantle of XO and Yorke was the Second XO, either way things had changed only a little because of it. Yorke had been known as Sergeant for a long time now. August 29th 2062 was when they had arrived on Mars, back then he was a Private and the ships doctor, now it was 2067 over 5 years he’d been out here, and he was now a Lieutenant and in charge of the support section and R&D. As the time stretched on he wondered whether they’d ever make it back to Earth. As the casualties mounted he wondered if he’d ever make it back alive. Either way he knew he wouldn’t be same person if and when they got back, he’d seen too much, Yorke had never seen real combat wounds until they were stranded out here, he’d never had to perform an autopsy on anyone that he known just a few hours ago, he’d had to in effect let himself become so detached from everyone otherwise he’d never of lasted this long, but now the cracks were showing, Kacur’s death was a blow to him, he’d gotten to know the Lieutenant better than he should of over the past few months, what with Kacur’s Post Traumatic Stress. Fleche had as of late buried herself in her work she was coping but she and Kacur had been close and she’d been hit harder than anyone, but she tried not to show it. “Poor kid.” He muttered under his breath as he ate his dinner, he’d have to talk to her see how she’s holding. But for now he just ate his meal and read up on a few of the medical reports.
  22. Ah, its alright Jacko, as longer as we know we won't be without your Jackson-ism for too long! Hmm, I'll take a look for a starchat java thingy, but another possibility is downloading Trillian and using Trillian's IRC bit to connect. Failing that you might want to pop onto http://www.starchat.net/ and see if they know of any java servers...I'd check it out myself, but right now I'm on the school network, and certain words are banned by the proxy, one of these words is 'chat' so if a website address contains that then I'm kinda buggered. Also take a look at: http://www.starchat.net/java.php?chan=NJPROGHOUSE and http://www.starchat.net/java.php?chan=eda Again I can't tell if they're of any use! Soz!
  23. Well, tell me what you want and I'll tell ya what I can give
  24. Ah I remember it...I think, my advice would be to do a search at Xcommand (link: http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~xcom/x3f3.shtml That should...hopefullly...point you in the right direction for mods and what not
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