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Everything posted by DragonHawk

  1. You are, but the real question for me is why you're curious, hehehe. However, having said that, you're NPC assigned to base really. If you want a reactivation, we'll have to talk about it, but until then I'm guessing that you're not looking for one.
  2. My first post in the Aftermath forums... a milestone no doubt. I find that since I tend to be much closer up than in outdoor missions, shotguns do work reasonably well. I'm not sure at which point the aliens get Sun Armour (which would considerably reduce the impact of your ballistic weapons) though. However, just the massive bulk of damage points will ensure that something considerable still gets through the enemy's shields. However, all this relies on being close enough - for being farther out, I have no idea. If rifles is all you've got, you've probably already tried keeping your guys together and grouping shots... The best thing to do might be to move to places where the range of engagement removes the Reticulan's damage-over-range advantage... and nail them with three shotguns at a time. Also, consider taking less than the full seven inside. Contrary to the above get-as-many-guys-to-shoot-the-enemy-as-you-can 'tactic', sometimes I find that if I have seven soldies in the starting section, the nearby plentiful Reticulans sometimes hinder my exit strategy and thus my troopers get massacred with missiles. Unpleasant.
  3. > * CPL_Necro ACTION sitting in his quaters about an hour later watching a vid from the past there is a knock on his door, turning down the volume on his monitor he yells "It's open" CPL_Jackson: ::Jackson bounds into the room with his usual energy, carrying a platter of... something.:: AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDDDYYYYYY!! Whatcha watching? I brought the munchies!!! CPL_Necro: oh, erm hi Jackson! ::he replies somwhat started at a) because he thought it would be Yorke and B) at the shear amount of enery that Jackson always seems to have and minus any chocolate bars, he looks at the plate of munchies:: whatya got there Jacko my lad? CPL_Jackson: You'll love this! ::He lifts the lid on his concoction. On the plate is a vaguely lobster shaped blob of... something.:: I got this from some of the gits onplanet! I was asking them about lobsters, and the locals seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. So they sold me this meat paste, which they said was lobster...I tihnk... and yeah, so I shaped it into a lobster! Neat, huh?? CPL_Necro: erm yea of course Jackson ::removing the tiniest part of the 'paste' he tastes it:: .... DragonHawk ACTION - It tastes vaguely fishy... but nothing really like lobster. At least, not what most people would consider to be lobster. It tastes more like fish gone rancid after too many days in the sun... CPL_Jackson: ::Jackson took a fork and rammed it into the lobster's claw and lifted it to his mouth.:: Lobster made of MEAT.... and good stuff at that!! ::He chomps down on the paste happily...:: CPL_Necro: ::Attempting to disguse his utter distaste for the so called lobster sandwich spread he quickly reached for his wastepaper bin in case Jacko too thought like he did, but in a more vomity way:: CPL_Jackson: ::Jackson was extremely satisfied with the way the whole thing tasted. The texture was a bit thin, but the taste... Wait a minute... Suddenly, Jackson's stomach starts to roil and his bowels start to turn...:: Ugh... Andy... I think... Ugghhhhhh CPL_Necro: ::grabbing the back of Jacksons head and ramming it rather sharply into his wastpaper basket before anything can hit the carpet or anywhere else a projectile vomit can range to:: Obviously Lobster doesn't stick to stomach CPL_Necro: "if you taste a lobster and you gotta vomit" Necro hums CPL_Jackson: ::The quick movement of his brain, not to mention the quick stop against the edge of the wastebasket, combines with the stomach sensation. Jackson spasms violently as he throws up into Necro's wastebin. It passes quickly, with the stench of rotten fish and bile filling the room.:: CPL_Necro: mmm, yummy - warm and lumpy just how I like it! ::He places the basket carefully on the floor as it slops about:: I think we should leave here now CPL_Jackson: Erghh... sorry about that, Andy. My bad... ::Jackson