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Everything posted by xarope

  1. I tried the silenced carbine, it's not silenced! at least, when I tried it! all the enemies instantly could spot me after a shot...
  2. how about increased damage? earlier on sniping only does 40-50 dmg, after range crit perk, I noticed it's 90+
  3. xarope

    Um, weird bug?

    ?!? I've yet to see this behaviour in the game (and yes I have the katana and I use grenades, usually frags, not HE), and I've played through axis on hard, allies on impossible, and now going through axis on impossible. No mods, no cheats, patch 1.1 do you have any mods installed, did any console cheats, how about patch level? maybe the next time this happens, you can open the console and check if there are any "weird" messages!
  4. hmm, this is just the case of someone with a high hide roll versus your low spot check right? like when I first bumped into the grenade toting/shuriken throwing guys (whilst I was level 1 of course - erk), I didn't spot the guy on the left, under the trees, until my sniper walked next to him, at which point in time he threw a few shuriken at point blank range!
  5. when I first finished the axis campaign, I had my soldier in a PK (as otherwise he was a worse shot than my snipers, even with an MG34). However, when I played a 2men (sniper/scout) team in the allied mission, I only used the PKs for the last mission, otherwise I ignored them, and even then I think I could have gone into hide mode, run around the base, and shot her up anyways (albeit a bit more painful, since zooming the camera around gives me a headache in that rocket base). My hanger only had 4 PKs at the end of the game, I considered them that useless!
  6. I mentioned in another thread, try and detach (if you can) the weapons and put them into the base inventory, then click restock. for the laser weapon which you can't detach from the THO's, I put the bhlz (the handheld version) into the heavy weapons inventory and clicked restock to get the ammo
  7. xarope

    The PK thread

    I notice that if you don't have a weapon in the actual inventory at the base, the ammo doesn't show up. Maybe you should take a weapon off a PK, put it into the inventory at base, then click on restock?
  8. heh I keep forgetting this game's in 3dimensions, I usually just play on an overhead view so naturally all my targetting is the tops of things...
  9. I can't target doors with a katana though (you can trim the top of fences so you can scale them, just found out last night). Someone suggested in another thread that you can target the wall instead, I'll try that tonight.
  10. I just found out last night my scout can target a fence and "trim" the barb wire at the top so she can scale it! This was with a katana, didn't try with any other weapon. pity the katana can't be used to also bust open a chest or destroy a door (you can target these objects). I'll have to try to destroy a wall with the katana...now that sounds possible.
  11. I would say the same thing, in my axis game on hard, in the later stages my sniper would get interrupted after his first shot, so in the end I made it a habit of making sure both snipers took their shots simultaneously.
  12. You hit "T" for snipe shot, then click on your target to initiate the snipe, the next menu pops up where you have 4 (5 since the last choice is to take the shot; which you can also do by just clicking on the target again) choices: 1) apply all APs to the shot 2) apply all APs except for the shooting AP cost to the shot 3) apply +10 APs (which gives approx +10%, usually a bit more) to the shot 4) apply +1 AP so you choose (1); note that when I first played through axis I didn't realise this, so my snipe shots all had the same hit % as a normal shot, because when you click on the target again it takes the shot without applying any extra APs to the shot! then hit enter for the next turn (assuming you are done for the turn). If your target hasn't moved, then next turn move cursor over the target, and you should see that your hit% has gone up dramatically! Then target the head by holding down 8 on the numeric keypad, and click again to see the 120+VP damage. note that before I got the increased range critical +dmg, I was still doing 80+VP damage to the enemy. other notes; I am using a scoped M1 garand, haven't found the sea devil in allies yet (yes I know I can getitem it but that's besides the point, why bother playing impossible mode then! the only thing I "cheat" with the console is to save the hour long missions when I have to run off). if you are already doing this and don't get the same results as me, then I apologise, but I'm not cheating or have installed any mods, and I'm not on any superhuman skills levels either. My current allies sniper is approx 110 shooting and 80 sniping and is achieving 1 shot kills, my axis snipers were 130+ shooting and 100 sniping, but as I mentioned, I didn't realise how to add APs to the shot, so each kill was taking 3+ shots! [edit] I should add that you can keep clicking on "Add APs" (whether all, +10, +1 etc) until you use up some quota (maybe your snipe skill?) at which point it will leave you with >0 APs, that's when you know you are at the limit of adding APs to the shot. So for example, I can achieve two kills per turn by clicking +10/+1 in proportion to how many APs I have (currently only 68 for my sniper; my scout has more since she's the one wandering all over the map whereas my sniper sits tight), take the shot, then target the next, click on all but shot cost, then take the 2nd shot; I know my scoped M1 takes 22 APs for the snipe shot (I think it's 22), that's 68-44=24 points of extra% I can add, and if my two targets are close enough that's good enough for 100% to the head [/edit]
  13. huh? I don't understand the gripe people have with the sniper, I am achieving 1-shot kills to the head with the sniper right now, and this is at impossible level. I aim in the first round, then use all my APs to target, next round I take the shot aiming at the head, and its ALWAYS a 1 shot kill so far (assuming I get 100% with the hit of course)
  14. after finishing axis on hard with a 4men team (2xsnipers, 1xscout and 1xsoldier), I've also come to the conclusion that soldiers are useless, and started the allied mission on impossible with a 2men team (1 sniper, 1 scout). the sniper wanders around outside taking out the enemy snipers and prepared positions, with the scout protecting him, then we move indoors with the sniper protecting the scout and "spotting" for her as she goes door to door. If I "T" and target the enemy, then use all my APs to target, next turn I can always achieve a 1 hit kill (120+ VPs, to the head of course), with another 50 APs to take another shot if necessary. My scout took a bit longer to train up, she's now 79% at throwing with some skills taken, so shuriken are 4AP to throw, and at same range as SMG but much higher% to hit than the silenced beretta SMG she carries to blow down doors that are locked. This morning before going to work, I took down 3 soldiers in a room with her, this would have been impossible with any other character (work the numbers: she has 70AP, each shuriken takes 4AP to throw at say 80%, versus a silenced SMG which takes 14AP to shoot, and I've never killed a non-wounded enemy before in one burst with an SMG, even with a soldier!)
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