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Everything posted by ImperatorMJ

  1. Also, this is a bit off-topic, but can someone please tell me if there's a level plateau? How powerful can guys get? I'm not really sure how I should be allocating my abilities because I don't know how many picks I get. I combed the manual and couldn't find anything.
  2. I suppose this has been covered someplace, but how do you get the Katana if you're Axis? I guess I'd assume that because it's a high-level Axis weapon, it'll show up in my gun locker later in the game? See, I know the Allies can get it in the random encounter in Northern Britain, but as a German, I can't do that.
  3. Still, an abandoned base with four messages conveyed over radio is just ridiculous. The Axis can't afford to staff your hq? Are we supposed to believe that the Axis base is in Allied territory, so it operates on a skeleton crew to maintain secrecy? Besides, an Axis staff at base would provide additional kitschy dialogue. Man, that stuff's hilarious. Have a good war!
  4. Plus, here's a fun idea. Maybe Thor's Hammer is an embryonic version of SPECTRE.
  5. I'll grant you that if all you saw was the FRONT of the US box, you'd get the impression that it was another *$^ "Invasion of Normandy"-type game. I thought the box was honest enough, though. If you looked on the back or on the inside "leaf flap," you could see Germans, British paratroops, etc. Besides, doesn't it say on the box that you can play as different nationalities? So how is that dishonest?
  6. Yeah, I figured it was something like that. I realize that there's no sweeping, Anna Karenina-like story going on in EITHER campaign, but why skimp on the Axis? Aren't the Germans worthy of a little medic/supplier/base commander lovin'?
  7. Yeah. It was even developed in time -- they COULD have put it in the game. Still, just because Bond the suave, experienced double-oh uses a PPK, that wouldn't mean that Bond the punk kid navy commando would. He could use a P38 and find that he likes Walther guns in general. Besides, at the beginning of Dr. No, you can see that prior to the PPK, Bond carried a Beretta. It's established that Bond has used and can use different guns. And don't get me started on that P99 crap...
  8. Hey, I'm playing the game through for the first time, and I decided to play as the Axis, specifically a German scout. I've been watching my brother as he plays the Allies, though, and are their definite difficulty and plot richness differences between the campaigns? We're both playing on Hard level, and our guys are at about the same level (7 or 8). The Germans he meets fight like transplanted imperial stormtroopers. In contrast, I'm running into enemy officers who can grease me from across the screen with a Mauser pistol. The Allies also seem to get more dialogue and more mission explanation. Can anyone else confirm this? Was I supposed to play it through the first time as the Allies, get all the depth of dialogue and so on, then go through again as the Axis and get an actual tough playing experience?
  9. Has anybody tried making Bond as a character in the Allied campaign? The classic Connery-era Bond would have been a young guy (about 20 years old or so) in 1943. A British Scout with high shooting would be just about right.
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