can't muster up quite enough energy to make a witty comment; he's still quite nauseous.:: Yeah, maybe we should leave that for the janitor, ha ha. CPL_Necro: thats not fair, I am the janitor! CPL_Jackson: I meant... uhh... the OTHER janitor, yeah, that's it! ::A light comes to Jackson's eye, though he still looks pretty bleary.:: CPL_Necro: looking a little green there Jacko, be cafeful someone might mistake you for an aquatoid! CPL_Jackson: ::Jackson grinned and tried to revive himself. He could feel some sort of force pooling in his stomach, but he wasn't sure what it was.:: I'd better perk up. We should go harass someone, who's around? CPL_Necro: i think Yorkes about, be he may kill you if you vomit in his vicinity, but if you can move fast enough I saw Xiggy in the lab earlier CPL_Jackson: XIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! ::Jackson bolts off to the lab, his personal discomfiture nonwithstanding.:: Where is heeee???? CPL_Necro: ::sencing a vomit wave approaching, he dives into an off corridor and locks himself in a room until the hurling is over:: * CPL_Necro Action after a while the base is all riding the Vomit Comet and the next day everyone has a bad stomach, asprin and andrew anti-acid all round cried Yorke! END SIM
  4. Story: OS-S01, Mission: OS-01 The Central Canyons, Planet Zeta, 5 April 2068 Ko shrugged off a large portion of his gear as he slumped down beside the 'off-duty' operatives in the canyon. It wasn't very warm, but not cold enough to really warrant breaking out any heat packs. 'Off-duty' meant not on patrol or sentry duties, but it never meant 'not armed'; every operative walked around with their carbines at minimum. Ko preferred the carbine, but he had the paratrooper combination rifle with him this time since he had just come back from patrol. He raised an eyebrow at the Ascidian closest to him. Kin'jih'ma nodded roughly to Ko. The Ascidian had already chewed through a hideous number of food bars, if the wrappers were an indication. "Recon went well. Nothing much in the nearer area, though we managed to pick up some supplies." Kin'jih'ma did not naturally understand the eyebrow raising, but he had learned through prolonged contact with humans. "We have also found the ATV." "That's good news." The operatives would not have been able to drop with eveyrthing they needed for three weeks of combat - supplies were necessary. They had enough to find one of the supply containers, and that gear already weighed enough as it was. Ko made a mental note - perhaps bringing a dedicated survivalist or explorer would be useful... He would have to talk to Ghost about that some day. "Yes, it is. No military targets yet though... Gra'lin'tus is still analyzing the data taken when we came in." "I'll look him up then." Ko stood, and with a nod to Kin'jih'ma, he left the little cluster. He found Gra'lin'tus farther away in the command tent, which was placed under one of many large rock shelves in the canyon. "Hey Gra'lin'tus, how are things going?" Gra'lin'tus was someone that Ko knew well. They had conducted all sorts of projects together since May, when the humans had left X-Com. Ko had a healthy respect for Gra'lin'tus' intelligence. "Information is questionable. The continent photos are showing us a lot of development on the west side of the continent, but very little within range of us. We picked up a few transmissions at the areas marked, so I'll be taking a team in the ATV to investigate tomorrow." "The rest of us do what? Sit around?" "Indeed. You should let the best do the work while you cover us." "Last I remembered, it was not Rho Team entering the UFO, Gra'lin'tus." Gra'lin'tus hurled a small pebble at Ko, which was easily dodged. "Get out of here, you annoying insect" Story 2: Raven's Independence Mission 2: First Strike
  5. Good question, are we simming today? I stay around the channel, but I'll have to leave at around the usual end time in order to get some groceries or other such crap.
  6. Thanks for covering, Ghost. I think we all sort of have daylight savings time, except for some exceptions. On your side of the world though, I'm not sure how it goes, maybe it goes the other way. I'm in channel now, so if you want to stop in, feel free. Remember that today, we're disucssing stuff, not simming, but input from anyone is welcome.
