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Everything posted by Milly

  1. So the missions in the game (not random encounters) are different each time you play? I wasnt really sure about this game, but the idea of a turned-base WW2 game with pretty good graphics and environment interaction sounded too good to pass up. Hopefully some better lookin uniforms will make me want to play the Allied campaign and this game will give me some good replay value - Milly
  2. Those Swiss... always up to somethin :wink: Well, I havent played the Allies too much yet, I beat the Axis missions, and was going to go onto Allies, but the Allies look horrid in my opinion. They all look like Civil War era soldiers! Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Enemy at the Gates, all very fine historically correct movies, and none of the available Allied uniforms resemble anything as cool as the Axis scouts or soldiers. - Matt
  3. Yeah, directly after I posted that I found some in a very odd... very... well, a very weird place. Some of you may know what Im referring to, I dont want to spoil it for ya. Anyways, thank guys. Also, how does the weapons cache work? Like, I put a Allied gun in there, went off, did some missions and came back and then there was tons of ammo for it in there too, yet my STG 43 never has any ammo? And is the Armord Suit section for PKs? - Milly
  4. I see, my intial thought was it was a 'Parking Garage' but I found out you couldnt drive vehicles (in the normal sense) and I went to that mission (in Ural Mts) where you first find PKs and cant set off any mines (at least that was MY first time seeing them) so do I encounter PKs on Random battles? Because there are no more missions =-( - Milly
  5. How do I do that? Can I leave missions while wearing PKs? Thanks again, Milly
  6. Can anyone PLEASE tell me when/what you have to do to get into that damned door marked 'P' in the Barracks/Command Center place where you outfit your troops? I beat the game in the Axis campaign and Im level 15-20 and its always locked! - Thanks [Milly]
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