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James Specter

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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. Hi, I started solo run (soldier, hard) and was doing just fine with Adhesive plaster or forceps and healed everything I needed, even made my hero suffer extensively to level up HP and evasion. I used all surplus medical items to level up my medicine skill. Once I reached level 35 of medicine skill, which unlocks Gauze Bandage, my hero suddenly cant heal any critical statuses or bleedings (powder etc. still works on bleeding). My level now is 51, unlocked abbey forceps and still can heal only HP. I can use healing items indefinetly on critical statuses(game wont say "cant heal"), game consume one point from that item, it cost me 0 AP and it heals nothing. Pretty sure this is a bug. If I take someone on mission with me, that person can heal me just fine. Even mission allies like that scientist can heal me. So basically now I have two options, both sucks. Savescum everytime I get critical injury that make mission impossible to finish (huge AP loss, blindness) or "break" my solo run by taking medic with me. If anyone have suggestion how to fix this any other way, I would be glad.
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