  7. Keep in mind that the medic title does not imply any formal education except for what X-Com gives. Anyone can be made a medic and sent to the training course if they so choose it, and it's basically a course on how to keep people alive long enough to get them home. A dedicated military doctor or surgeon would be carrying the medic/medic designation, which would be Yorke in our case.
  8. LOL. Well said, sir. Shadow, I was referring to a conversation I had with Atzel about three months ago (I think) over ICQ. I didn't realize you were saying that you didn't want another sniper on the team, I thought you were just saying that you were the sniper, my bad. ;)I know you were talking about all our closer missions nowadays too, but really, the second sniper thing was a relic comment from when Snake Eye was still on roster. Sorry for the confusion, I'm an old man, so my memory is dated. My apologies to Sir Shadow.
  9. We could use someone in a medic position, but as Atzel points out, having snipers for every second guy would be rather poor. There also seems to be a great misinterpretation about what the sniper is supposed to be able to do - the image is that of a L337 trooper, running around destroying the enemy like in Silent Scope, which I think is pretty questionable. Guys, we're going to be having a meeting this weekend on Saturday - no sim this weekend. The reason for this is so we can discuss attendence and the direction of the sim. If these two things are related, then by all means then it will have to change, but if they are not, then we are going to have to discuss other ideas. See the scheduling and attendence post for more info.
  10. Har, bad news. First off, all of x-com.co.uk is down for revamp. Only forums are up now, the rest is not. Second, Stax was killed a while back. during a raid on an enemy ship. The enemy counterattacked, and Stax was one of the defenders in the assault shuttle. The attack claimed Stax and three others (Hoz, Paul, and Machera). I don't know anything about MacOSX, but I'll inquire. With regards to activity, the current activity has been low. Ghost and I have been discussing a number of options, but we'll be looking for some group input next weekend. If you have some form of instant messenger, contact me (my info is in my profile), or toss me an email (put XCAS in the title, in case I have to find it in my unreliable junkmail). Regardless, if you're interested in playing, you'll be a valuable addition to the crew (again ). So what happened? And your english does look pretty solid now - congrats on that.
  11. Paronnen II, 26 March 2068 The news had spread like wildfire though the base and through all operational areas on Paronnen. The discovery of alien species, Aquatoids, near a (previously) activated base was too much to blame on coincidence; now alerted to the threat, area commanders had begun scouring their areas for more signs of the alien menace. No other signs had yet been found, but all troopers were warned to be vigilant in their search. The factory raid team had taken Private Stalk's body away from that place, to give it the respect it deserved. It had been a fresh kill - medical evidence showed that she had been pumped full of drugs, had probably been in pain, but was hurriedly killed during the evacuation. Whether it was the Aquatoids that had sent advance warning or the grenade that had destroyed the advance guard post that had the surprise raid, they didn't know. All they knew that Stalk was dead, and that the Aliens were involved. Lieutenant Sinclaire had watched the process with an academic detachment. He didn't think of himself as a cold man, but he tried to keep himself above the feelings that permeated the base now that casualties had been taken. There was some positive aspect, he thought. The Aliens had given the enemy some sort of legitimacy that a purely civil war did not have. It had been tempered by the loss of a teammate, but Sinclaire was almost positive that things would be well within a few days. Shadow was crushed by the loss, but the others would bring him around... or they had better. "Lennox." Sinclaire blinked. Scott was standing in the doorway. "Joe, come on in, have a seat." Sinclaire waved his hand rather unceremoniously. "We've got a follow up. The investigations corps descended on that factory earlier today, arresting the factory owners and installing their own governors for the next little while. All on the evidence of collaboration with 'alien nations' or something like that. The rebels in the basement had set as much of their files on fire as possible, pretty much anything they couldn't take, but they didn't do a perfect job." Sinclaire paused for a breath. He didn't feel Ascidians were as adept at intelligence as humans were, but he had learned to at least keep his mouth shut. "Plumbing plans are not complete, but it's believed that the water in these channels," said Sinclaire, pointing to the area that Alpha had explored, "run from an extensive system underneath the factory. It's an old facility, so they used to dump all sorts of stuff down there, not to mention they used to be into rather complicated construction. Anyway, the place down there is a maze, but not believed to be a large one. Somewhere down there might be a nest of these bloody aliens... Might. Probes have been unsuccessful so far, but I want a patrol down there to check it out. I want a few teams suited up - Shadow and I will lead teams into the maze, you will command a squad to maintain position outside of the entrance. I want everyone on this one, including that fool Xiggores - anyone with two hands and that can shoot in at least the general direction. Get Steiner to put up some form of underwater sensor network as well before he goes in." Scott paused, seeing if there was anything else, then said, "Sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind holding the gun again, even on the chance that I could be back into action..." "Hopefully that won't be the case. There will be a couple of Ascidian teams going in as well. Every team will get stun bomb lauchers too, just on the off chance we can get something useful." Sinclaire grinned at Scott's face - Joe obviously wanted to see some action. "Get the boys and girls sorted out... I want people ready to go in three hours."
  12. > Paronnen II, 23 March 2068 * PVT_Xiggores SETTING - The mess hall was almost empty at this time - it was between meals - but Corporal Necro sat their alone, absently eating as he absorbed the events of the previous day. Shadow had been absolutely shattered at the loss of Rebecca, but the others, newer folks who had never really gotten to know Stalk, had only a passing familiarity with her. Unfortunately for Necro, he's about to have a visitor... ::sitting in the messhall Necro is at one of the circular tables in the corner with his feet up on another one of the chairs. Paper in one hand and a coffee in the other he's enjoying the good life no missions, no aliens and no suit seals. He was glad to be bored for once and had a smile on his face:: ::Xiggores wandered into the mess hall, oblivious to everything as usual. Spying Necro, he comes over rather tentatively. Not sure how to open up to the combat trooper, he just opens his mouth.:: Hey, Andy, how are things going? ::pausing halfway through a sip off coffee he peers over the top of his paper and sees Xiggores, he gulps loudly:: Hi Xiggy ::he replies:: Mind if I join you? How did the mission go? ::Xiggores blinked. He was trying to be more sociable, as Rallwell said he should be, but he had no idea how to go about it. Meanwhile, Andy and Jacko were probably the more personable people in the squad, so how hard could it be?:: ::moving his feet of the chair he point for Xiggy to sit:: Nt good, after all that she was dead, had been for a while sadly, crushed Shadow think he took it the hardest Who? ::Xiggores racked his brain. There was the one woman, on the shuttle team... a medic.:: Stalk, I think? Oh yes, Shadow and her... ::Xiggores face turned red as he thought of that, then he decided to think of something else. He hadn't known her very well.:: That's uhh... sad. yeah, thats teh problem round here, all you new ppl, no one really gets to know one another here I guess so. It's hard though. Now that the Patton is fully crewed, there are more people running around then ever. I mean, last week, I had the ship's first officer bring me a report... I mean, since when have we had these things? ::Xiggores shook his head before grinning.:: But you're one of the old warhorses, so I shouldn't complain. lol, hey I'm not THAT old. ::he laughed, it felt good:: yeah I suppose, protocol kinda went out the window when we first got here Now that people are around though, there are all sorts of rules. Even I remember a time when it wasn't like that... back in the day. Like, what? Three months ago, if that? ::Xiggores smiled. He had no idea why he came back, but he did. It was still mind-boggling, but he felt like he belonged... in a way.:: fair play, so what brings you down to the canteen, surely it can't be Jackos cooking ::Xiggores chuckled.:: Indeed, indeed. Well, in a way. I was looking to get something to eat, but there aren't many restaurants on this boat... ::Xiggores tried to make his tone a bit light-hearted, but it came out rather tense.:: ::he stopped and stared at Xiggy for a while:: you scared of me? I old throw people about if I don't like them ::Xiggores coughed slightly.:: Ahem, well, I think I'll get some food and get back to the ship's labs... some interesting work going on there. I'll see you later. ::Xiggores stood rather suddenly and proceeded to run over to the counter, where Jacko was making some sort of concoction.:: ::he went back to reading his paper, but yelled over the top of it:: if you want something interesting to study its cooking infront of you
  13. Har, sounds good. Best of luck Pete. And let me know what the new XCAS page is going to be. I imagine strategycore.co.uk/xcom/xcas, but keep me posted.
  14. I believe it's time for the semi-annual post on this thread. I agree with NickAragua really. In its own right, its an ok game. Myself, I'm not much into the arcade style of game, but even so I found it to be enjoyable. Ironically though, if it hadn't been an X-Com title, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much... Ok, I know I contradicted myself seemingly, but to make it clear, I probably enjoyed it mostly because it was an X-Com game (even only tenuously so), but I would never recommend an X-Com game being made like that. It happened, and we have to deal with it, but too much of that and I'll go nuts.
  15. Another Christmas, XCAS! Thanks for another great year, and thanks for taking it easy on me and my first year of administration, haha. This year saw the arrival and subsequent disappearance of the X-Com Resistance and our own return to Earth. For the weekends of December 25th/26th and January 1st/2nd, there will be no sim. Stay tuned in the Scheduling and Attendence thread for updates regarding the January 8th/9th. Happy holidays!
  16. Merry Christmas, boys and... never mind, just boys in this game, I think. If someone knows what the bloody red X over the exsystray thing is, let me know.
  17. Paronnen II, 22 March 2068 The team had just entered the sewers. Cyriacus and Sinclaire were sitting in the one of the innumerable buildings that were now springing up on base. This building was dedicated to mission control, or in the case of X-Com, merely mission observance. "Sir?" Both Cyriacus and Sinclaire looked up to see Corporal Peterson, one of Sinclaire's intel analysts. "The maps of the sewers you requested are here and so are your liquid nitrogen quotations." "I guess we can remove the sanitation department from our hit list," said Cyriacus dryly as Sinclaire stepped forward to received the documents. "What's the status on the N2?" "We can have some brought in on an emergency basis, and we've already put forward mission orders to that effect... something about the factory or whatever housing heavy weaponry." Peterson grinned lopsidely. "Not that there isn't anything like that down there, perhaps, but..." "I know, I know. Let's just find out whether Stalk is down there, and get her out." Cyriacus tapped the table patiently as Sinclaire perused the paper. "Nothing much of interest. We projected the sewer system would look something, if not exactly, like this based on the documents we could find. The sensors could be anywhere along this stretch of corridor here," he said, indicating a one hundred twenty metre length. "With the sewer water running through the middle, it divides the walkway into two portions with bridges every sixteen metres. This area here provides a good firing area, but I doubt they will mount any heavy weaponry there - not only a huge consumption of resources, but a low possibility of infiltration... until today." "Sir, contact. From the looks of it, there are one, maybe two moving objects around the right hand corner of the intersection. They seem to be smaller sized, so I would assume they are not Ascidian..." That voice was Steiner's, the new team scout. He was green, to be certain, but steady. He was obviously not talking to Cyriacus, but to Shadow. "What was that?" Sinclaire looked up suddenly. "They heard a splash, sir," Peterson supplied helpfully. Cyriacus vocalized his thoughts. "Would the have underwater patrols? No, that would take as many resources as a squad-support weapon would." "I have no idea." Sinclaire's eyes furrowed. "They aren't exactly fond of water in the broad sense, as a race." Sinclaire turned to Cyriacus. "I think we can say the operation is a go though. We've requisitioned some N2, so I'm going to form the second team and have them accompany the nitrogen and carry the extra suits for Shadow, Necro, and Steiner." Cyriacus nodded. "Get Scott to alert the team."
  18. Raven, get back in the freaking game. We need a third player for Kappa Team still, haha.
  19. DragonHawk


    He's working on being around next weekend, guys, so drop by if you have time.
  20. Paronnen II, 22 March 2068 Sinclaire examined the wreckage briefly. This site had been thoroughly demolished with grenades, thrown by Lieutenant Goorit and Corporal Jackson. The carcass of a squad support machine gun was surrounded by the bodies of a good half dozen Ascidians. Throughout the rest of the floor, rebel bodies lay piled about, as the Ascidian clean-up team reorganized the area. At the north entrance, the bodies of one of the Ascidian assault teams was arranged for transport back to base. That assault had been a bit of a screw up. The team had moved to the second floor quickly, but they had been overwhelmed. Whether by luck or by design, Sinclaire didn't know. The destruction of the north side stairwell had been a good move on the part of Shadow's team, and resulted in the containment of the rebels with only one assault team. Fortunately, Alpha had been able to bail out the remaining beleaguered assault team. There had been a few prisoners, and the Ascidian interrogation team was going over them. Sinclaire didn't speak much Ascidian, but he was working on that so that he could conduct his own sessions. As it was, he wasn't convinced that these rebels had anything of value. They belonged to the Freedom Group, a local group of reformers who wanted the old ties to Ascidia abolished. "Lieutenant Sinclaire." Sinclaire turned to see one of his corporals, a young woman with rather hard set eyes, addressing him. "Yes?" "We've gone over the... establishment. It seems to be purely a bunkhouse or safehouse of sorts." Sinclaire gestured to the surroundings. They were indeed quite spartan, but the remnants of mattresses could be seen about. "Indeed, that we knew already. Is there any evidence that we can follow up with?" Maybe things had been destroyed too readily by the assault teams, he thought. The reproach humbled the corporal slightly. Her eyes narrowed, but she held her ground. "Some, sir. We managed to piece together some data with respect to where Private..." She glanced down at her pad. "Private Stalk might be. A great majority of the rebels were planning to disperse and attempt some sort of resistance on their own. We've managed to figure out just over ten destinations, but we ruled out nine of them as insignificant." "And this tenth location, where is it?" The corporal hesitated slightly. "It's in the industrial section of this city here... sorry, I'm not familiar with Ascidian yet, I just call it THE City, for now." She looked somewhat flustered at this admission. "Well, regardless, there is a vast industrial section on the west side of the city. Pretty much factories and the like. The workers are housed here, but its not an issue. This building here, yes that one, is owned by those sympathetic to the Freedom Group." Sinclaire examined the map and nodded. "Good. What are the restrictions?" "The facility makes a number of things... However, the reputation of the company is that of a community contributor." "Then we can't afford to just let a team bust up stuff in the day time." The corporal nodded. "They can't afford to let the prisoner be seen by workers either though, so she will be housed in a place that is isolated. That really limits things... I'm guessing here, in the third sub-basement. They store heavy mechanical equipment down here, surplused stuff that they rarely use, and in any case a number of the chambers have heavy insulation. I would imagine any of the four could be holding rebels, stockpiles, etc." "Ok. I'll get a team on this one right away. Let's see what we can turn up." ----- Mission Log
  21. OMG, Raven is still alive!!!
  22. Survival of the fittest... and I suppose Americans are no longer fit. Asia will inherit the world... It's only a matter of time, har har.
  23. Last update - by some bizareness, I have actually found employment. I shall be returning to Ontario next week to start on the 29th, which is the week after. Shadow will be in control of the sim for the 27th and the following weekend as my internet status will be tricky... Anyway, official post in the scheduling thread to come.
  24. X-Com Officers Quarters, 20 March 2068 Scott looked like a minor hell. He obviously was not particularly happy about his new activity (or non-activity, as some unkinder soldiers might mention) status. The wound suffered on Paronnen IV's moon had removed him from the active roster - no eager soldier wanted that. The wound he had taken was almost invisible to the casual observer. Only the most astute would see the stiffer bearing marking the hidden discomfort. While Cyriacus couldn't claim to know how Scott well, he knew enough to know that Scott was pained in more ways than physical. Well, first things first, thought Cyriacus. "Lieutenant Scott, what's Alpha's current status?" "Team is still mission ready, sir. Sergeant Goorit is doing a fine job as a leader." "Excellent." Cyriacus nodded to the report on his desk, filed by Shadow himself. It was only a page; at least Shadow wasn't too verbose. In it, the mission had been outlined briefly. It had gone off pretty well... Well, except the loss of one X-Com soldier. Her whereabouts unknown, Private Rebecca Stalk was missing in action. Cyriacus wondered exactly what must be going through Shadow's mind. It was no secret that Stalk had been all over Shadow like... like... Cyriacus couldn't think of anything that would accurately describe the relationship, but it seemed pretty intense to him. Then again, Cyriacus had no love other than his job; maybe it was just lack of perspective. Regardless, after calling in the security forces, Shadow's team and his hand-picked Ascidian soldiers scoured the forest for any sign. While the tracks could be followed, they ended at a clearing about five kilometres away. By the time X-Com forces reached this clearing, the rebels had transferred themselves into vehicles stolen from a nearby farm. The rebels would be in a new hiding location by now. However, this issue could not be pursued now. "Scott, I'm going to transfer you to my personal staff. As I don't have a operations officer, you will take that place. There have been some changes in organization, and I will forward you the new chart, but you'll be on my advisory board with XO Lori Fontanna, intel officer Lennox Sinclaire, and my logistics officer... when I get one. Until then, you'll take that off of Fontanna's plate." It looked as if Scott tried to hide his emotion, but if so, he failed miserably. The look of sadness mixed with the understanding that this was for the best - it was heartbreaking. "I'm sorry Scott, but I can't place you on active duty unless you are ready for it, but you're not. It's time for you to accept a new role." Scott's face hardened almost imperceptibly, then he nodded. "Yes, of course... Who will replace me?" "It's your choice. Pick. I would think both Sergeant Goorit and Corporal Evander could be elevated fairly - both have good command potential... Though they both have a bit of a maverick streak as well." "Sergeant Goorit, sir. He's senior, and he knows his business as well as having studied the officer's manuals under Lieutenant..." Scott hesitated respectfully at mentioning the dead officer's name. "Kacur's orders. He'll be the best choice." "Good. I'll have the supply officer... err... that would be you, issue him a new set of insignia. Let him choose his team sergeant when he's ready. I'll file the orders immediately." "Yes sir." Taking Cyriacus' cue, Scott left, leaving his Colonel in thought. X-Com Officers Quarters, 21 March 2068 Sinclaire was a man of meticulous strategy, or so he thought himself. He pored over satellite data, trying to find pinpoint where the rebels had gone with Stalk. His resources were more finite than that of the task force intelligence staff, of course, but he didn't really trust the Ascidians to be as concerned for an alien as for one of their own. Sinclaire was a character of bizarre views in that he was willing to trust the Ascidians on matters of military importance, but would not heed their advice on political or personal planes. "Lieutenant Sinclaire" Sinclaire looked up to see one of the troopers entering the office. It was the excitable one, hence the shouting down the corridor. "Corporal Jackson? What can I do for you?" Jackson almost threw a package with the Ascidian military logo on it. "Just came by in by runner! The gits looked pretty happy, for gits, sir." Sinclaire grinned as he caught the package. "Well, well, I wonder what we have here..." He opened the package and flipped through the few pages worth of content, then through the photos. "I think we've got another assignment on hand. Let's go bug the Colonel." Mission Briefing Mission Log - Argh, my computer crashed and I lost the first part of the log!
  25. Loonie, the last thing you need is another ICQ number. You always seem to have another one, hahaha. Anyway Bob, we talked off-record already, but just wanted to say you're welcome to drop by whenever you're free. Your contribution to both Loonie's and my own administration have been invaluable, and I appreciate it. You settle your life down, you focus on what's important to conquer now, and feel free to wander back whenever you're ready.
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